May Game Spotlight
Atlantis Contest
Quick Poll Results
Monthly iPad Giveaway
May Kicker
“What’s New and a Kicker”
Our monthly newsletter designed to keep you up to date with everything that is going on at VideoPoker.com — plus a little bit more!
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May Game Spotlight – Super Peek and Play Poker
This month, we are featuring a brand new game called Super Peek and Play Poker. Building upon the excitement of Peek and Play Poker, which gives players a look at the next draw card, Super Peek and Play adds the option to hold or burn your "peek" bonus card. When the card plays well with your hand, hold it for a guaranteed draw card on all lines. Not a helpful card? Burn it and get fresh cards on the draw for more winning opportunities.
Members earn 2X Players Club points for playing this month and can play Super Peek and Play Poker right now by clicking here.
Atlantis Contest
Our friends at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa - Reno have a free contest! The contest starts on May 5th and continues through May 14th and features one of our newer games, Ultimate X Bonus Streak Poker.
This is your chance to win a luxurious VIP Getaway to one of Northern Nevada's Top Rated Resorts (#1 Reno Hotel on TripAdvisor!), as well as great prizes.
Click here to learn more or to enter the contest right now.
Quick Poll Results
Last month we asked: Have you played Hundred Play Draw Poker in a casino?
Monthly iPad Winner – It Pays to Play!
Congratulations to fleder, our latest iPad winner. Fleder qualified with 175 contest sessions in April. We've also awarded GOLD memberships to 10 other random winners.
At the end of every month, we have a random drawing and award a brand new iPad Air to one lucky winner and GOLD memberships to 10 other winners. Each contest session you play during the month is a chance to earn an entry into the drawing, so the more sessions you play, the better your chance of winning!
Since all contests are now playable on mobile devices, fleder will be able to play on a brand new iPad!
This Month's Kicker
On Saturday, April 8, at Harrah's Atlantic City, I sat in the Diamond Cove at a 25 cent Video poker machine playing Double Bonus. I was dealt a straight consisting of A,K,Q,J of hearts and the 10 of spades. I turned to my husband and said, "look at this - they never fill in." Then I hit draw and beheld the beautiful 10 of hearts. Royal number 1. Fifteen minutes later, I held the A,K,J of diamonds and drew the Q, 10. Royal number 2. We were high fiving and laughing - two royals in less than 20 minutes. I hadn't had a royal during the last 2 years. About 25 minutes later, along came Royal number 3. We were speechless. Three Royals in less than an hour at the same machine, playing the same game.
If you have an interesting or funny Video Poker fact or story you'd like to share, please let us know by sending email to comments@videopoker.com
Did You Know Gold Members...
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- And much more! |
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