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Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:59 pm
by backsider

My first attempt at starting a thread, which i am doing because webman had to shut down the original one due to a thoughtless personal attack. Ive been following threads on the Palms and how they took out those fpdw progressives that many of us enjoy playing. Theres lots of 25c good games over 100 per cent all over town, but I cant understand why theres so much anger over what the Palms is doing. Didnt everyone hear that they shook up their management and owners recently? What do we expect after a move like that? Would we rather they shut the place down?  Even though Im not one to chase these games I do play them whenever Im near them. There always seems to be more than enough seats too, which makes me wonder if the complainers really do play them. I think quarter players cant go wrong no matter what machines we play. were not going to break the bank and the casino isnt going to break ours.Is it all in the mind? 

Re: Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:06 pm
by Eduardo
It is pretty simple really. How many times have you hit a simple flush or a full house in your life on a less than perfect pay table?
Multiply that by the denomination you play. 
That is how much money you would have won on a better pay table like at Palms, with the exact same cards.
If you have no problem "tipping" the casino every time you hit a flush or full house, play away my friend.

Re: Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:03 pm
by New2vp

The topic of whether the new management of Palms is making intelligent decisions by its downgrading of its selection of video poker offerings would seem to be quite relevant to members of this and other video poker fora.  I would think that people can line up on either side and discuss the pros and cons of the choices without ad hominem arguments.  Personal characteristics of proponents on both sides of the discussion would not seem to be relevant to determining which side is correct.  Time may tell, but other factors will probably not remain constant, so we will likely never know definitively if having near full-pay video poker offerings contributes positively or negatively to a casino's overall long-term financial well-being.Another thought:  Of course, if casinos actually operated in an underhanded fashion as suggested by some posters here, they wouldn't have to go to the trouble and negative publicity caused by removing player-preferred pay schedules!  They would simply make those little tweaks that the authorities would ignore and no one would notice.  I guess this would suggest that not all businesses show disregard for laws and regulations.  Talk about things that make you go hmmmm.  Oh, by the way, if any of you are wondering about the empty quote box above, it seems that a member found my previous post to be evidence of me being rude and stuck up.  Basically, my post simply
contained many direct quotes from the member and praise for how well he verbally treated others with whom he differed.  I guess his response suggested that my praise may have been misplaced, but nevertheless I wanted to make amends by not posting his own words, which he evidently construed to be offensive on my part.  Please review the previous post and let me know if you find an insult or injurious remark and I will consider an apology if appropriate.

Re: Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:26 pm
by royal flush

yes on fpdw vs nsud 1% difference at 700 hands per hour thats 7 extra hands it adds up quickly he can "tip" the machine

Re: Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:28 pm
by Tedlark

  Did the Maloofs sell the Palms?

Re: Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:59 pm
by EDC1977

They now own 2 % It's in the archives.

Re: Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:43 pm
by backsider

It is pretty simple really. How many times have you hit a simple flush or a full house in your life on a less than perfect pay table?
Multiply that by the denomination you play. 
That is how much money you would have won on a better pay table like at Palms, with the exact same cards.
If you have no problem "tipping" the casino every time you hit a flush or full house, play away my friend.
 This I understand, and I would feel that pinch if I played every day in grind-it-out fashion. But how many people here do that, and then how many people post those pretty pictures of big jackpot hits on less than fullpay machines? In fact I scour now and then and I dont recall ever seeing any pictures posted or big hits on the +positive games. I dont win often, but i have a much higher percentage of jackpots on the negative games than the positive ones. Flushes, fullhouses, phooey! Ill take Manhattan!  new2vp, I just saw your comment about machine tinkering as a way of helping the financial situation at the Palms. I think theres only one statement left that youve missed commenting on since ive joined, thank you for being a fan.  Maybe they already do it, maybe theyre against it, maybe the boss has a hangnail and cant take any chances, or maybe they dont like the class of locals who play these fpdw machines. Take your pick.

Re: Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:13 am
by New2vp

new2vp, ... I think theres only one statement left that youve missed commenting on since ive joined, thank you for being a fan.Really?  Which statement was that?  I wouldn't want you to think I wasn't thorough or that I didn't care!!Seriously, I will have to disagree.  I think you have posted 4 times as often as I have since your join date, with more than twice as many of my posts being concerned with more serious topics than pointing out inadequacies or inconsistencies in your discourse.  Until now, I'd commented on fewer than 10% of your posts, even if you count responses to statements you directed at me.Im glad you dont post much because you are rude and stuck up.OK, now I'm confused; you made the first declaration less than 8 hours after this second one.  Do I post about virtually all your statements or do I not post much at all?  Is your evidence that I am "stuck up" (who talks that way after leaving junior high school??) that I do not comment enough about what you have to say?  Or do I comment too often?

Re: Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:00 am
by backsider

new2vp, I didnt see any mention of this threads topic in your post. webman closed the other thread down because you turned a topic of discussion into something personal about me. I know that made you uneasy, but Im still not commenting further on any of the continuing issues you have with me. As I said, please take a lesson from Frank. A deep breath might help.

Re: Palms, Sams Town, and other local lv casi

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:36 am
by royal flush

the point is this forum is for helping us with finding better games saving money on rooms, food, shows et al. the reason webman closes a thread is when folks get personal about other folks. i see pictures of wins on games with lower paytables but why ruin their day in the sun be positive by congratulating them and be constructive by posting information about good games food rooms shows or anything that might improve the casino experience as i do