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Quick Quads

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:40 am
by morlock1952
I have discovered that when playing quickquads poker that if you are dealt three of a kind (2 to 10) and a card smaller than your three of a kind, it is best to hold the small card and the three of a kind and you will get more four of a kinds. In fifty play poker you will average three to four quads by holding three of a kind and six to seven by holding four. But obviously it has to be a smaller card than what you're trying for.

Re: Quick Quads

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 6:14 am
by DaBurglar

I have discovered that when playing quickquads poker that if you are dealt three of a kind (2 to 10) and a card smaller than your three of a kind, it is best to hold the small card and the three of a kind and you will get more four of a kinds. In fifty play poker you will average three to four quads by holding three of a kind and six to seven by holding four. But obviously it has to be a smaller card than what you're trying essentially just encapsulated the most important detail for executing "proper strategy" when playing Quick Quads as opposed to more standard video poker games.   I would strongly suggest (since this is your first and ONLY post thus far on this forum) that in the future, when you choose to play a specific video poker game, that your first READ up on it and learn what the proper, best basic strategy actually IS for that specific game before actually putting your money in and risking it.....What you described above is precisely the exact point, or aspect, of the strategy for playing Qucik Quads that MOST people fail to realize, understand or implement when they actually play the game.    If you ask any player, like myself (or JETER for example) who plays Quick Quads, and who is asked by other players for help or advice, this is the MOST common point or principle which those players fail to understand or "get" when they play.....furthermore, when someone like myself, or Jeter, explains this part of the strategy to them, most of them do not understand what you are explaining and why.......often it requires further experience (and LOSING) on their part before they finally "get" it.So kudos to you Morlock1952  for "getting" it.......

Re: Quick Quads

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:11 am
by Tedlark
And DaBurglar for this being your 2896th post: you are still a jerk.

Re: Quick Quads

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 9:19 am
by DaBurglar
Nice to see you are alive, well and totally unchanged from you self enforced absence.....there goes all hope that in your soul searching you would have found a way to put your irrational, still seething hatred of me where it belongs (i.e. evaporated) and instead just find a way to co-exist and ignore whatever it is about me that you absolutely cannot stand.    As for myself, I can honestly (HONESTLY) say that up until 4 minutes ago when I read this pointless post of yours, I had not given a single moment of thought to or about you since you last posted here (sometime in late march I think....?)   What does that tell you,  T E D?As to this post, this thread, this poster "MORLOCK", if any of you have seen the movie "Ransom"  or read H.G. Wells then you know how tongue-in-cheek both this poster's post probably is, as well as my own response to it is.......sadly, Tedlark is unwilling (or unable, I dunno) to grasp such subtleties......Forgetting all that though, let's drop down to Ted's level........go back and re-read this posters' first post at the beginning of this thread:    He proudly announces his discovery of the central component of QQ strategy, as though he is Columbus setting foot on the beach of Hispaniola.    It's actually quite funny, especially given its his first (and again, ONLY) post here and obviously he is doing this to simply "earn" what comes with making your first post here, etc etc etc.      despite all this, Ted wants to have all reading this thread believe I just "eviscerated" a innocent naive first time poster.......I'll leave it to the reading audience, as well as to all people who actually KNOW me in real life, to decide for themselves.

Re: Quick Quads

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 7:48 pm
by billryan
I don't need to know you to tell you your answer was snarky, at best. Nice way to welcome someone to the forum.
Everyone is new at some point. I once discovered a foolproof system, only to find out the hard way it wasn't really and it had previously been discovered by a Mr Martindale.
I don't know this Tedlark either but of the two of you guess who I'd rather share an adult beverage with.

Re: Quick Quads

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 10:52 pm
by DaBurglar

I don't need to know you to tell you your answer was snarky, at best. Nice way to welcome someone to the forum.
Everyone is new at some point. I once discovered a foolproof system, only to find out the hard way it wasn't really and it had previously been discovered by a Mr Martindale.
I don't know this Tedlark either but of the two of you guess who I'd rather share an adult beverage with.Oh mean I missed out on having an......"adult beverage" with you by being "snarky" to a one and done poster who posted the equivalent video poker insight  of  THE WORLD IS ROUND?    doh

Re: Quick Quads

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 12:17 pm
by kfed
morlock - Welcome to the forum. Try not to take any of the comments personally. This forum, like so many others, contains a few people that will disagree with or make snide comments to most anything that you post. Don't let that dissuade you from expressing your thoughts.

Re: Quick Quads

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 12:53 pm
by FloridaPhil
[quote=kfed] This forum, like so many others, contains a few people that will
disagree with or make snide comments to most anything that you post.[/quote]You think? 

Re: Quick Quads

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 3:23 pm
by DaBurglar

you know what?  Go back and re-read my first response to this guy......IT IS NOT THAT "SNARKY" (gahhh what a pathetic word from a guy who wants to portray himself as some "BUTHC" poster)     Seriously, if some of you are really THAT offended or find it wayyyyy overboard, then you are totally oversensitive or just intent on criticizing me.       I really was NOT trying to be "snarky" or whatever, but I was intent on pointing out this this obvious one and done poster was essentially plagiarizing the exact basic/correct strategy on a game that MANY people fail to properly grasp when they actually play it.   Seriously, read his one and only post and you will see...... If this guy wants to come back and actually post (IN THIS THREAD) that he was hurt and offended by my response, I will the rest of you, go pound sand.

Re: Quick Quads

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 8:45 pm
by Tedlark
After this post; this bear is going back into hibernation.

1- DaBurglar my "self enforced absence" (your words, NOT mine) was not designed for me to do any "SOUL searching." My soul is and always will be: intact.

2- You push billryan AGAIN, looking for a response from him. Does it make you feel inadequate when you don't get responses to your posts?

3- The POSTER who originated this thread obviously did so in an attempt to gain traction in earning an entry into the monthly Seven Stars contest and I applaud that. One reason I give the original poster credit for doing this is because they (and all the other people who post once to gain the chip) ARE ONE UP ON YOU. In the 21 months that there have been Seven Stars contests you have qualified exactly ZERO, I said ZERO TIMES.

At least these people are trying. You aren't but you'd much rather just slam them.

Yawn, back to sleep.

P.S. billryan, I will definitely look you up next time I'm in Las Vegas.