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Re: May Contest Results: Ultimate X Poker

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:59 pm
by eshkev
WEbman, I am still waiting for my prize for the very first contest in january. perhaps you could check into this?

Re: May Contest Results: Ultimate X Poker

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:02 am
by Webman
eshkev, it looks like it was the Holiday contest where you hit 12x aces.You should have received an email to claim your prize. Did you respond to this email? Most people received their prizes very quickly.

Re: May Contest Results: Ultimate X Poker

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:14 pm
by co.911
I'm looking forward to the July contest.  I don't alway do so good on these contests, but I have fun! 

Re: May Contest Results: Ultimate X Poker

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:09 pm
by Scratch
I just wanted to thank and Greg for my wonder prize package I received last week. It had a lot of wonderful things in it, I loved the shirts (3), the cups, the golf balls with UltimateX printed on them, the hats are great, I am using my nice big mouse pad as we speak, plus all the other wonderful goodies! Getting that nice box full of goodies was like Christmas in June. I do have one suggestion... for the t-shirts -  putting the logo (and the sayings) on the back of the t-shirt, so that everyone who passes you while you're playing video poker at your favorite casino can read it, with a smaller logo on the front of the t-shirt (upper left) as well. This way more people will see the web address and will come and see what it's all about.  Thanks again for the prize package, everything was top-notch!  Good luck to everyone in the June Contest.Melissa (Scratch)

Re: May Contest Results: Ultimate X Poker

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:14 pm
by Scratch

P.S. to my posting....I absolutely love the "Video Poker's Greatest Hits" program that I also got with my prize package. I have learned a lot from it already. I was surprised at the mistakes I was making (when I thought I was playing the hands the right way). Thank you again for including it with the prize package. It's a great learning tool as well as fun, to play all the games included in it. Scratch

Re: May Contest Results: Ultimate X Poker

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:11 pm
by glenbrann
Are the numbers added together? Because the results seem very high for a single session.

Re: May Contest Results: Ultimate X Poker

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:17 pm
by Webman

Are the numbers added together? Because the results seem very high for a single session.If you look at the hands that the winners received, it is no surprise at all.  First place hit 64,000 points on a single hand (dealt royal flush multiplied by 2,2, and 12).

Re: May Contest Results: Ultimate X Poker

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:50 am
by lacamp
Just wanted to say thank you for the contest. I wanted to get a higher score and make it into the top 3. However, I am having alot of fun with the software and learning what mistakes I have been making in the past. I am not yet a gold member, although I hope to be in the near future. As for winning, I played and played and played some more until I made it into the top ten. Then, I kept playing until the very end. I had a great time. Thanks again for having the contest and it is nice that it isn't only for the gold members.

Re: May Contest Results: Ultimate X Poker

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:39 am
by yomama
Can't believe the whining about low scores.  It's entertainment.  Vegas was not built on winners... it all about the luck of the draw.  Just enjoy!!!