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Scores at 7 minutes

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:46 am
by kikuru
I have broached this subject before, I started my play (daily contest) at 09:07 the leader board was already filled up, my question is this, if the game starts at 09:00 and it take an average of 11 minutes to complete 100 hands how is it possible to get a score in 7 minutes?  I have a clock that is timed with an atomic clock in Colorado.

Re: Scores at 7 minutes

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:32 am
by edog743
7 minutes a session is realitively easy it is about 800 hands an hour. a lot of people play faster than that.

Re: Scores at 7 minutes

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:56 am
by Webman
I think I responded the last time you asked...Yes, some people play a lot faster than 11 minutes. 7 or 8 minutes is not unusual for some of the faster players. Some take a good 15 minutes or more.If you don't already, try playing with your keyboard (1,2,3,4,5 or z,x,c,v,b for holds, and spacebar or enter to deal/draw). This can speed up your play dramatically if you usually use the mouse.

Re: Scores at 7 minutes

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:38 pm
by Ambassador E

then theres slow pokes like me it takes me at least 20 minutes to do a 100 hands.

Re: Scores at 7 minutes

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:46 pm
by faygo
After hand, double  mash space bar, score totals instantly and next hand is dealt.  One other thing, don't know  about your PC but both my Laptop and Desktop deal the cards twice as fast with the sound off.

Re: Scores at 7 minutes

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:39 pm
by damule
Plus a fast computer doesn't hurt.