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Power Out at the Golden Nugget

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:00 pm
by BeanBean
Who forgot to pay the bill.
Anybody there when it happened give us a story.. Of course mine would go like this, I just hit a Royal on a $5.00 machine when....
I have been at a casino when the power went off, it was so quiet an errie for a few seconds then all the backups kicked on, it took about 20 minutes and my machine finally booted back up and back to gamble gamble gamble.

Re: Power Out at the Golden Nugget

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:42 pm
by marie meijer

We were on the old monorail between MGM and Bally's and up rather high. It was night time when the power went out and the monorail stopped for a few minutes. It was WAY too far to think of jumping. SCARY! The lights soon came back on and we moved. The next day the alarm sounded at the Stratosphere. "Stay where you are and do not move" came the announcement over the loud speaker. SPOOKY! Everyone just stared at each other and no one spoke. Eventually, it was announced it was a false alarm. This was almost Halloween, after 9 11. It was a time when some people were saying they were never going to fly again.It was also weird when the lights went out when we were in the back of a large, local grocery store. A nearby transformer had been hit.

Re: Power Out at the Golden Nugget

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:41 am
by BeanBean
My heart would have stopped when the monorail did.  That is a way better story than mine Marie.

Re: Power Out at the Golden Nugget

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:38 pm
by mammajamma
I was on the monorail once, also, when it stalled.  between Bally's and MGM