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Post by Tedlark »


Intentinally or unintentionally; that subconcious, you just never know. As for frustration, I don't get it because I am a patient man. Gahhhhhhhh....."Ode to a (Ted) LARK"     --  by  DaBurglar Allen Poe At the end I heard,Like a Plummeting Turd,A statement so AbsurdIt was Ted's "Last word".They are Never CheeryBut always Dreary;Of Substance BereftYou'd think at this point"There cannot be any LEFT!"But alas Like a BirdDepositing one last TurdIt's the epitome of ABSURDIt's Ted Getting in ....THE LAST WORD.<applause applause>  Thank you, Thank you.......thank, no no,  THANK  YOU!<bows>   <more applause>[/QUOTE]
    I can just picture you now: in a dimly lit cafe, you're wearing a beret and dark sunglasses, a set of bongos hangs from around your neck as you are leaning against a stool. It's open mike night for wanna be poets so you give it a shot.   Crazy man, crazy, I'm hip... You get finished with your selection and the only thing making more noise than you nervously scratching your arm are the crickets chirping.....chirp chirp, chrip chirp, chirp, chirp.....Way to go daddy-o...

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Post by notes1 »

  notes you and I are in an exclusive club; we despise. Well according to DaBurglar.
   i just wish he would put as much effort into researching some of the statements he makes, as he does writing poetry.

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Post by DaBurglar »


  notes you and I are in an exclusive club; we despise. Well according to DaBurglar.
   i just wish he would put as much effort into researching some of the statements he makes, as he does writing poetry.[/QUOTE]You are again being totally simplisitic, AND WRONG, in your summation of what I say  and what YOU claim, and how my argument stacks up with yours....seriously, this is ridiculous, you make claims just like I do that are not 100% black and white or infallible.....there are NUMEROUS sources for info and stats.....NEITHER YOU NOR I  am an expert, nor do we take into consideration ALL sources of info and stats when we state an opinion.    I dispute your THEORIES that you state as facts, whereas you simply dispute my OPINIONS or interpretations of facts (both of which are subjective)!I'm not going to drag this out because there is no point, you will never ever allow for any other opinion to influence your thinking other than your own, regardless of what info or facts people share, and I will never ever allow someone as narrow minded or inflexible as you to dictate what I think....that's the beauty of living in a great (but flawed nonetheless) country as we do:ALl I can say is if you bother to read this article, it essentially refutes 90% of what you stated in your opening salvo when you asked me "how am I getting to Vegas"??     I would urge you to pay close attention to the numbers attached to Venezuela.....I will admit I should NOT have stated we never bought from Venezuela in the last decade and a half, but clearly you will see that they are a EXTREMELY small portion of the whole picture, and the article explains that the only reason we get what little we do form Venezuela is so that the specialized refineries we have already built to handle their SPECIFIC type of crude do not go underutilized!   Besides, the current regime in Venezuela is NOT nearly as big a threat (they never really WERE) or problem (or even nuisance) as MANY other nations we deal with on a daily basis...Venezuela simply had a leader for many years who claimed he hated the USA and was buddies with castro.....big deal;  it was mostly a political calculation on Hugo Chavez's part to portray himself as "ANTI-AMerican", since dictators like him always need some external Villain to demonize and justify his power grabbing. ... ne-map/And the USA does not purchase oil from ISIS in any way shape or form, so your inclusion of them in the opening statement was a classic example of the "False choice" maneuver common amongst politicians....maybe you are one of those, I dont know.......and if all the atorcities and civil wars that have plagued Africa and parts of ASia had received the coverage that ISIS continues to receive in this day and age of the 24 hour news cycle and twitter and facebook, people such as yourself would be clamoring for intervention there and calling them Barbaric and what not......seriously, ISIS is NOT the only, nor the biggest or worst threat to the USA in the world today, not even close.   But they WANT to get us to plop our troops in front of them for the simple reason.....SO THEY CAN KILL THEM!    They cannot do that right now, so why oblige them?     it's clearly better to simply bomb them , and pursue any black market purchasers of all the oil ISIS steals.......Please, just read the article I provided....thanks

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Post by Carcounter »

DB , I am not an expert on fracking, but I am a PE and have 2 engineering degrees, from State schools alas, not Ivy League schools, but have had an opportunity to take some continuing credit courses on fracking. Bottom line from what I can tell, it is safe.

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Post by Carcounter »

I think you are a smart man, but have been living in Massachusetts too long.

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Post by Tedlark »

  Fracking has a minimal impact on the environment, the U.S. could probably be the biggest importer of HEAVY CRUDE from Venezuela, heavy crude is cheaper to purchase because it is costlier to refine, and heavy crude makes a larger carbon footprint in the earth's ozone than light sweet. In addition, Venezuela was shopping for a buyer for its two STATE owned refineries in the United States, one being located just a few miles away from me. They recently decided to take these refineries off the market. So Venezuela not only owns the over 500 billion barrel reserves but they also refine it in refineries located in the United States that they own.

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Post by Carcounter »

Don 't confuse me with the facts?

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Post by notes1 »

whoa, ted got into the game! i know the two of you have been going at it for a long time, but you typically avoid these type of topics. welcome, from carcounter and myself.   someone who just spews out talking points without facts is getting old. i have gotten tired of correcting him. i give him credit for one thing, no matter how many times he is schooled, he is like the eveready bunny, he just keeps coming back for more. 

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Post by DaBurglar »

whoa, ted got into the game! i know the two of you have been going at it for a long time, but you typically avoid these type of topics. welcome, from carcounter and myself.   someone who just spews out talking points without facts is getting old. i have gotten tired of correcting him. i give him credit for one thing, no matter how many times he is schooled, he is like the eveready bunny, he just keeps coming back for more. you really are a delusional individual, aren't you?     Did you look at the link I provided?     Other than my mistake about Venezuela (which was not much of a mistake)  I do not see where I have been "Schooled".......more like you have been "fooled" with your conservative dogma.Fracking is a NEW process and the full ramifications and impact WILL not be known for some time.....intuitively though, there is some cause for concern and it should not be pursued WANTONLY or recklessly.And too bad if you resent "talking points" that do not come with some sort of "black and white"  truth you can just check off as "Yep that's the way I see it because that's the way it is, BECAUSE THAT's the way I see it....."......I really hate it when people gripe about others trying to make things lively and interesting on a website that is SUPPOSED to be..."lively and interesting".......honestly this place can be real boring for long stretches, thanks to people like you.....

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Post by Tedlark »

  DaBurglar fracking, or horizontal drilling, are not new technologies. And for you to make a comment like: "honestly this place can be real boring for long stretches, thanks to people like you" is laughable. That's like the 92 year old woman calling the 95 year old woman, old.    I like how you tied: "boring for long stretches" in with fracking. GET IT??? 

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