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Re: "The way to stop a Bad Guy with a Gun...

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:22 pm
by stevel96a1
i do not know his training, i don't believe you know either, is there a text book tactic he suppose to do with information he had that day? was he suppose to wait 5 min until back arrives? some attacks require a swat team to handle safely, only in this country you can open the door and be met with a firing squad of police all due to a prank phonecall and your life ends, people believe we live in Hollywood and everyone is superman and lay down our lives in a heartbeat without thought. i can't say what that man did was right or wrong falling back what he trained or text book tactics was for him but everyone is making it sound like he layed down his firearm and ran for the hills and if did do just that id agree with the word coward

Re: "The way to stop a Bad Guy with a Gun...

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 2:31 pm
by DaBurglar
There have now been countless pundits and countless analysis and critiques of the situation and what transpired as we now understand it... I don't know which if any you've seen or heard but the ones I have mostly agree the guy didn't do what he should have, to varying degrees of failure.

He was no doubt trained in basic tactics and certainly in weapons...he was armed with a semiautomatic clip fed handgun which gives him a good advantage in a close quarters, indoor setting versus someone with a AR-15 (and a kid at that)

Re: "The way to stop a Bad Guy with a Gun...

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:48 am
by stevel96a1

i will say thisyou damn right id want that officer to rose in like a battle tank from ww2 if i or my loved ones were in there that day. you got me there but you wouldn't drive a car without a seat belt on? again its all falling back on his training and safety first otherwise he could end up dead and another number in the death pile.its funny how this world of law works, someone breaks into your house you defend yourself and you go to jail/prison for defending yourself and your home/family like so many in usa/englandif that crazed nutcase just stayed in his parents basement that officer would still be working til this day. someones actions can effect your world without your knowledge or choice its just how the cards fall..