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A new Red Summer.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:07 am
by billryan
Last week, I heard one of the white supremacist headed to Portland talk about a new Red Summer. This weekend, one of the three white radicals arrested for plotting a mass shooting evidently brought it up, as well.
In the spring of 1919, many thousands of black WW 1 veterans returned to their communities and weren't willing to go back to the way things had been. Having fought for their country, they expected to not be treated as second class citizens.
This set off a wave of white supremacy not seen since the Reconstruction. Thousands of blacks were killed in some forty mass attacks, some that went on for days. In Florida,a thriving all black village of some 500 disappeared overnight. Official version is they all moved in the middle of the night, but bystanders told of dozens of bodies dragged into the Everglades.
In Arkansas, as many as 240 black males were lynched or shot in the community of Eliane.
In mostly cases, the Federal Government did nothing. In at least two, uniformed members of the US Army actively participated.
This hatred is festering and boiling to the surface, inflamed by so called leaders trying to dehumanize their opponents.
You'd like to think something like the red summer can't happen again, but you'd think it never should have happened in the first place.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.