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Not a high roller but average player looking for big win
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:30 pm
by Annie$$$
So all of use players know that this is not addicting for us. Sure how funny is that. We naturally love to play any of the games video poker keno just loving it whether it's for a nickel dime dollar maybe2 dollars or even free is better.
Just loving Video Poker site.
Any other players love just playing any of the games and having fun. Let's hear from you players.
Annie $$$
Re: Not a high roller but average player looking for big win
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:14 pm
by Annie$$$
Still wondering how to actually win playing 4 card keno. Should i stack the 4 cards or do seperate cards. Any recommendations from you pro keno players
Re: Not a high roller but average player looking for big win
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 9:11 am
by Eduardo
Are you talking about in a casino or on this site? If you are playing in a contest here or going for the top score on the leaderboard, your only chance to win will probably be stacking the cards since you need a massive win to do that and a stacked win is your best chance of doing that. It also means you will have very very bad days sometimes when you don't hit on all the cards.
If you are talking about in a casino, stacking or not stacking will affect your variance (how big the swings are when you win or when you are not winning). But long term, there won't be a winning strategy since the game has negative expectations long term. You will have to get very lucky once and then quit if you want to come out ahead in keno.
Re: Not a high roller but average player looking for big win
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 9:26 am
by Eduardo
I realize some keno players may not like that answer, so I'll offer this as an alternative:
Bet the corners on all cards sometimes, but be sure to switch them once in a while to not be predictable! Then you will definitely win sometimes.