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Webman's The Boss

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:18 pm
by DaBurglar
Webman, as has always been the case with myself, I respect and defer to YOUR instructions and direction regarding this website/forum. If you NOW want to make some sort of condition or decree that specific topics are completely off limits, obviously the forum community will abide. But I want it made clear that, up to this point, I have not done anything wrong or violated any terms by posting about politics or religion (and I might add, I am NOT the only one who has posted about politics....others have engaged on this topic, in the appropriate section...)

You have this section titled "Anything and Everything" clearly states that ANYTHING is up for grabs, and NO WHERE does it say politics or religion are off limits. You even put in your descriptor about this section that "UFOs" are ok to talk about!!! That's the WHOLE point of having this one single section NOT devoted to Video Poker/Gambling amidst the rest of the forum that is devoted to VP/Gambling! Let's cut thru the BS and clearly identify just what the problem actually is and where it lies....

AS clearly happened with the last thread you had to close, A certain poster takes it upon himself to ONCE again choose to make an issue where there is none, namely he doesn't "like" what I post (which is really, at this point just an obvious manifestation that he does not like ME) and instead of doing what ANY other reasonable person would do and just ignore or overlook it, he escalates the exchange to a pointless degree. And now he is trying to passively dictate just WHAT is ACCEPTABLE to talk about here....

I only need to point out to you that, going back many years now on this forum, it's an established fact He does not like ANYTHING I post, regardless of what the actual "TOPIC" is....All the years before when i WAS posting about Video Poker and gambling, there he was just incessantly stalking and trashing and derailing beyond ANY reasonable degree or acceptable level of "Conversation and discourse". This has NOTHING to do with Religion and/or politics.....

If you really feel you do not want politics or religion respectfully discussed in the one section of the forum where you currently have allotted such topics to exist, so be it.....but it just seems that, you are inviting a future headache where other malcontents can complain they don't want <insert name of ANY other topic>, and where do you draw the line? The more logical action is to just get rid of the Anything?Everything section altogether.....of course, THE supremely logical thing to do is just advise people who DON'T like what another poster is saying to just disregard that poster's words in the first place. WHY is that so difficult for people to do or grasp???