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Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:25 am
by stevel96a1
I think you are right a double or nothing on a 1k credit roll on a DW game is a poor experiment, everyone here seems to pick away at my theory here, id just like to be proven wrong or right seeing which machine would yield the most hands

Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:39 am
by Jstark
Skip straight up VP and just look for these...

Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:16 pm
by tech58
Very good story, and very good points TED. How many of us could have been that guy?
I have done something very similar at times. Usually chasing losses.
Could be he was down $1100 and wanted that last Benjamin and cratered instead. BTDT. :cry:
I play good machines @ 99.999% on JOB. However discipline is still a work in progress.
You have mentioned discipline in posts before and a thread devoted to it would be like a five-oclock AA meeting .Also known as "friends of Bob" i think.
We could call the thread "friends of TED". :idea:

Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:24 pm
by olds442jetaway
Doubling bankroll is very difficult to do most trips abd when it happens , it seems to evaporate almost instantly. I usually don’t have trouble getting 20 to 40 percent ahead. Keeping it is another matter

Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:16 pm
by Vman96
stevel96a1 wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2019 9:20 am
i don't believe it matters if he died 1 minute ago or 100 years ago, what matters is if the information is accurate, he states 1,000 coin in monitored carefully will be a indicator 95% of the time.

Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:40 pm
by FAA
Even a +50% trip takes tons of play, discipline and of course luck.

Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:09 am
by tech58
olds442jetaway wrote:
Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:24 pm
I usually don’t have trouble getting 20 to 40 percent ahead. Keeping it is another matter
Totally agree on first point, and more than that on the second.
At the tipping point when a $500 win drops to $450,and i want MY $50 back, a quick call to a "friend of TED" probably would not help. :x

Seriously, when i traveled on junkets years ago for about 10-12 years,i had a buddy with the same objective as mine which was to break even and cage a free 3-7 day vacation with free air & RFB.
We played 21 and never at the same time, with the non-player watching the players back. What worked for us was hit and run and many times the back-up, watching the count, would "encourage" a move, not too physically, but sometimes very close.
Lacking that on VP allows me to sometimes be my own worst enemy. :ouch:

Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:36 am
by FAA
I certainly don’t have problems associated with $500 win! My problem is usually trying to claw back a fifty dollar loss without settling off a loss spiral.

Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:47 am
by tech58
Another good example of that little man inside who "wants it all, not just all the money, but the drapes and chandeliers too" winning!

Re: Keeping track of the huge swings on the new vp machines

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:01 pm
by olds442jetaway
Happened again last night. Had a small bankroll, but managed a Royal on a horrible 10/8 nickel paytable on a STP machine. Deuces 10 lines. I never play it, but the wife was playing job 8/5 also bad table for quarters so I sat down and played for a few minutes. When the Royal hit for 4,000 nickels, I was up 22 percent of bankroll. Continued to play the same for a couple if hours like an idiot and ended up minus the value of the Royal or 200 bucks. In the wee hours I got that back on quarter airport deuces with quad deuces and packed it in as the sun came up. After a very late breakfast, I tried dollar joker kings for a half hour betting just a buck at a time, 800 for bet one. on that machine if a Royal had hit, but ended up down the same 200 and we packed it in for the ride home. Could have been much worse of course. We had a room, free food, and a couple on decent gifts that will probably go to charity.