I spent my last three months develop video poker trainer (in addition to my daytime work

I developed it as I couldn't find any "decent" trainer to improve my skills.
After every draw, the trainer will let you know up to 2 better options to draw (assuming you did not draw the best option) with the EV of your draw comparing the other two best options. the game is 9/6 jacks or better.
It says "in-app purchase" in the listing but there is no real need to purchase anything as if you are out of chips you can just reload for free with no limitations. no ads also.
I will be very grateful if some "pro" players can check it out and let me know any feedback regarding the strategy and the gameplay...
Admins - I hope this is ok to put this post here, I read the forum rules and decided its ok. if not, my apology and please remove this message...
Thank you!