Caesars AC

Discussion about gambling in Atlantic City
Video Poker Master
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Re: Caesars AC

Post by FAA »

HL room was buzzing with hand pays this afternoon. $15 a pull, then they shoot the bull! Must be nice.

Video Poker Master
Posts: 8879
Joined: Wed May 28, 2014 11:58 am

Post by FAA »

A Caesars trip has lost its luster. No longer excitement or joy in being there. Just punching the clock with a transactional resignation. Play, feverishly try to beat the house and clock, accept a mild loss, leave. Deadwood table game crews are glum and passive, as are most employees. CWs are for the most part atrocious. There’s a bland, vanilla, corporate atmosphere that pervades the property. The gift shop ladies are friendly. It’s just time to move on. I’ll only use it to have six Gordon Ramsey lunches to burn my comps. I’m sure that Nero’s and Morton’s are just swell for the swells.

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