Lag time

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Lag time

Post by rascal »

I have been an on and off Gold member for many years, since 2008. After being off for several years I recently rejoined. To my surprise, there is now a very aggravating lag time between when I hit "deal" and when the cards show up. The lag continues for card selection and draw. At some point during play, the lag disappears for a while, but then later it returns. And then it is off and on going forward.
This really puts a damper on any sort of fast play. It is very aggravating and distracting.
This is not my computer or my ISP ---- I also play quite often on several online casinos and at a somewhat complex free site, and with those websites the deal-draw function is completely smooth and fast.
Please see if this can be corrected. It is, candidly, a deal-killer. I don't want to pay for Gold membership and then endure this very distracting lag.

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Post by Webman »

Sorry to hear you're experiencing that.

I assume you've had it happen this morning? I don't see any issues on the servers today and we haven't received anything from any other users (yet). It would be great to sort out what's causing this for you.

It does sound like a connectivity issue. Trying to think of why you might experience that here and not on other sites, unless their deals/draws are performed locally and not server based (requiring a call on each deal and draw).

How long would you say the lag is while this is happening? How often is it occurring? Has this been going on for a while?

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Post by rascal »

Yes, my initial judgement was connectivity. I operate several websites and so I'm familiar with connectivity issues. However, the problem does not occur with other RNG websites that I frequent. And I have daily cache management.
Yes, it happened this morning. The lag varies in time from appx 1 second to appx 3 or 4 seconds. On several occasions the lag jumped up to 7 or 8 seconds. As I wrote initially, it disappears after a while but then it always reappears.
If no other users are experiencing this, then I will get on another computer that has a different ISP this evening and test my results.

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Post by Webman »

Response times are something we monitor here, and I don't see any anomalies this morning (average deal/draw response of 20-30 milliseconds). Unfortunately I can't view that on a per-user level.

I might expect something like this very briefly if we were doing some form of server maintenance, but nothing was scheduled for this morning either.

So I do still suspect something either on your end, or the routing from your ISP. If a router was out in a particular state and traffic was taking a longer path, or possibly if there were general network issues somewhere, that could possibly impact your response times from our site and not some others.

I do see that Cloudflare has been having server connection issues this morning... possibly related.
When they have issues, it can cause problems across a lot of sites.

But if you see this somewhat frequently or on a daily basis, then it likely wouldn't be that.

If I do hear from other users about similar issues I'll let you know here so you don't waste your time while we check for any possibilities on our end.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I’m not a gold member, but just for the heck of it, I tried a game just now and it was fine. The only issues I have is sometimes I have sound and sometimes not. If I reload the game, I get sound again. I am using an iPhone gen 3. SE

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