Covid again

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Re: Covid again

Post by olds442jetaway »

Stay safe and well Ted. I am still able to use light dumbbells ( yes wife says that would be me ). Maybe you can use those, but I don’t want to play Dr. I hear you on avoiding surgery if possible. My heavy weight lifting days ended in the 80s when I unloaded lumber for my deck and balanced 2 at once 2x8x 16s pressure treated beams on my shoulder from the delivery truck. ( the drivers helper was a no show ). Ugh! Long fast walks are really some of the best and safest things we can do at this point.

Come Back Kid
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Post by Come Back Kid »

Dang Ted, sorry to hear all this. :ouch: Glad you're over Covid though.
Take care of yourself.

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Post by FAA »

The latest from the gift shop display last night. I am not all in and may just stick to the flu shot.

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Post by Eduardo »

I got one. Not to keep covid away but to prevent my wife from telling me I should take a covid test.

So far, 100% effective! :up:

I got the flu shot too this year. It used to make me feel terrible so I stopped getting flu shots for over a decade, but for the past several years it hasn't bothered me one bit. I don't know if the formula changed, or my body, but it's nice to not have to be afraid of it for now. Those shots used to make me feel as bad as the flu.

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Post by tech58 »

My story on the flu, interesting or not.
I had the flu, called at the time the Asian Flu, in October 1957.
I have never had the flu since then and never a flu shot
I have in my medical info. folder two articles referring to medical journal articles about survivors of that period having some kind of resistance to the later iterations of the virus.
I have not been able to obtain the journal articles themselves, and the ones I have do not use the word immunity only that there is a great statistical anomaly that is not understood.
Any seasoned members have anything to add?

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I had it also in 1957. Wish I knew more about it myself. I only got one shot and one booster. I survived not getting Covid until last St Patrick’s Day. I am all done with these experimental vaccines. I had to get the ones above including a few flu shots in connection with being able to see and help care for my parents when living. I am on the fence on getting this year’s flu shot. I was advised to hold off until my Cataract surgery was over. I had to hold on certain meds and vitamins too. I don’t want anyone to think they should take my experience above as advice. Each person, of course, should consult with their own medical people.

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Post by tech58 »

Am curious olds, have you had the flu since 1957? Understand that you sometimes had to get flu shot.
The mystery of possible "immunity" in my articles are specifically related to flu viruses.
I also got covid despite shot and booster but it was very mild and quickly dispatched with Paxlovid.
If you have avoided the flu since 1957, we have a sample size of TWO! :D

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Post by olds442jetaway »

In my one and only trip to Maine in 1975 all the way to the border with the Mrs, I caught something that must have been the flu. We drove all the way in my 65 Galaxie 500 XL Conv ( no air ) and they broke all temp records at 102 degrees. Can you believe it!! Anyway, by the time I got home to Ct, barely, my temp was 104 plus. I was out of work 3 weeks in bed most of the time. I felt like I had been pummeled by Joe Pesci. Since then no Flu. Hope I didn’t jinx myself. I was interrogated by a Rookie Customs Officer for an hour coming back from my 5 minute ride into Canada. He asked me the most stupid questions. And kept looking at my trunk where I had fiberglassed it on the bottom where the salt had caused it to rot away. Finally, I said to him….In 1952 when I was 4, I was at Fenway park with my dad and Ted Williams hit one out of the park. How many did he hit out of the park that year???? He didn’t know and heee heee I didn’t either, but he let us go then.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I can’t believe my old time memory is that good, but don’t ask me what I had for dinner yesterday! I just looked up the Maine temps in 1975. Right on the button 102.

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Post by OTABILL »

I shouldn't laugh but those temperatures would represent a nice cooldown here during the summer.

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