Video Poker on Iphone

Discuss video poker programs for the home user
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Re: Video Poker on Iphone

Post by spxChrome »

I think its $9.99 now.  While it is great to anaylze certain hands and view strategy.  The game of vanilla poker is pretty boring to me.  For a "free/non-cash)" game I think other elements need to be involved to be entertaining enough to keep a players attention. Such as achievements and competition or other elements.  Other than that is just a strategy card.  imo

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Post by MrRobDog »

with VIDEO POKER + PERFECT PLAY TRAINER on the iPad , cash is not an issue.. I have over 10 million dollars, playing with $100 a credit, max bet..

But what is fun, is the perfect play trainer. You compete to see how many perfect plays you can do in a row.. My wife did 78.. i cant seem to get passed 50!

she keeps rubbing it in my face...

royal flush
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Post by royal flush »

this is good practice my idea is play 25c 5 coin game put 1000 dollars in a piggy bank if you have a losing session put the loss in the piggy bank if you win take the winnings out

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Post by Josfrey »

I have Winpoker for my Ipod Touch. It is great to learn the strategies while traveling or going to work in buses. I will use Dancer's VPW at home as soon as customer support gets back to me about a little question.

This is great to have softwares helping you with the strategies. And you can also get used to bad beats ;)

Take care (also, first post! Woohoo!)


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Post by Miller77 »

I like WinPoker for the Iphone.  Not only can you play VP. But practice makes perfect.  Go online to the Apple Store and download iWinPoker.  Cost about $6.00. It also works on the iTouch.  CK
 This is the app that I have on my iPhone and have been using it for about 6 months or so. It's really easy to use, and works great. I also have it for my iPad which is even better as you also have the option to play 100 hands. I got my app for $5 CM

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