MAssachusetts CAsino wars are heating up

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Re: MAssachusetts CAsino wars are heating up

Post by Tedlark »

  k o you said it all in your last sentence.

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Post by notes1 »

ko, you may not consider yourself an expert on tunica, but i believe you have a really good grip on what has happened there. i stand corrected, i thought their downfall was related to the economy crashing and competition, but you are stating it started before that.  there was a long standing belief that casinos were recession proof and we were all sooo adiicted, we would play under any circumstances. i think both those presumptions have been proven wrong.

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Post by DaBurglar »

    Mohegan and Foxwoods have seen their revenues CUT IN HALF from their highs in the early 2000's and they are doing what they have to do to try and recapture (or pick up new) revenue. What is so crappy and absurd about that?    Lastly, MGM didn't announce they were coming to Mass.; THEY WERE CHOSEN. It's not like their BOD just woke one morning and they all had the same idea while showering; "Hey let's build a casino in Mass." Mohegan and Foxwoods were going to build their new casinos regardless of who WAS CHOSEN to own and operate the casino in that area. the rest of your post is bunk, and so are these two points but I choose to shred them because they are the lowest hanging fruit .......Mohegan and foxwoods have seen their revenue cut in half....okay true, but WHY was the revenue cut in half?  Partly from competition in Rhode Island and a little bit in upstate NYC, but MOSTLy due to a simple fact:  The economy crashed, people no longer could blow money like they used to, and since 2008, the former customers and clientele of the two casinos HAVE NOT recovered financially any where near the level needed to repair the damage done to Mohegan and foxwoods.    Add to it they both took  on debt which is killing them too, and you have the current situation.   Now, paying attention to the fact that the economy (and thus the PLAYERS) who live and reside in New England and New York (i.e. the MAIN Foxwoods/Mohegan MARKET source) have NOT recovered enough, nor have they grown in terms of numbers, sufficient to support the TWO existing flagship Huge properties,  how on earth is building the two or three MINI casinos near the MAss Borderline going to help "RECAPTURE" the lost market share/revenue you claim?     Answer:  it will do no such thing, all it will do is DILUTE what business they have remaining, ERGO the purpose in building these superfluous mini casinos is NOT to restore the tribes to health, as you claim......the purpose, such as it is, is to simply TRY and prevent people from going and sampling the three MAssachusetts casinos, and thus POSSIBLY lose even MORE revenue!   duhBut even that is NOT worth it......their profitability will not improve because their costs will increase with the 2-3 mini casinos eating up whatever small gain they get from the cannibalization of their state's market.   the only real (and best) solution is what I said originally......the existing foxwoods and mohegan WILL have to try and step up their game, improve service, promote, advertise and OFFER all kinds of perks to attract and keep people coming to their EXISTING investments....   And FYI:  Mohegan and foxwoods were NOT going to build their new casinos "regardless of who was chosen", they (along with a handful of state senators who are pro gaming) responded to MAssachusetts' plans to build casinos......and furthermore, they (foxwoods and mohegan) are NOT even guaranteed yet to build their 2-3 mini casinos, it still has to be approved by the Connecticut legislature and governor, and that is NOT a given at all.    There are some very ANTI-gaming strong forces in Connecticut who do not want anymore casinos, and since the land for the 2-3 minicasinos will NOT be tribal land, the two tribes are NOT in control of their own destiny here at all!!!And I will "flip flop" all I are not even able to properly identify what constitutes a flip flop cannot even read and comprehend what I say without distorting it anyway......even so, why would that bother you?  Why do you think anyone here even cares?   Answer:  they do not, only you do.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Here is what KO King said in his post......which I totally agree with because I said essentially the same thing in the middle of MY post:  Now how is this place growing by leaps and bounds while Tunica slips into the muddy waters of the Mississippi River, the players recognize good value when they see it. Sure players may have a few more options now but they will still flock to the place they feel provides the best value for their gaming dollars.Here is what I said in the middle of my post (among other things):"You said it yourself Ted, even though you are once again just
disagreeing with me to disagree with me......if Mohegan and Foxwoods
simply focus on managing their two flagship, state of the art HUGE
properties, and doing right by their customers and players, it will
attract them back and/or keep them, to the extent its at all
possible....."Now Ted chooses to say to KO :  "You said it all KO, etc etc" in reference to the part I quoted above, yet in MY post, he ignore that I said the exact same thing and instead chooses to concoct some BS disagreement.     Like I said, he disagrees WITH EVERYTHING I SAY, no matter what.......that is called (take your pick)  Harrassment, Cyber Bullying, Stalking, etc.          BAsically it's the way of the coward.....

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Post by Tedlark »

  DaBurglar how can I distort what you wrote?   As for your being upset because I recognize k o and not you, that's tough. Do you need some positive reinforcement little boy???

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Post by DaBurglar »

  DaBurglar how can I distort what you wrote?   As for your being upset because I recognize k o and not you, that's tough. Do you need some positive reinforcement little boy???hahaha     Touched a nerve eh?Sucks when i peg you doesnt it Ted?     'Little boy"??  You are stupid enough to think that's an insult.....

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Post by Tedlark »


  DaBurglar how can I distort what you wrote?   As for your being upset because I recognize k o and not you, that's tough. Do you need some positive reinforcement little boy???hahaha     Touched a nerve eh?Sucks when i peg you doesnt it Ted?     'Little boy"??  You are stupid enough to think that's an insult.....[/QUOTE]
   As I have told you before; you don't "strike" any of my nerve endings.    You said earlier that the rest of my post was bunk. Those were the parts that had questions for you to respond to that you don't want to respond to?   You couldn't peg a one legged pirate.

ko king
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Post by ko king »

  k o you said it all in your last sentence.

Well thanks, sorry if you took the time to read my ramble before I got to the actual point.

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Post by Tedlark »


  k o you said it all in your last sentence.

Well thanks, sorry if you took the time to read my ramble before I got to the actual point.[/QUOTE]

Having been to Tunica several times over the past few years I enjoyed the whole post but the last sentence you wrote can be applied to any casino that wants to get and retain patrons, and not just Tunica casinos either. I will still go to Tunica occasionally also.

ko king
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Post by ko king »

ko, you may not consider yourself an expert on tunica, but i believe you have a really good grip on what has happened there. i stand corrected, i thought their downfall was related to the economy crashing and competition, but you are stating it started before that.  there was a long standing belief that casinos were recession proof and we were all sooo adiicted, we would play under any circumstances. i think both those presumptions have been proven wrong.

Great point with the "we were all sooo addicted", I really think the casinos believed that. No doubt the recession hurt a wounded warrior even more but that was just icing on the cake. Years ago I worked for a guy that had a fantastic business, the man treated all his customers and employees great. We did a ton of business because we kept our profit margin at a reasonable rate and provided good products. The company was bought out by a much larger corporation and I was 1 of the 2 employees the new company kept. I'll never forget what the new owner said to me when he was explaining how he wanted the business ran, "we are going to increase prices and slash some of the goodies we provide to customers". Now this business model seemed like a bad idea to me so I asked won't we lose a lot of customers. His answer was " yes we will, but would you rather do $3 million dollars worth of business at 20% profit or $1.5 million dollars worth of business at 40% profit, less overhead, work and hassle and you still make $600K profit". I think the casinos were using this guys business logic, so what if we lose a few players, we'll still be making the same amount or more money, they didn't count on the recession. Now from what I've heard the recession is pretty much over so why is Tunica still struggling, they can't shed that business logic. Players are still out there but they have to earn them back, I see no real evidence that's part of their plan.

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