Casino Hotel Check-in peeves

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Re: Casino Hotel Check-in peeves

Post by olds442jetaway »

     I carry all kinds of stuff in my car for breakdown situations and not just my own. I know it is risky, but if I see someone who is broken down and no help has arrived yet, as long as I can pull over safely, I will stop and offer to help. I even carry extra first aid kits to give out, flat fix, portable air compressor,and a big 4 way to loosen the lugs that most people can't loosen with the wrenches the factory supplies. A tow off an interstate can cost 400 bucks or more. For a poor person, that could be more than a weeks pay. Luckily, with today's vehicles, there are fewer breakdowns than years ago.

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Post by OTABILL »

      I carry all kinds of stuff in my car for breakdown situations and not just my own. I know it is risky, but if I see someone who is broken down and no help has arrived yet, as long as I can pull over safely, I will stop and offer to help. I even carry extra first aid kits to give out, flat fix, portable air compressor,and a big 4 way to loosen the lugs that most people can't loosen with the wrenches the factory supplies. A tow off an interstate can cost 400 bucks or more. For a poor person, that could be more than a weeks pay. Luckily, with today's vehicles, there are fewer breakdowns than years ago.
Out here, carrying extra water is essential. The only thing we did for someone broken down was giving them water as they told us help was on the way.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar I did graduate from college and I understand the concept of the social contract. I even think they discussed it in an episode of "Frazier" once too.

If people were getting impatient in a hotel check in line because of one person then maybe the hotel front staff should be faulted for not calling for help to curb the growing frustration of all the impatient Harvard grads who's crimson undershorts may be in a wad.

As for your short story regarding traffic and how it could get impacted by a stalled vehicle, I offer this: I have not known one person in my life who has set out that day KNOWING their vehicle was going to break down in traffic. Has this ever happened to you? It has to me and changing a flat tire on the side of the road stinks. We are at the mercy of anything mechanical breaking down at anytime, anywhere. A timing belt on a vehicle can break at any point after 75,000 miles and there is absolutely NO WARNING when this may happen. Maybe a mother had to decide between buying a few dollars of gasoline or diapers for her child that day and she ran out of gas going to the bank to cash her paycheck at the end of the day.

I wish one day I can be as non-judgemental as you. Yeah, no irrational seething hostility here......but its not Hatred, right?  just a STRONG intense dislike......friggin ridiculous.You regularly twist and distort things I write in an effort to construct some diametrically opposed counter argument (no matter WHAT the issue is) so you can try and HIDE this irrational "dislike" you harbor towards me, and then jump up and down and scream like the petulant "Child" you are that "DA BURGLAR CANNNOT STAND IT WHEN I DISAGREE WITH HIM!  Bahhhh!!!!"The examples and scenarios you pose have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH THE POINT I made, and certainly do nothing (as usual) to refute what I said.Accidents, real true blue incidents where something unforeseen happens or breaks or whatnot  is NOT what I was talking about......I would wager YOU are the only person on this site who failed to grasp that (or who intentionally chose NOT to grasp that so you could RANT again.)   NO WHERE did I conjure up the ridiculously simplistic and obvious scenarios you did, like some welfare mother running out of gas on an L.A. freeway because she had  to buy milk in stead of gas........U N B E L I E V A B L E   And FYI, as sad or unfortunate as that scenario might be, it still supports my argument and point......she got in a car she knew to be out of gas, took it on the freeway and VOILA!   half a million people (at least) inconvenienced.If someone KNOWINGLY gets behind a the wheel of a car that is mechanically unsound IN ANYWAY, that is actually a CRIME (Misdemeanor unless you totally destroy something or someone) and if they cause an accident or some other incident, they are potentially in could you possibly not see or know that, or attempt to argue otherwise?If someone gets on the freeway in a car with brakes that are SHOT and causes an accident, sorry, they are responsible.....brakes do not "Suddenly" cease to function or "break"!   As the owner/operator of the vehicle, you know LONG beforehand that they need to be fixed, or maybe you've never heard the god awful screeching sound that someone who has neither the time. money or inclination to service their car brakes often makes into reality.   There are COUNTLESS other scenarios I could conjure to illustrate this point of what happens when someone CHOOSES to NOT take care of their car and yet continues to drive it......It would be one thing if you constructed normal, reasonable counterpoints and arguments (but obviously you are way way past that stage)...but nope, you have to lob turds like this emblem of snottiness at me (seriously, WHAT purpose does comments like this serve other than to express obvious contempt and intense...."dislike"?):"If people were getting impatient in a hotel check in line because of one
person then maybe the hotel front staff should be faulted for not
calling for help to curb the growing frustration of all the impatient
Harvard grads who's crimson undershorts may be in a wad.

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Post by DaBurglar »

     I carry all kinds of stuff in my car for breakdown situations and not just my own. I know it is risky, but if I see someone who is broken down and no help has arrived yet, as long as I can pull over safely, I will stop and offer to help. I even carry extra first aid kits to give out, flat fix, portable air compressor,and a big 4 way to loosen the lugs that most people can't loosen with the wrenches the factory supplies. A tow off an interstate can cost 400 bucks or more. For a poor person, that could be more than a weeks pay. Luckily, with today's vehicles, there are fewer breakdowns than years ago.Good post, and good for you olds, helping people out.BAck when i lived in LA, I was still able to drive, but it was the single greatest source of stress and anxiety in my life, getting on those freeways everyday!    One reason I am on this "maintenance" kick is that I myself had to be EXCESSIVELY concerned with my vehicles soundness and safety, for all the reasons everyone else does but also for my own personal reasons:  I absolutely could NOT afford to breakdown or conk out on some busy crowded freeway, or (just as bad)  out on the vast lonely stretches of highway in California's hinterlands, especially on I-15 which connects Vegas with L.A.  and San Diego!    If I ever were to be stuck on the freeway, I was screwed until someone either stopped or the CHP saw me or my AAA arrived ......thankfully, in my 15 years out there, it never happened!

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Post by DaBurglar »

    Out here, carrying extra water is essential. The only thing we did for someone broken down was giving them water as they told us help was on the way.I agree 100% with this, water is an essential (and oft overlooked) component of a complete in-vehicle emergency/breakdown KIT.    Especially out in California and surrounding states.

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar where in my post did I mention the word: "ACCIDENT"? Gee, what can cause brakes to fail on a vehicle in traffic besides wear? Um, maybe running something over in the roadway that caused a cut in the brake line?

Again, you spewed at me because I wrote a counterpoint that you didn't like. Everything I wrote was valid, and you cried. Now go and post something warm and fuzzy to give people the impression that you've changed your spots.

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Post by billryan »

[QUOTE=olds442jetaway]      I carry all kinds of stuff in my car for breakdown situations and not just my own. I know it is risky, but if I see someone who is broken down and no help has arrived yet, as long as I can pull over safely, I will stop and offer to help. I even carry extra first aid kits to give out, flat fix, portable air compressor,and a big 4 way to loosen the lugs that most people can't loosen with the wrenches the factory supplies. A tow off an interstate can cost 400 bucks or more. For a poor person, that could be more than a weeks pay. Luckily, with today's vehicles, there are fewer breakdowns than years ago.
Out here, carrying extra water is essential. The only thing we did for someone broken down was giving them water as they told us help was on the way.[/QUOTE]

As a new resident of Nevada, let me ask you how much water do you carry? A couple of 16 ounce bottles, or gallons?
I currently keep two 16 ounce bottles in my trunk but am thinking of buying a gallon jug.
This isn't something one needs in NYC.

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Post by OTABILL »

[QUOTE=OTABILL] [QUOTE=olds442jetaway]      I carry all kinds of stuff in my car for breakdown situations and not just my own. I know it is risky, but if I see someone who is broken down and no help has arrived yet, as long as I can pull over safely, I will stop and offer to help. I even carry extra first aid kits to give out, flat fix, portable air compressor,and a big 4 way to loosen the lugs that most people can't loosen with the wrenches the factory supplies. A tow off an interstate can cost 400 bucks or more. For a poor person, that could be more than a weeks pay. Luckily, with today's vehicles, there are fewer breakdowns than years ago.
Out here, carrying extra water is essential. The only thing we did for someone broken down was giving them water as they told us help was on the way.[/QUOTE]

As a new resident of Nevada, let me ask you how much water do you carry? A couple of 16 ounce bottles, or gallons?
I currently keep two 16 ounce bottles in my trunk but am thinking of buying a gallon jug.
This isn't something one needs in NYC.

Depends. When we drive around town, minimum 5 - 6 bottles for the two of us. Driving through the desert where there are long stretches of empty space with no facilities, e.g. from AZ to Vegas, LA, etc. we have space for 14 bottles in our van and fill them. We also have a collapsible cooler with ice and bottled water on long trips. We maybe over cautious but better safe than sorry.

No fooling about NYC. Never gave it a thought when I lived there or elsewhere on the east coast.

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Post by billryan »

On my way out in May, I had my dog with me so I made sure we had plenty of water. The last part of the trip, around Williams, we got stuck for several hours behind a fatal accident. The water went quick.Luckily, the people around us all fell for my dog and supplied us with ice water.

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Post by OTABILL »

On my way out in May, I had my dog with me so I made sure we had plenty of water. The last part of the trip, around Williams, we got stuck for several hours behind a fatal accident. The water went quick.Luckily, the people around us all fell for my dog and supplied us with ice water.

It nice to know that folks out here usually look out for one another. Glad you and your dog made it out in good shape. Too often visitors out here do not realize how much water they need to be hydrated. Agencies that care for the homeless say that a 16 oz bottle of water every 1/2 hour is needed by those outside in thew heat of the day. BTW, stores here let you carrya bottle of water inside unlike back east where there are signs saying no food or drinks allowed.

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