does want gold to win daily contests

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does want gold to win daily contests

Post by edog743 »

I am only asking this because it occurs to me the answer is probably not. they already have our money they lose money if we win a free month. On the other hand a non gold member gets a free month of gold membership. At the end of that month if  like what they see they subscribe. makes money. I am not making any accusations just asking a Question.

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Post by Webman »

Gold members also get a free month if they win. There is no advantage one way or another. When a Gold member wins, their next billing date is extended by one month. If you click through the past results, you will see a mix of both gold members and basic members. By giving away a month of gold, the site actually loses money because there is no longer any ad revenue from the free user. Of course, the hope is that the person will enjoy their Gold memebrship enough to decide that it's worth the price, which is also why we have the one week free trial.

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Post by edog743 »

I agree but if say 25% non members subscribe makes money  I am not trying to argue I just thought I would throw it out there to see what people thought.

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Post by Webman »

I see what you're saying, but we really don't have a preference. It's good to see both free and gold members win, because that's exactly what should happen. Winning a gold membership is a nice perk, but Gold memebrship isn't that expensive overall per day. We care more about converting the basic members in a daily contest who do not win than the one who does, because there are thousands more of them. If 25% of the winners went gold, that would amount to about 5 cents a day in profits. ($80/year divided by 365 days divided by 4). We aren't too worried about that 5 cents.

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Post by Tedlark »

  Oh must be nice not to have to worry about that 5 cents in today's economy. I personally have had to cut back to only shaving 6 days a week in order to extend razor blade life.  

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Post by edog743 »

I really thought this subject would spur some debate I guess not

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Post by edog743 »

There has not been a gold member win since aug. 11 I wonder what are the odds of that? also only two TOC entries since that date for gold members. I find that relatively interesting.

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Post by jim18 »

Good Morning edog743Since I am not sure how many people play in the contest daily, or how many of them are gold members, I can not say that a lack of gold player winners in the last 10 days is strange or not.I think that I saw your name recently in a daily contest.  This was my first time at seeing a name that I recognized.  I am not saying that this was a strange event.  I have no way of measuring what is strange in that regard.Now to your original question.  I have no idea what the goal of this web site is regarding gold members.  In a recent post on a different topic I suggested that post its mission statement, and draw attention to that.  If that were to happen, then concerned members like yourself could call attention to actions by that appeared to be in violation of that mission statement.Finally, you mentioned your surprise over the lack of interest generated on this topic.  Since I do not have a stereotype of the typical user of this website, I can not say that I am surprised.  Really, I have no idea what inspires a person to read a post, or to make a post for I have not done a study of previous topics to see what topics generate a lot of interest.  I think that might be in a position to do so.  But, what then would they do with their findings?For example, today I read a posting, that was in response to someone’s question.  The answer was so complex, that the writer of the post must be a genius.  And, perhaps it is the case that I just was not that interested in reading such minute details, as the complexity of the topic requires more attention to detail that what I am willing to give it. OK, I am rambling.  I guess that I can say it like this.  Of all the post made on a given day, only 30 or 40 percent of them are interesting to me.  And of all the interesting posts, only 1 or 2 would prompt me to make a posting.  VP statistics are objective, but my attitude toward any aspect of VP is subjective.

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Post by edog743 »

Jim, I to would be interested in reading mission statement. Thank you for noticing my name on the daily leader board yesterday. I ended up fourth loser. As far as no interest in this post I think either people do not care or they fear the wrath of if they voice their opinions. but that is their choice.

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Post by Webman »

This is not an official mission statement, but how 'bout something along the lines of: Have fun playing and learning about video poker.

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