Forum Participation

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Video Poker Master
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Forum Participation

Post by olds442jetaway »

Hi. I know the forum is struggling with low participation. Of course some of this is Covid related, but I wonder if we need a jump start. I try and do my part as you know and will probably soon go to gold as well. Maybe a BD column would help or a column from other vp experts or even a column from a casino where people could respond and there would be back and forth. Just kicking it around. Any other ideas welcome.

Video Poker Master
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Post by OTABILL »

I agree that forum participation has gone downhill. A number of regulars have left the site, some folks are banned from posting, political/non-gambling posts within VP topics turned folks off, and I agree that the pandemic may have been a reason as well.

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Post by Waiting4RF »

Posting for participation. :D

Video Poker Master
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Post by FAA »

It's gone down hill, just like my recent trips. I'll be leaving after my hand pay, of course. Talk about a struggle.

Video Poker Master
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Post by olds442jetaway »

Another thing that is not helping is the casinos themselves. If they think that replacing vp machines with mindless penny machines and continuing to degrade paytables is going to help business, they are sadly mistaken. Vp players are a stubborn bunch. We tend to play until we abdolutely have to quit even if we get a jackpot. While we may not give them a 15 percent edge, we put in the time and often times with large bets. I have left as much as 87,000 in a given year at the casino due to being stubborn and even reckless in my style of playing. If that isn’t enough for them, I don’t what is. Continuing to reduce comps in an attempt to recover business lost due to covid on our backs is only going to drive us further away. I know they think they know everying about gamblers and even vp players, but believe me they don’t. Over the years I have given my casino suggestions that they implemented off and on and they admitted they had never thought of this or that. To me their main problem is lack of communication, too mych relying on computer programs, and being too compartmentalized leading to employees only worrying about their own little niche and higher ups not listening to their employees on the front lines.

Video Poker Master
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Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:22 pm

Post by OTABILL »

It will be interesting to see where things go in AZ in the future with the new compact. I haven't been to a casino since Christmas eve but may venture out one of these days. My sabbatical has nothing to do with Covid. Just other things taking up my time. :D

Video Poker Master
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Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:08 pm

Post by olds442jetaway »

Guess the grandchildren if my memory serves me are keeping you young. Correct me if I am wrong. Every day is a gift for all of us.

Video Poker Master
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Post by OTABILL »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:13 pm
Guess the grandchildren if my memory serves me are keeping you young. Correct me if I am wrong. Every day is a gift for all of us.
Two of the grandkids were here for a week. The one who lives here I see maybe one day a week. Have other things going on in my life. Now that things have opened up here, the casino is not the only option. Maybe I'll go back when it gets hot and the snowbirds fully depart. Agree about everyday being a gift especially when so many contemporaries have health issues that impede them or worse.

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Post by Bobbi »

Years ago, I was treated like a queen in the Vegas casinos. I remember finding gift baskets in my comped rooms when I checked in. Then, all of a sudden I found I had very little comps available to me. A couple of years ago local casinos started ghosting me and took away all my offers just about when I reached top level. When I scanned my card, the kiosk would come up saying no offers. Players club wouldn't tell me anything. After tracking down a host I was told that it was because I was a video poker player.

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

Bobbi wrote:
Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:13 am
Years ago, I was treated like a queen in the Vegas casinos. I remember finding gift baskets in my comped rooms when I checked in. Then, all of a sudden I found I had very little comps available to me. A couple of years ago local casinos started ghosting me and took away all my offers just about when I reached top level. When I scanned my card, the kiosk would come up saying no offers. Players club wouldn't tell me anything. After tracking down a host I was told that it was because I was a video poker player.
Excellent synopsis of current state of affairs for video poker players !!

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