For months, I've read comments regarding the slooow speed of certain games. It's particularly true with the games you've added over the past several months, like Stack em High, Ultimate Gold, and most recently the Times Pay Stack em game. The time it takes to go through 10 hands on the draw is painful, and certainly impacts the enjoyment.
The only response to posts has been to say it must be on the player's end, or I don't see anything on the site's end. That may be the case, but it would really enhance the value of the membership if you could offer suggestions to members to correct the situation. It just took me 20 minutes to play 77 hands of the new game Times Pay Stack em. The problem seems to be much worse when I'm playing on my PC as opposed to my Mac laptop, for what that's worth.
I hate complaining because I appreciate But help is needed.
Speed of Some Games
- Video Poker Master
- Posts: 5133
- Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:11 pm
What web browser are you using?
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Google Chrome, same on both my Mac and PC.
- Video Poker Master
- Posts: 5133
- Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:11 pm
In the Chrome browser settings, see if you can enable “hardware acceleration” and let me know if that improves the performance of the games.
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I found the hardware acceleration setting, but it was already enabled. I disabled it just to see what would happen, but there was no change, so I re-enabled it.
- Video Poker Master
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Shoot. Are you playing in full screen mode?
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No, I don't normally play in full screen mode.
- Video Poker Master
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Do you have all other browser tabs/windows closed while playing?
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Yes, most of the time. Once in a while I may have another open, but not often, and not for long. I do appreciate your help. Like I said in an earlier post, the problem is much worse on my PC, which is older and no doubt slower. But I don't notice a difference on most games, and also don't notice a difference on other websites.
- Video Poker Master
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- Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:11 pm
Any chrome browser extensions installed? If so, I would suggest temporarily disabling them to see if performance improves.