Death Of The Casinos

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Re: Death Of The Casinos

Post by DaBurglar »

another history lesson and another civics lesson, i would expect nothing else.  in all your rants about bush and the iraq war, did you distinguish the fact that congress approved the war, on a bipartisan vote. or, did you elect to blame potus. another expected response, racism. that is getting old.  and yes, i have great sympathy for all those who pay the bills in this country, including those who earn a $113k/year. might be nice if all those who are the benficaries of government largess that they receive from the few who pay the bills, just show a little gratitude once in awhile. To quote your man Trump:   "  Potus W. Bush    LIED!!   He LIED!!   THEY ALL  LIED!!!   That's why we are in Iraq, that's why its such a mess, THEY LIED!!"The bipartisan vote on the Iraq War in 2003 was based on a totally false, fabricated information packet and assessment put forth by W. Bush and his band of idiots and bloodthirsty jerkoffs (none of whom would be, or ever did, serve in the military themselves).     The fact that Donald Trump now screams it from the debate podium when for the last decade millions of other sane, informed and intelligent people (like me) have been saying it counts for nothing......Of course, the Iraq war bi-partisan snowjob has zip to do with FEDERAL budgetary insanity so I do not know what point you wanted to make here either......Congress (as a body, not just one party or the other) has been authorizing budgets, spending and debt since 1789......the Iraq war vote took place on one day in late 2002, early 2003.......????You just can't turn off the political BS for a moment and consider the more global, neutral and self evident issue of how technology has killed the job market for millions, huh?    You would rather get all irate over the POSSIBILITY that a small portion of the total number of recipients of "federal largess" like SNAP benefits (today's version of food stamps)  might not actually deserve them while most people who get them do really need them.    The image of a african american woman with 8 kids in tow buying potato chips and soda totalling 22 bucks of YOUR tax money  causes you MORE anger than the federal government giving 700 BILLION dollars to wall street (predominantly WHITE) bankers.....more anger than companies like Lockheed Martin and their f-35 BOONDOGGLE which will end up costing taxpayers a whopping 180 million per plane, a plane which in the end does not work nearly as well as it was once envisaged.   And by the way, lockheed martin is run by, and employs, mostly white people.And stop griping about my intellectual prowess.....growing up,  I had no choice than to study and excel academically.   I would rather have been outside raising HELL with all the other kids, playing ball, etc.       Instead this is what I glad I am the way I am, otherwise I would be enjoying some of the federal largess that YOU paid for......

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Post by notes1 »

stated numerous times, i am no fan of trump.    when your arguement is proven wrong, you change the subject. you give me a civics lesson for blaming current potus for debt build up, saying congress spends the money. but, when it comes to iraq war and expenditures, you blame bush. 58% of dem senators voted for the resolution, seeing the same evidence. they include clinton, kerry, feinstein and schumer.   in regards to the TARP program, all monies given to financial institutions was paid back to the government, with interest. the only one to receive money and the taxpayer lost, was general motors. appeasement to union votes. i want the government to put the same effort into making sure money is properly spent as they are in handing it out.  

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Post by DaBurglar »

stated numerous times, i am no fan of trump.    when your arguement is proven wrong, you change the subject. you give me a civics lesson for blaming current potus for debt build up, saying congress spends the money. but, when it comes to iraq war and expenditures, you blame bush. 58% of dem senators voted for the resolution, seeing the same evidence. they include clinton, kerry, feinstein and schumer.   in regards to the TARP program, all monies given to financial institutions was paid back to the government, with interest. the only one to receive money and the taxpayer lost, was general motors. appeasement to union votes. i want the government to put the same effort into making sure money is properly spent as they are in handing it out.  Ya, you said you dislike Trump.......but you'll still vote for the a-hole if....IF he is the choice next to (Shrillary ) Clinton, won't ya?    You have not proven anything (of mine) wrong (seriously, what was it?);  and  IN FACT it was YOU who CHANGED THE SUBJECT (several times),  a common tactic of yours first i just thought it was just a failing of yours, unable to stay on topic but obviously it is conscious).....unreal.    Reminder:  Thread (and my post) was originally about JOBS & Technology and how many mid-to-low level jobs have been ELIMINATED due to the tech advances of the last 20 plus years and these jobs are NOT coming back, an issue about which you either have no comprehension, no opinion or do not care, because no matter how much I INVITE you to talk about it, you just want simply make sure that you get your point across that  sometime back, "I blamed W. for the current Iraq/middle east mess", which I freely admit I DID because, well, its is the plain truth!  He is to blame!!!!     He is to blame for the needless deaths, and the TRILLIONS we have blown there (trillions which YOU want to lump in a debt and blame on OBAMA & OBAMA alone, whereas I clearly showed that ALL DEBT & deficits, while all presidents share some responsibility, CONGRESS is BY FAR the MAJOR culprit).  And regarding your final statement:   "i want the government to put the same effort into making sure money is properly spent as they are in handing it out.  "huh?   What pray tell is the difference in "Spent" money from the govt.  versus  Money they "Hand out"?????        But forgetting that,  I agree with the SPIRIT and intent of this staTement of yours....ya got that NOTES1, I AGREE with you!!!! I too would love to see government as good at spending as they are at finding ways to grab more money.    I want waste fraud & abuse gone......I do not want ANYONE who does not TRULY deserve anything to get anything.   BUT, not at the expense of depriving those who need help is not that You and I are seemingly on opposite POLES of everything notes1, because we are NOT.....its just you, and apparently most self-identified "Conservative Republicans" these days are totally incapable of finding or seeing ANY, and i mean ANY  common ground or room for compromise with the "other" is simply "THIS IS THE WAY IT IS, THIS IS WHAT I WANT, THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE, and that's that."       That will not work...never has, never will.......Democracy by its very definition means compromising and accepting that, if.....IF the majority view on issues happens NOT to be YOUR views on those same issues, then you must accept that for the time being, until or unless the system (of free elections every two years)  allows you to CHANGE that equation.    I have made it a point MANY MANY times to acknowledge where I agree with you and where I believe you are right on in terms of issues, and it is more than you think or even want to admit.....

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Post by Tedlark »

Um DaBurglar I don't think you've acknowledged MANY MANY times when you may have agreed with notes, I think the word SEVERAL or the term A FEW would have been more in line instead of MANY MANY. Just my observation pal.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

     Hillary....Hmmmm...just a horse of a different color imo. A Leopard can't change her spots. Maybe even more dangerous that O.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Um DaBurglar I don't think you've acknowledged MANY MANY times when you may have agreed with notes, I think the word SEVERAL or the term A FEW would have been more in line instead of MANY MANY. Just my observation pal.nope   it is many, and I am not your pal, any more than you are mine.    You are not intelligent enough to debate at this level so why don't you at least finish the "thought" you started and go back and actually COUNT every single time I either agree or support/echo one of notes1's thoughts or arguments.   You've kept meticulous records on my posts since day 1 so it should be do-able.   You can count right ted?

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Post by Tedlark »

So I was right, it wasn't MANY MANY times as you originally stated. Glad you could clear that up.

I am more intelligent than you may assume DaBurglar and I can count at least to as high as the number of poker tournaments you've won in your lifetime. Or even the number of times you've racked up a daily game high score award here on this web site.

Edited to add: DaBurglar I can quite EASILY debate on what ever level you are at, especially this topic. I simply choose NOT to get into politics, religion, or personal choices because when you do; you alienate half the people on the forum because they may have opposing views.

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Post by DaBurglar »

So I was right, it wasn't MANY MANY times as you originally stated. Glad you could clear that up.
Well "many" is still a lot more than your several or I win there.
I am more intelligent than you may assume DaBurglar and I can count at least to as high as the number of poker tournaments you've won in your lifetime. Or even the number of times you've racked up a daily game high score award here on this web site.
How many poker tourneys have I placed in the money (which is what constitutes a "win"?)    You have no clue, so no  you cannot count that high, sorry.    And whenever you lose an exchange between us or cannot think of anything better to say, you always bring up the fact i do not play that much on this site......the only person who cars about that fact is YOU (yet another way you obsess over moi)

"Edited to add: DaBurglar I can quite EASILY debate on what ever level you are at, especially this topic. I simply choose NOT to get into politics, religion, or personal choices because when you do; you alienate half the people on the forum because they may have opposing views."      Too bad if someone feels "alienated" simply because someone else expresses an opposing viewpoint or says something or has an opinion different from their own.......nice going Ted, you just turned around the accusation you REPEATEDLY hurl at me and stuck it into your own arse.  Well done!    You are the most expert HYPOCRITE I have never met!And of course, i am sure at least a few people out there are wondering just WHY exactly tedlark would even care if Da Burglar agrees with notes1 on anything?   Why would you even post what you originally did above in this thread?   Does not involve you in any way shape or just cannot hekp yourself when it comes to your obsession with me.    Hundreds of posts to choose from all over this forum, and you only have eyes for me.    That's f'd up no matter what reasoning or justification you want to spin in response......

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Post by Tedlark »

Um just to rebut your post:

1 - To me, won means, well: finished at the top. Your name on the trophy. Not "finished in the money." If you got $5.00 for hitting 3 out of 6 numbers on Powerball I imagine you would then be running around telling people that you won the lottery? Geez.....

2 - I could care less if you agreed with, or disagreed with, notes. My life goes on either way.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Um just to rebut your post:

1 - To me, won means, well: finished at the top. Your name on the trophy. Not "finished in the money." If you got $5.00 for hitting 3 out of 6 numbers on Powerball I imagine you would then be running around telling people that you won the lottery? Geez.....

2 - I could care less if you agreed with, or disagreed with, notes. My life goes on either way. Well to utilize your FAVORITE piece of logic when trashing any and all of my threads, This is certainly your OPINION on poker tournaments, which you are certainly entitled to.What needs to be reminded though is:1) You do not play in poker tournaments yourself2) your "opinion" on this matter is contradicted by the vast majority of poker players WHO DO indeed participate in poker tournaments.....the goal as always when playing in a tourney is to first and foremost finish in the money.    Obviously the higher you place, the more cash you win, but a "winning" in this case is simply defined as cashing, which means you get back MORE money than what you put into it.....simple.    Or, to once again turn your own words and accounts of events against you....way back when you shared how frequently you "WIN"  when you play video poker, you described something like 80% (4 out of 5) sessions being "WINNING" sessions......of course, this could mean anything and everything, in terms of the actual AMOUNTS of money won during any given session......whether you won 5 bucks or 5,000 or something in between, so long as you finished in the black, it is a winning session.......I KNOW YOU RECALL THIS TED.      So right there, I just shot your latest argument full of 30-ought-6 caliber holes....using, as it were, your own "gun and your own bullets".Thank goodness for that 2nd amendment!

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