Living off comps?

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Tony Felder
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Living off comps?

Post by Tony Felder »

A few years ago I read an article about someone who traveled between Vegas, Laughlin and Mesquite living in comped hotel rooms for upwards of a year. One large duffel bag of clothes and small cooler was all he had. Now I understand that this does not appeal to most but it does to me.

Single, finances in a good places, income derived from the Internet, a reliable vehicle, no real belongings or baggage. Question is do you think it's still possible in today's casino market? Every hear of anyone doing it or trying it?

I think it would make an for an interesting year, maybe blog or write about it as it unfolds.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Can't do it now with my family situation, but I have often thought about it just to see if it is doable. I could even do it in Ct. between Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods. They are only 20 minutes apart at most. You need to find a game to play that will keep you mostly even or suffer minimal losses. I already know that rooms and gas will be covered, free play will cover some more. The downside is the free food is always loaded with sodium unless you are a salad only freak. That part doesn't bode well long term. However, the casino does offer free fridg and micro upon request, so there are some alternatives there. I would say the biggest challenge is the game itself and staying right around even. I already know a few people who do this now, but not all of the details. People who live this way tend to keep those details under wraps.

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Post by Tedlark »

  Tony a blog on this topic has the opportunity to be quite interesting.

Tony Felder
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Post by Tony Felder »

Ted, I agree, my only concern is would the casinos rescind the offers if they are aware that's what you were doing?

Olds, you really know people who do this? That's thinking at first would be vegas during the week and then Laughlin or mesquite on weekends. Seems that way you can keep price down just in case there were any days that weren't comped.

Food would be a challenge but through coupons and comps you would just have to be smart about it.

Going to do some more research.....

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Post by notes1 »

i see no reason why this could not be done, other than running out of money to gamble with. hotels, food are easy to get. the idea of someone doing this and giving a daily briefing, would be great reading.  you might want to take ted along, with all the luck he has and get conseling from vman, on writing style. 

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Post by Tedlark »

  If Tony offers a health plan, I'm in...

Tony Felder
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Post by Tony Felder »

Haha.....alright will swing by...will be coming from Detroit.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Ted, I agree, my only concern is would the casinos rescind the offers if they are aware that's what you were doing?

Olds, you really know people who do this? That's thinking at first would be vegas during the week and then Laughlin or mesquite on weekends. Seems that way you can keep price down just in case there were any days that weren't comped.

Food would be a challenge but through coupons and comps you would just have to be smart about it.

Going to do some more research.....

     Several retired couples split their days with Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods. I think all of them are independantly wealthy though. Their kids who are all grown up live in the parents home. I think the ones I know still lose substantial $ playing and the casino loves their business.
     Another guy also retired lives on his boat in the summer and pretty much lives at the two Ct. casinos in the late fall through early spring. I don't think money is an issue there either.
     The last couple who I know the best sold their home and bought a home in a retirement community just a few minutes from the casino. They split their time and stays with home and Mohegan Sun. They go almost every day and are strictly vp players. They have virtually no grocery or gasoline bill, no bar bill, gifts are just given to family, etc. etc. They especially enjoy staying over at Mohegan on special occasions and can easily run home for laundry or whatever and then back to the casino. They are not rich by any means, but very comfortable. They strictly adhere to Bob D's method of play. No pets at the house to worry about. Family all on their own and independant. They are really nice people and really enjoy themselves. Luckily, both in good health and in their early 70's. They made this plan work some years ago at least 10 I think and are thrilled with the lifestyle. No gym to join. Free workouts and swimming at Mohegan sun and on and on. Their Royals seem to be about on schedule unlike mine, so their losses if any are very minimal considering the 99.54 job paytables. Since Foxwoods doesn't offer that option at the quarter level, 90% of their vp time is at Mohegan Sun. I am glad for the both of them.

     Edited to add. I guess I should have used myself as another example. I probably book over 100 overnight stays a year at Mohegan Sun, but some of those are back and forth trips between there and home. Note the 302k miles on my Saturn. On those days though, my expenses are virtually 0 not counting my vp play which as most know was a disaster last year. This year, I have revised my entire game plan and so far, so good as to the vp losses.

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Post by Vman96 »

On Wizard of Vegas there are definitely a few people that post there that seem to pull this off. Tough way to make an easy living from what I can gather.

Lot of scouting for the promos that are worth the effort.

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Post by notes1 »

a while back in the CET magazine, there was piece about a lady who had gone to a CET casino 363 days in the previous year.

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