Where did the great games go at Ballys & Caesars?

Discussion about gambling in Atlantic City
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Re: Where did the great games go at Ballys & Caesars?

Post by OTABILL »

yes notes,i did come out ahead;after i got paid i went up to my room and locked the money away.olds,wasn't me with the olds 98.in august i bought a caddy ats so i'm really not looking for another car just yet.

WTG Doris

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Caddy ATS is one sharp car Doris. Ted, my brother just went from Benz back to Honda due to the maintenance costs when the car got to be a few years old. My brother in law ( Dr. ) dumped Benz for the same reason. Great cars, but tough on the budget if there is one. Now I have to research and see who wrote me last year about the 54 Olds 98 Conv. I can't even begin to relate this post to vp in A/C, so I will close by saying that my type of cars are the ones featured in the series" Boardwalk Empire."

     Edited to add. It was Gammy Doris and it was a 55 Olds 98. Hi Gammy and good luck Doris with the ATS. Boy do I miss my 66 Caddy the only Caddy I ever owned.

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Post by doris13 »

olds, my mom passed in dec.2013 and left me in very good shape so i had enough to "play with".with that i bought the caddy,paid cash,and now fly first class to vegas.all the rest is invested.i always wanted a really nice car and now i have it.

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Post by DaBurglar »

just returned from AC this morning after a 2 day trip and i also was very disappointed that hyper and ultimate aces were gone.i am happy to report though,after leaving the diamond club at caesars i spotted a single line tdb and i figured what the hell.i put in $20,switched to 50 cents and after 6 hands hit aces/k for $2000.miracles do happen,lol.
p.s. burglar you lied again;you said you were thru with AC and here you're going again in april.First off, congrats Doris on your big hit on TDB.....seriously, it is nice when ANYONE manages to get a big win at a CET property in AC, and I cam glad it is you.That being said, I have to ask, when you say I lied AGAIN, when was the first time you are implying/referring to?Also, I believ you have misunderstood or misconstrued some of my posts......I have clearly stated I have been going to AC LESS frequently and for fewer days at a time.....case in point, my last trip from the beginning of MArch was my first trip to AC since December........   I have also made it clear that my primary GAMBLING reason fro going to AC is to play live Poker.But I appreciate the interest and the close attention you are paying to my activities!!!      I wish you more success in the future! 

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Post by doris13 »

no you said you were thru with AC,not going again.are you on meds that you can't seem to remember things you have previously posted?

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Post by DaBurglar »

no you said you were thru with AC,not going again.are you on meds that you can't seem to remember things you have previously posted?I recently switched to decaffeinated Coffee, so that must be it.....thanks Doris, i appreciate the heads up and concern.    I'll cancel my April 12 trip ASAP.....!  Phew, almost committed a real faux pas there!Actually, wait a second.....can you point out the actual post/thread doris where I said this?  That would be a really big help, that way I can show my priest when i go to confession where I lied and he can absolve me.....but allow me to give you a heads up:If you are referring to the post I made at the end of my "Latest Fiasco" thread in this very same Forum section, you obviously missed the point I was making, in that  I was being SARCASTIC and deliberately NON-serious......Of course, the biggest question wanting to be asked is:    WHAT THE HELL IS IT TO YOU LADY????.

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Post by doris13 »

what is it to me?maybe i don't like lowlifes like you in my state.

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Post by doris13 »

you have posted so much crap in the past couple of years and you always deny you've said it.you couldn't tell the truth if you wanted to anymore.and for all of you that will hate on me and tedlark for "picking" on burglar,maybe you should search is past posts and you will know what we are talking about.he's not the nice guy he wants you to believe he is;as soon as someone sees thru his act he attacks them.he really needs to go for counseling.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

olds, my mom passed in dec.2013 and left me in very good shape so i had enough to "play with".with that i bought the caddy,paid cash,and now fly first class to vegas.all the rest is invested.i always wanted a really nice car and now i have it.

    So sorry Doris about your mom's passing. Enjoy your life. Every day is a gift and unlike the Jelly of the Month club that just keeps on giving, we never know when our last jar of Blackberry Jam will arrive. I sort of borrowed that partial quote from the movie With Chevy Chase "Christmas Vacation" when his brother in law was mooching off him throughout the movie and made that comment after Chevy announced his Christmas Bonus in front of the family.

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Post by doris13 »

thanks olds.my mom was 90 when she passed and i made sure her last days were comfortable.i enjoy my life;i have some good friends,video poker and slot machines,lol.

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