Well, well, well.....

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Re: Well, well, well.....

Post by Chicagoan »

Ted, how many days elapsed between testing positive and being completely cured?

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Post by Tedlark »

Chicagoan wrote:
Sun Nov 08, 2020 2:27 pm
Ted, how many days elapsed between testing positive and being completely cured?
I started feeling the symptoms around October 15, 2020. That weekend I had a bad feeling that something was up other than me suffering from other than just a cold, flu, or fall allergies and I decided to go get tested early on Monday morning October 19, 2020. I was notified on Wednesday October 21, 2020 of the positive results and I was given instructions to self-isolate for a period of not less than 10 days since the symptoms developed. On October 29, 2020 I retested. I could have retested 1 or 2 days earlier but my fear was that if I retested too early I may retest positive. I was feeling 1,000% better by the 29th anyway. I got the test results back on Monday November 2, 2020 that I tested negative.

I am still taking the precautionary measures: wearing a mask, social distancing, handwashing, as I am not wanting to contract this again even though I know now that these chances are slim but there is always that risk.

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Post by wildman49 »

Stay healthy Ted, and keep the jackpots coming. It sucks to mask up at the casino, but one and all needs to stay safe.

I hate the mask at the casino, now that I am retired I had a 7 day week chasing promos playing 42,000 hands. The mask is a big sore spot with me. Hard to breath at times. A few 12 hours days and the mask just plain sucks wearing it that long.

On the bright side pulled 2 promo draws one for 2k cash one $500 free play and a nice 4k royal!


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Post by Tedlark »

Thanks wildman. Congrats on the nice promo draws as well as the royal.

As for the masks, I have no problem "reminding" people that they are required indoors in Illinois. I've had a couple people push back by saying to mind my own business but that's where I get a bit louder so other people take notice. One person told me that they didn't need to wear a mask indoors because I had one on and I said that it wasn't fair for me to have a mask on and them not wear one because of their stupid argument. I pointed out that they walked past 2 signs on the door that said not to come in the store without a mask on. Reading is comprehension.

Life goes on. Congrats again on the sweet royal. Steelers won again today too.

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Post by pokerpokerpoker »

Ted, what was having CV like? Weeks in bed in agony? A severe case of the flu? The sniffles? Do you know how you contracted it? You always seem to have a mask with you.

Not trying to be too nosy, just curious.

The people I've known that caught it complained of a severe headache that just won't go away.

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Post by Eduardo »

Glad to hear you are past it, Tedlark.

I know two people now who got all the way to the Ventilator stage, but fortunately pulled through. That was scary stuff and headaches were the least of their concerns. Others were completely asymptomatic. It seems the range of symptoms on this one is pretty large and none of us knows where we will fall unless we get it. I'm a gambler, but no sense in gambling with one's health or especially the health of others. We should all do what we can... prevention isn't a sure thing (as we see with Ted) but if everyone did their part we would all be a lot better off.

Back to the original topic, I was lucky enough to catch this game from the 3rd quarter on as I was flipping through the channels. It really was a fantastic game to watch. Just about perfect for a football fan with no skin in who comes out on top.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Great news again Ted. Like most of us, I hate wearing the masks for hours on end but they sure are necessary. Congrats too Wildman. So far every trip to Mohegan Sun I have had to get security involved for sneaky mask dropers or those that gave me s... when I have asked them to wear it properly. Mohegan now has a crew of mask patrolers. That helps some. I am starting to notice a few people now with coughs. Probably the seasonal flu but who knows. Temp checks at the door will catch less than 40 percent of the covid infectees. There are other things the masks cause. Pressure ulcers, headaches from breathing back in contaminated air with less oxygen, and other skin conditions that were previously under control being reactivated. I can vouch for that first hand. I also am not keen on the obvious chemicals used in making the masks and where they come from. China of course. Necessary evil for now and I am sure for a long time going forward.

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Post by Tedlark »

PPP - It sucked. Yes on the headache, it felt like my head was going to explode. I also had bad body ache, especially in my thighs and this made it a bit painful to walk. I felt like sleeping all the time and when I did sleep I would wake up about every 1 1/2 hours and then not get back to sleep. My appetite was really curbed, one day when I did feel like eating something for lunch it was 1/2 a can of Spaghettios. I had a couple minor bouts with diarrhea regardless of if I ate or not. I was drinking gallons of water and Gatorade. I was out of breath a few times just from walking up 1 flight of stairs.

I have no idea how I contracted it, I always wear a mask when required and I am really good about washing my hands and social distancing.

As for what Eduardo wrote: I have chronic respiratory issues and I was just praying that it wasn't going to get bad enough to force me to go to the hospital.

Protect yourselves people.

On a side note: I saw Dr. Fauci today on television and he had a big 'ol **** eating grin on his face.....

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Thanks Ted for the first hand info. They say drink a big glass every hour and hydration is more important than almost anything once you get it. I have a reduced CO exhale rate. Always had it so the mask makes the headache situation worse. Wonder if wearing a tiny personal air purifier would help. I’m tempted to rig up something in conjunction with the mask.

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Post by davidearl »

billryan wrote:
Sun Nov 08, 2020 8:50 am
Glad you are feeling well. Gladder the Irish did what they used to do. Hard to believe it is 32 years since their last title. Seems like Victory is all around us these days.
And they contributed our newest SCJ on top of that! :lol:

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