what is worse?

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Re: what is worse?

Post by notes1 »

as if anyone needed another reason not to vote for dems or not believe much of the media, listen to their new mantra.... DEFUND THE POLICE. give me a break, these folks are nuts. here is my suggestion, try an experiment with one of the many liberal cities, get rid of your cops for a week or two. let's see how that works out! and, that includes no police protection for elected folks.

in the meantime, folks like me, who can afford to live where they want, almost never need the police but are glad they are there, will gladly pay for cops and can think of plenty of other wasteful programs the government can eliminate, like less elected pols.

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Post by notes1 »

is everyone watching what is going on in seattle and other liberal cities in america? anarchists taking over sections of the city, police abandoning police stations, businesses and residents left to their own devices, no protection and no more law and order. destruction, burning, taking over property that is not theirs. who allowed this to happen? where did these 20 year olds get the idea they could do whatever they want? who taught them this? think this can't happen to your area, think again.

an example needs to be set and put these criminals behind bars. if this does not happen, citizens will take law and order into their own hands. this thug 'kids' might just try this crap in some place that is willingly to fight back and protect what is theirs. and, the citizens have the means to protect themselves and that which they want to protect. if this sh!t isn't stopped now, there just might be a bunch of very injured and worse, young terrorists.

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Post by damule »

Best part about this is it's happening in all liberal run cities and states that oppose Trump and blame everything on him while they do nothing to stop or fix the problems that are being protested (if we can call these protests). If this continues much longer or spreads to other places I guarantee the guy they all hate, Trump, is going to use The Insurrection Act and send in the military basically taking federal control of those cities and states. Time for the adults to run the show again.

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Post by Carcounter »

Seattle is a beautiful city, sorry to see what is happening there. I'll never go back.

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Post by notes1 »

CC, never disagree with you, except this time. i feel no sorrow for the folks that live there, they voted in this liberal group of pols, who allowed this to happen. i/m/o, they deserve what they are getting.

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Post by Carcounter »

notes1 wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:05 am
CC, never disagree with you, except this time. i feel no sorrow for the folks that live there, they voted in this liberal group of pols, who allowed this to happen. i/m/o, they deserve what they are getting.
I agree. My nephew lives there. Just saying physically, the water, the hills the skyline make it an attractive place. Not the people there.No sorrow for them. I just remember having dinner at a restaurant on Lake Union that had a rally nice waterfront view.

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Post by Carcounter »

really, not rally

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Post by Tedlark »

So earlier this evening in Chicago there was a shooting. Chicago police officers spotted a man walking and they knew he was wanted so they attempted to detain him. He opened fire on the officers, striking one in the leg. He began to run and the police officers did not return fire on the ARMED AND DANGEROUS wanted man.

Did not return fire? Is this REALLY the direction that some people want our police department's to head in?

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Post by olds442jetaway »

If it is, I guess I will be not only carrying 24/7 but carrying a backup as well. Hard to do in the summer with light clothing on. There is no way I am going anywhere with the family anymore without being fully protected in light of recent events. As a matter of fact, NYC just disbanded their big anti crime unit which consisted of 600 plainclothes officers assigned to various potential hot spots. The news said they will be reassigned. Maybe they will have them stationed on streetcorners handing out bottles of water to the looters or free needles with sanitized disposable bags and masks. If this direction continues you may see private citizens be like Charles Bronson in the Death Wish movies. By the way, those were all great films.

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Post by notes1 »

ted, your story was inevitable. and, it is going to get worse.

now, this story is early and nothing has been proven, but it is being reported that 3 NYPD cops may have been intentionally poisoned at a local eatery thursday night.

it starts with allowing thugs to toss water and concrete at cops, then turns into defacing, burning private and public property and now, the outright take over of parts of a major us city.

anyone think this going to end peacefully?

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