what is worse?

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Re: what is worse?

Post by notes1 »

video on fox.com today. as seen by street camera, 92 year old woman, using a walker/cart for stability, walking down sidewalk, when what appears to be a dark skinned young male, who as he passes by, he rams his fist into her face and knocks her down, into a fire hydrant, and he just walks away. no provocation, no warning, no theft, just an attack on an old woman.

this is what happens when breaking the law, attacking the cops and defying authority are allowed.

if you are white, or if you are old or if you are a cop, you have a target on your back.

and apparently, according to liberals/BLM/young people/antifa, this is just retribution and just. watch your back!

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Post by Tedlark »

notes1 wrote:
Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:27 pm
video on fox.com today. as seen by street camera, 92 year old woman, using a walker/cart for stability, walking down sidewalk, when what appears to be a dark skinned young male, who as he passes by, he rams his fist into her face and knocks her down, into a fire hydrant, and he just walks away. no provocation, no warning, no theft, just an attack on an old woman.

this is what happens when breaking the law, attacking the cops and defying authority are allowed.

if you are white, or if you are old or if you are a cop, you have a target on your back.

and apparently, according to liberals/BLM/young people/antifa, this is just retribution and just. watch your back!
There apparently has been an arrest. A 31 year old idiot who has over 100 prior arrests. A police officer who recognized him from the video is responsible for naming him. I'm guessing that there will be picketing in front of the house of the policeman who recognized him and the house will then be set on fire.

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Post by notes1 »

thanks for the update, if i understand the law in nyc, the guy who knocked her down, will be released w/out bail soon.

i am confident we will be seeing more random attacks on older folks, caucasians and cops. apparently, we deserve it.

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Post by Carcounter »

Has over 100 arrests. By the way has anybody noticed the silence of Bernie on any of the defund the Police? Where's Bernie?

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Post by notes1 »

the elderly lady probably deserved it.

just so no one is purposely mislead by the media, a story in NATIONAL REVIEW, 2019, over a 20 year time period, 94% of black victims were killed by other blacks.

you don't hear much about those kinds of stats.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Never will either. Nor will you hear much about the Jamaican, Nigerian, or other similar gangs.

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Post by notes1 »

what do many americans really think about all the turmoil taking place in many liberal big cities? just check the stats on where folks are relocating. according to an article on CNBC.com (a liberal site);

-contracts on manhattan apartments plunged 80% in may.
-home searches in suburban zip codes jumped 13%. double that of urban codes.

when someone comes out with some poll that says average americans support the protesters, it doesn't coincide with where they are putting their money. people say one thing, but what they really believe, is where their money goes.

defund the police may make a nice slogan for the far left, but it scares the hell out of most americans.

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Post by Tedlark »

66 people shot this weekend in Chicago, including young children. Let me repeat that: 66 people shot this weekend in Chicago. 10 of those shot died.

Those shot were not shot by the police so there will be no protests or looting, no statues torn down or buildings painted with BLM graffiti. No lawyers will be fighting to get clients to sue the police as the persons behind these shootings will go on without retribution coming to them. Instead, Jesse Jackson spoke at a gathering about fathers uniting against injustice. Where was Jackson speaking out against the looting and rioting? Who in their right mind thinks that he has any relevance in his own community much less the United States.

Recently one of the brothers who "attacked" Jussie Smollett, Ola Osundario was stopped in Orland Park, IL for driving 31 mph over the posted speed limit of 45 mph. He at first tried the old "don't you know who I am" line but the police weren't biting. He then claimed he was driving the speed limit and they didn't buy that either. He now has a lawyer who said they will file a complaint against the officers because they had the jeep towed instead of releasing it to his girlfriend, who was the registered owner of the vehicle. There is, of course, more to this story. Osundario also claimed he would not exit the vehicle for the two policemen because he "was in fear for his life."

By the way: the police chief in Orland Park, IL has been chief since 1993 and his name is Tim McCarthy. For those who may not remember; Tim McCarthy was the Secret Service agent shot in the attempted assassination of President Reagan in March, 1981. McCarthy is the only Secret Service agent ever to take a bullet for a President, he is a true hero.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I hear you Ted about Chicago. Has been horrible that way with the crime and shootings for years, but worse lately. I live in a town where 20 percent of the poulation is black. If that in itself bothered me, I just wouldn’t live there and I have been there 48 years. I grew up in the town right next door. Over the years though, some things have bothered me about the minority communities. Somehow, many think they are above the law. This week, I decided to take a little test I kept track of all of the drivers who ran red lights while I was waiting for mine to turn green. 17 of those that ran red lights were black and only 6 were either white, hispanic, or some other foreigner. I didn’t keep a count, but by a huge margin, the worst drivers by a mile and by worse I mean tailgaters, weavers in and out, speeders on local roads, and so forth were black. I am not drawing any conclusions necessarily from this, but it has been like that for years. Just to be fair, -a few towns over, most of the people are very wealthy. Many of those drivers seem to act much in the same way with their expensive fast cars. The only group that seems to be trying to obey the rules in my observations are those in whats left of the middle class.

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Post by notes1 »

during the height of the protests, there was a story that occurred in buffalo, where a car drove through a line of cops and national guard folks. some of them were seriously injured. as i was born in buffalo, i followed the story and spoke to friends that live there.

the media immediately reported the car was driven driven by a woman, who somehow got confused and did not intend to drive over the security. the media also reported that the car she was driving was shot at by the cops, hit her three times and she was paralyzed. i felt bad for the female driver.

turns out, the woman driving the car was not paralyzed, went to her court appearance and walked out. and, as far as being confused, she had 2 male passengers, who were armed, in the with her.

the original story was a lie, got widespread coverage, but i never heard about the correction. funny how it works out that way so often.

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