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Post by olds442jetaway »

Close to 4,000 a day now. Ct’s death rates doubled overnight from the previous day. Unfortunately, the news surrounding Impeachment, The inauguration, and what’s going on at the capital is totally dominating the news. My dad is still waiting abd he is going on 97. Been in assisted-living almost 2 years. I heard that all of the nursing home and assisted living vaccines were to be administered strictly by CVS and Walgreens in Connecticut under contract. Then I see ads by CVS looking for people to administer vaccines. He is supposed to get it meaning a shot first one next week. I will believe it when I see it. I don’t care about myself Having to wait, but he is under great exposure from aids coming and going in the facility different ones all of the time.

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Post by notes1 »

since when was it 'looking for trouble' to voice one's opinion or state one's beliefs. some of those same beliefs, that apparently you also have. maybe it is acceptable to you to be called racist, bigot, sexist, homophobic, etc, for those beliefs. but, it is not for me. i am 67, don't own any weapons and have no plans to protest. my only recourse to stop our country from heading in a direction that dems want, is to voice, print, vote. and, hope to convince others.

maybe it doesn't bother you that the very folks who are the core of the dem parties are environmental extremists, unionized school teachers, the media, hollywood, feminists, government workers, the forever needy, illegals and uninformed 'young people'. you will never out vote these people. they rely on big government, taxing the heck out folks, they get paid to teach their beliefs to our children. and, not surprisingly, they all benefit by dem proposed policies.

dem leaders made it illegal to gather in a church parking lot, but kept abortion clinics and weed stores open. they told the many to obey their mandates, while they openly disobeyed them. it was a moral right for thousands to protest, loot and destroy public/private property, without repercussions. but, damn we gotta get those who went too far in DC.

eduardo, you are welcome to your beliefs, your actions. but, i have right to mine. and, i committed myself that when i see those who want to change the country to a direction i disagree with, i will not let it go by without comment. when i see the media play favorites, i will call them out.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

notes1 wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:08 pm
since when was it 'looking for trouble' to voice one's opinion or state one's beliefs. some of those same beliefs, that apparently you also have. maybe it is acceptable to you to be called racist, bigot, sexist, homophobic, etc, for those beliefs. but, it is not for me. i am 67, don't own any weapons and have no plans to protest. my only recourse to stop our country from heading in a direction that dems want, is to voice, print, vote. and, hope to convince others.

maybe it doesn't bother you that the very folks who are the core of the dem parties are environmental extremists, unionized school teachers, the media, hollywood, feminists, government workers, the forever needy, illegals and uninformed 'young people'. you will never out vote these people. they rely on big government, taxing the heck out folks, they get paid to teach their beliefs to our children. and, not surprisingly, they all benefit by dem proposed policies.

dem leaders made it illegal to gather in a church parking lot, but kept abortion clinics and weed stores open. they told the many to obey their mandates, while they openly disobeyed them. it was a moral right for thousands to protest, loot and destroy public/private property, without repercussions. but, damn we gotta get those who went too far in DC.

eduardo, you are welcome to your beliefs, your actions. but, i have right to mine. and, i committed myself that when i see those who want to change the country to a direction i disagree with, i will not let it go by without comment. when i see the media play favorites, i will call them out.
What does this have to do with vaccines?

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Post by notes1 »

billryan wrote:
Wed Jan 13, 2021 7:42 pm
If it is determined that a healthy 64-year-old is at less risk than a 25-year-old smoker, explain your rationale for giving the person at lower risk the vaccine? After a year, I imagine science and medical experts have a pretty good idea of the relative risks each class of the population has.
Smoking is a nasty habit, but it is legal and I don't see how or why you would discriminate against someone for it. The idea is to stop the virus from spreading and it seems the best way to achieve that is to vaccinate the people most at risk.
you may not welcome this, but i agree with you.

why stop at not vaccinating smokers? how about overweight folks, folks who use illegal drugs, those who are elderly and have a statistical short life span, those who drink/drank too much, the list could be very long. why not limit all medical care to those who that did not lead acceptable medical lives? is someone who beats their wives/kids more deserving than a smoker? a child abuser? someone who didn't pay their taxes? someone who spends time in a casino, someone who does not wear a mask, hangs out in public places, putting themselves more at risk.

unless things have changed, it seems the most vulnerable group to get the chinese virus has been the same. no politics, no personal opinions should determine those who get the vaccine and the order of disbursement.

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Post by Eduardo »

But when supply is limited, shouldn't we at least start with the good looking people?

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Post by billryan »

notes1 wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:08 pm
since when was it 'looking for trouble' to voice one's opinion or state one's beliefs. some of those same beliefs, that apparently you also have. maybe it is acceptable to you to be called racist, bigot, sexist, homophobic, etc, for those beliefs.
I realize this is a pretty wild idea, but perhaps if you stopped espousing nonsense that other people find racist, bigoted, sexist, homophobic,etc,etc, then people wouldn't call you those nasty names. You start thread after thread belittling and insulting half the nation, and then get offended when people call you out on it.

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Post by notes1 »

you are the very last person i would ever take advice from.

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Post by billryan »

On Long Island, some 2,000 people who had appointments to receive their shots yesterday and today were told not to show up as the vaccines were not delivered. Questions persist on if these people lose their spots on line and now have to go to the end of the line, which is some 15 weeks long.

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Post by onemoretry »

billryan wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:15 pm
It's a complete and total clusterfck and all because the federal government isn't doing the job they should be doing. How can they possibly expect places like NYC to organize and pay for the infrastructure needed to give two shots three weeks apart to upwards of ten million people..
I'm not sure I understand your point here. Are you saying that the federal government should be organizing and administering the vaccine because places like NYC are incapable of doing it themselves?

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Post by billryan »

I'm saying localities do not have the resources to take care of this by themselves. This is a national health emergency that the Federal government is trying to make into a local one.
I live in a very rural area, one that relies heavily on tourism as a tax source. We do not have the infrastructure to register and administer two doses of the vaccine to the 130,000 people of Cochise County. Our county medical system is already overwhelmed but now they are supposed to somehow sign up 130,000 plus people, assign them a time and date to get their shots, secure and safeguard the second doses for those people, call them in for the second dose, find qualified people to give the vaccinations and then monitor the people for adverse reactions. We need the Federal Government to get involved. Either to help provide the services or to cut a check to cover the costs.

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