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advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

Tedlark wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:33 am
seemoreroyals wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:54 am
It's a well known fact that people of color are looked at differently by law enforcement. Unless there was a way for each of us white folk to walk a mile in a black person's shoes and see what they have to go through in dealing with the various prejudices that are directed towards them, we may never completely understand their point of view. When I was younger, there were several instances that I got myself into that I am convinced would have turned out much differently if I was black.
It boils down to what olds said above: JUST OBEY LAWFUL COMMANDS OR ORDERS THAT A POLICEMAN GIVES YOU! As he also said: some people these days tend to drive away from police when the police are trying to perform a lawful stop of a vehicle. When the lawbreakers drive away they most often look for a group of people where they can stop by because they think this group of people will rail against the police who are behind them. They think that someone on this crows will pull out a cellphone and start videotaping, HOPING that something can be caught on video that will either NOT show the WHOLE PICTURE or can be taken COMPLETELY out of context.

I won't even go into how much carjacking crimes being committed in Chicago have skyrocketed.

Prejudice is a two way street. I know of MANY instances where white people were "driving in a "black" neighborhood" and these white people had bottles, rocks, whatever could be grabbed, thrown at their vehicles. White people had their vehicles surrounded and pounded on, this just didn't start happening, this has been going on for many years.
ALL true Tedlark !!! The lefty dems will not like what u wrote . They have a problem with THE TRUTH !!!

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I can vouch for that. I almost didn’t survive the riots in New Haven in the 60s. I probably posted this before a long time ago. My little girlfriend when I was 18 live in a two family home in New Haven. The riots were on her street. They were coming up the stairs she also had a sister that was 18. Luckily I was in great Tough shape and my girlfriends father was Polish and built like a tank. As they were coming up the stairs with all kinds of weapons pipes and so forth we pushed a huge oak bureau down on them and they toppled like bowling pins. The rest of them didn’t come back and moved on down the street but they trashed both of The family cars burning one to a crisp.

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Post by billryan »

Wow. A right wing circle jerk. We haven't had one of those here for years.
25,000 National Guard troops defending our NationsCapital from right-wing terrorists, the FBI warning of potential right-wing attacks on all of our state capitals, and the nation is on edge.
What better time to revive stories of race riots from a time before most people alive today were even born.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

By the way even after the above and what I am going to wrightt now I still treat everyone as an individual until they prove otherwise. I could fill a small book with other stories but I won’t bother the gang here just two more quick ones. I had 35 years working in Bridgeport Connecticut one of the roughest cities in the east and certainly in Connecticut. Part of my job was a field job. I foiled two carjackings attempts myself had my own car trashed and I saw who did it first hand. I also had my first new vehicle stolen it was my beloved Ford pick up truck and it was only two years old. it was parked right outside of the federal building. I clocked out of work and I knew where to go look for it. It was just a matter of which project it would be in and hopefully I could find it before it got totally stripped. Sure enough I did and it took everything in me not to take care of the situation myself. I went to a phone booth nearby and called the Bridgeport police and they came instantly unfortunately the truck was semi trashed and my tools had already been divided up between the gangs. One of the cops was nice enough to start my truck with a screwdriver where the Ignition used to be and drove it back for me to the federal building. You wouldn’t find that today the way things have changed. They also had to talk me out of taking care of things myself which they did

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Post by olds442jetaway »

The left is trying to erase history. As long as I am alive, I will not let that happen.

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Post by billryan »

Moving on from the past is not erasing it.
Many of us lived thru the racial tensions of the 60s/early 70s. I have more scars on my body from defending my teenage turf and neighborhood than I have from defending my country but does it do anyone any good to talk about how the "evil" minorities intruded onto our white turf? Would things have been different if our parents and their elected leaders had embraced them and welcomed them into the neighborhood. I remember the first black family that moved into Queens Village. They weren't there a week when someone torched their car and broke out their windows. Everyone in the neighborhood had a very good idea who did it but no one came forward. The family sent their kids away but the adults stayed. All because they wanted to live in a neighborhood where the housing and schools weren't substandard.
It amazes me when white people somehow think they have been on the short end of racial injustice.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

We only had one kid in our class of 400. Really nice kid and I always stood up for him. His family had been here since the 1700s. I won’t bore anyone with all of the story. The metal shop guys always gave him a hard time. Of course when the instructor wasnt watching, they made brass knuckles. I used to tell them.... hey Clarence is a nice kid on top of that he knows a lot about making stuff. It didn’t do much good but at least I was able to get them to stop Pounding the brass knuckles in their fist when he was around. Most of those guys couldn’t cut it in class studies and were idiots, but very talented. Just no brains or couth

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Post by rockinrobin »

billryan wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:24 am
Wow. A right wing circle jerk. We haven't had one of those here for years.
25,000 National Guard troops defending our NationsCapital from right-wing terrorists, the FBI warning of potential right-wing attacks on all of our state capitals, and the nation is on edge.
What better time to revive stories of race riots from a time before most people alive today were even born.
👏👏👏 :up:

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Post by rockinrobin »

billryan wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:24 am
Wow. A right wing circle jerk. We haven't had one of those here for years.
25,000 National Guard troops defending our NationsCapital from right-wing terrorists, the FBI warning of potential right-wing attacks on all of our state capitals, and the nation is on edge.
What better time to revive stories of race riots from a time before most people alive today were even born.
:up: :up:

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Post by olds442jetaway »

While you are at it, read about what just happened in Philly to a recent Temple graduate just walking his dog. Happened in Brewerytown. This isn’t revival. It is here and now.

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