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Post by billryan »

Isn't the person hired to communicate Florida's covid numbers in jail for actually communicating accurate numbers? Just about every news account says there is something very off with Floridas numbers.

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Post by notes1 »

then you are disputing numbers from the CDC. isn't the CDC run by the BIDEN administration?

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Post by notes1 »

just to be accurate, CALIFORNIA ranks dead last in percentage of vaccines distributed to the public. think of the number of citizens whose lives could be saved from death or illness, if CA would have just delivered the nearly 3,000,000 doses, just sitting around.

the dems sure like being #1.

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Post by notes1 »

BR requested more chinese virus data, glad to assist;

-according to CDC, last 7 days, cases per 100k residents, as of 01/24/2021, NEW YORK STATE, NY CITY (separate stats kept) and CALIFORNIA are in the TOP 7 of MOST cases in the entire country. they also have some of the most onerous lock down mandates and are all in severe budget deficits.
-average deaths, last 7 days, per 100k residents, CALIFORNIA and NEW YORK both rank in the TOP 12 of most deaths in the country. CDC
-CA continues to be one of the WORST states at actually distributing the vaccine. no wonder the governor may be thrown out. NYT

b/t/w, FLORIDA and TEXAS, the other members of the 4 most populated states, BOTH had LESS DEATHS and LESS CASES,per 100k of residents.

any guesses on who will pay much of the state deficits, that are piling up, because their plan was unsuccessful...most likely federal gov't. that means all of us will be paying for the poor management of DEM RUN states, like NY and CA.

and,which states are LOSING residents, NY and CA. and, which states are INCREASING population,FL and TX.

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Post by notes1 »

watched the potus press conference today, learned a couple of things;

-the press were respectful, never interrupted biden, and never asked a 'gotcha' question. what a difference from previous pressers.
-biden's answers were often long (like obama), generalizations and rambling. the press didn't seem to mind. hmmm!
-biden stated he was hoping for more than 100 million vaccinations, in the first 100 days. of course, that means only 50 million folks would be fully vaccinated. using dem- biden math, each vaccine handed out is one half person, as most manufactures require 2 shots. the press also accepted that with no problem.
-of course, most reporters and questions were pre-selected.
-biden also stated total deaths are estimated at 600-660,000.

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Post by billryan »

Biden's approval rating at 63%.. Nuff Said.

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Post by notes1 »

at one time, LBJ had approval rating of 79%.
at one time, gerald ford had an approval rating of 70%.

MORE than enough said!

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Post by olds442jetaway »

The hype around any new President coming in can produce high initial ratings. My biggest concern is less than a year from now when we may be talking about President Harris.

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Post by POKERKAT »

Everyone who gets vaccinated helps everyone else. The more people who get it leads us to herd immunity. I'm in Calif., they were slow getting organized but I spent only one hour getting mine at Dodger Stadium and was impressed with the organization and the volunteers. We never had the guidance of a central plan so each state is doing the best they can and all of them had to start with nothing. Calif. was doing horrible but we are now doing better with our numbers.

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Post by billryan »

The Biden Administration announced they were purchasing another 200 doses of the vaccine from the two companies currently distributing them. WTF? I will repeat WTF???????????
The trump administration purchased 100 million doses and was distributing them, but that was only enough for 50 million people. They evidently have another 100 million in the pipeline, but why wouldn't they have ordered enough for every American?
The new administration will also be giving states a sixteen-day notice instead of five days. That is a huge
change, and the Federal Government will now reimburse the states for using the National Guard to help distribute and set up sites. Again,WTF? How could they not have already been doing this?
Two months in the vaccination period and FEMA is looking at sites for large-scale vaccinations?
What have they been doing these past sixty days?

This is the way the vaccines are now being delivered.
Federal Government tells a state it is getting two million doses in five days. The state tells each county and special district how many they are getting. Let's say Washington County is getting 50,000 vaccines and has five hospitals/clinics . Someone has to tell all these places how many doses they are getting and when, and then start contacting the pre-registered people eligible to get an appointment. They need to secure and set up spaces for these people to come, arrange parking for them as well as setting up teams to monitor the people after they get a shot as well as having medical pros standing by in case of a bad reaction. Most importantly, someone needs to get the doses from the airports to the hospitals. All while the hospital system is overwhelmed.
It's no wonder some states are not working well. They need more heads up, and sixteen days should eliminate many of those headaches,and being able to tap the National Guard will alleviate many of the manpower demands

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