increase in crime

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increase in crime

Post by notes1 »

are you watching the news? is everyone paying attention to what is happening across america? crime is increasing by staggering numbers. shootings, stabbings, assaults, one is safe. unless of course, you are an elected pol, with taxpayer funded security.

are you afraid, getting more and more worried? i know i am getting more concerned. i live in a gated community, so i feel safe at home. but, once i leave my protected confines, everyone is vulnerable. that includes YOU!

this is happening so suddenly, how long are you going to put up with it. if you are a senior, single, a child, handicapped, a woman, a does not matter, you are at risk and it is only going to get worse, if we allow these acts of violence to continue.

just imagine, you are driving along, causing no harm to anyone, when a mob surrounds your car. they begin beating your car, trying to get to you, or your child. what would you do? die or get beaten? this is happening more and more, these thugs are getting more brazen.

this is what happens when some politicians cater to certain groups who welcome chaos and degrade another group, that is is out to protect us.

Sea Lion
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Post by Sea Lion »

I would suggest moving to a state that supports open carry, easy to obtain a CCW, and that has a stand your ground law in place as well as a castle doctrine. I love hearing stories on the news where an individual on his way to work is approached by 3 thugs who demand money and/or a vehicle, and the dude getting jacked suddenly pulls out a gun and pops one of the thugs in the head. While that one thug drops to the ground, the other 2 are running for THEIR lives.

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Post by billryan »

I heard a story about a guy who was being mugged by a half dozen minorities. Luckily, he was able to get to his can of spinach and send the miscreants flying in all directions.
It's a big scary world out there. Never leave home without your spinach

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Post by notes1 »

sea lion, good ideas. i live in florida, where those laws you speak of already exist.

but, i cannot accept that the only remedy for the current crime wave, induced by one parties policy of allowing and supporting unrest/law breaking/terror, is for each citizen to have to arm and protect themselves.

no, it is time that all law abiding folks to demand their elective officials do the job they were elected to do....protect the citizens. we can clean up any/all law enforcement problems at the same time.

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Post by billryan »

Beware! Beware.
Beware of the big green dragon that sits on your doorstep.
He eats little boys, puppy dogs tails and BIG FAT SNAILS
Beware!.... Take care.... Beware!

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

hey bill, what planet r u from ? you obviously just returned . welcome back !!

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Post by billryan »

I've been here. I couldn't log on to this account because I'd forgotten the password. Sent a number of lost password requests but they said it didn't recognize my account. It turned out I'd registered under an email
I hadn't used in many years.
I'm living in the mountains of Southern Arizona, about a mile and a half from the border. I shut my business for the duration of the pandemic, but have been doing very well selling on eBay. If eBay sales continue, I might turn my retail store into a non-profit quasi-community center. There are a lot of people hurting right now.

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Post by OTABILL »

billryan wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:33 am
I've been here. I couldn't log on to this account because I'd forgotten the password. Sent a number of lost password requests but they said it didn't recognize my account. It turned out I'd registered under an email
I hadn't used in many years.
I'm living in the mountains of Southern Arizona, about a mile and a half from the border. I shut my business for the duration of the pandemic, but have been doing very well selling on eBay. If eBay sales continue, I might turn my retail store into a non-profit quasi-community center. There are a lot of people hurting right now.
Was wondering why you disappeared. Sounds like Bisbee has been good to you. You got out of Vegas at the right time.

Video Poker Master
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Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:20 pm

Post by billryan »

OTABILL wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:43 am
billryan wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:33 am
I've been here. I couldn't log on to this account because I'd forgotten the password. Sent a number of lost password requests but they said it didn't recognize my account. It turned out I'd registered under an email
I hadn't used in many years.
I'm living in the mountains of Southern Arizona, about a mile and a half from the border. I shut my business for the duration of the pandemic, but have been doing very well selling on eBay. If eBay sales continue, I might turn my retail store into a non-profit quasi-community center. There are a lot of people hurting right now.
Was wondering why you disappeared. Sounds like Bisbee has been good to you. You got out of Vegas at the right time.
Accidental duplicate post deleted
Last edited by billryan on Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Video Poker Master
Posts: 4421
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:20 pm

Post by billryan »

OTABILL wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:43 am
billryan wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:33 am
I've been here. I couldn't log on to this account because I'd forgotten the password. Sent a number of lost password requests but they said it didn't recognize my account. It turned out I'd registered under an email
I hadn't used in many years.
I'm living in the mountains of Southern Arizona, about a mile and a half from the border. I shut my business for the duration of the pandemic, but have been doing very well selling on eBay. If eBay sales continue, I might turn my retail store into a non-profit quasi-community center. There are a lot of people hurting right now.
Was wondering why you disappeared. Sounds like Bisbee has been good to you. You got out of Vegas at the right time.
First few months were crazy, and my internet time was quite limited. Then when I went to log on here, it didn't recognize my email. While carrying on a series of pms with webman, I noticed I'd registered much earlier than I thought and used an email I hadn't used since my webtv days. I'd been going to Vegas monthly and playing a bit but that stopped in Febuary.
My sister had adopted a Chinese girl a few years back and had taken her to China to celebrate both her 21st birthday and the Lunar New Year. She wasn't in Wuhan but close enough that she took some very scary photos and gave us a heads up of what was coming.
It was sad watching people say it can't happen here. What is pathetic is six months into this and people are fighting over wearing masks.
I have 240 acres of parkland, with five miles of nature trails right outside my RV. I think if I'd been living in my apartment in Vegas, I'd have bugged out.
