flight from cities continues...

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Re: flight from cities continues...

Post by Carcounter »

billryan wrote:
Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:19 am
Looking at Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona, I think you mean former republican run states.
The Democratization of America continues. Democrats 2020, bringing the rest of America into the 21st century, one state at a time.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Hope you are well Bill, I haven't weighed in for a while. How do you explain the republican gains in down ballot races? House seats, flipping state legislatures, local races etc. I think you are misreading the total picture.

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Post by Carcounter »

billryan wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 9:39 am
Asking prices for commercial properties in Manhattan are up for the year, even as vacancy rates rise.
Further proof the RE market in NYC is irrational.
To quote the Great Yogi- No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded.
I don't know where that info comes from. I do know people are in bidding wars for suburban NYC homes. I see it here at the Jersey Shore.

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Post by notes1 »

abc/chicago lists that 36 folks were shot and six murdered in DEM run chicago, over the weekend. for the year 2020, SO FAR, a total of 4005 were shot and 744 were killed. wonder how many were white victims of crime. dems sure love black and brown folks.

but, not to fear, dems have managed to get more SOROS backed DA's into office. most notable, kim foxx..DA in chicago who has protected jessie smollett, kim gardner DA of st louis, who arrested the couple for defending their property from a BLM riot and the new LA DA who is in favor of a variety of radical ideas, that essentially let criminals off the hook or greatly reduce punishment for crimes committed.

this DEM/LIBERAL dream, in line with defund the police and let criminals out of jail or simply close all jails. you get what you voted for. good luck if you are a victim. open season on the vulnerable, weak, elderly, white, business owner, property owner, parent, etc. are you next?

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Post by billryan »

The head of the GOP in Arizona today called for Trump to cross the Rubicon. Anyone who understands history knows what he is really saying. Julius Ceasar defied the laws of Rome when he crossed the Rubicon and did away with the Roman Republic, establishing a dictatorship.
Is anyone here in favor of trump declaring martial law and overthrowing the Republic?
Let your voice be heard.

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Post by notes1 »

4005 shot and 744 killed, most if not all...black and brown folks in chicago, SO FAR in 2020.

their answer, defund/reallocate police monies, no cash bail, let criminals out of jail, close down jails, mob rule, allow looting, etc.

that is DEM/LIBERAL leadership.

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Post by billryan »

Your leader wants to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law and undo an election.
That's a better solution?

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Post by seemoreroyals »

billryan wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 12:55 pm
Your leader wants to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law and undo an election.
That's a better solution?
Thank god that a number of republicans, including judges appointed by the con man himself, showed some integrity and were not fooled by lies and deceit. Same can't be said about Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Kevin McCarthy, Ron Johnson and others. While the worst president ever has been obsessed with destroying the trust in our voting process and making a delusional attempt to hold on to power, these hypocritical and unpatriotic Americans have IMO failed in their oaths to protect the American people and our Constitution and allowing this farce to continue.

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Post by Tedlark »

notes1 wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 12:40 pm
4005 shot and 744 killed, most if not all...black and brown folks in chicago, SO FAR in 2020.

their answer, defund/reallocate police monies, no cash bail, let criminals out of jail, close down jails, mob rule, allow looting, etc.

that is DEM/LIBERAL leadership.
And now Cook County State's Attorney Ms. Kim Foxx is talking about erasing convictions for selling marijuana with an eye toward this leading to erasing convictions for selling heroin and other drugs. Also mentioned was the decriminalization of drugs.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Glad I’m all stocked up on ammo before the Dems tax it worse than cigarettes. Hope I never have to use a round other than target shooting. Local and State police are retiring or packing it in in droves. States, cities, and towns going broke are forewarning Of massive cuts to police and fire departments as well as massive tax increases. We have an obligation to protect ourselves and our families if they can’t as they repopulate our communities with serious offender early releases and tiny slap on the wrist multiple repeat offenders.

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Post by notes1 »

not to worry, dems will replace law enforcement with social workers. so, the next time someone's house is being burglarized, someone held hostage or some women is being raped or some child has been abducted or a mob of young people who have been brain washed into believing in socialism, take over your business or your house, a group of social workers will take care of you.

no better evidence than what is happening in minneapolis, portland, seattle, baltimore, nyc, DC, chicago, LA and many dem run cities. many of these cities are losing population, home values dropping...flight of folks leaving continues. autonomous zones...are you kidding me. another dem/liberal creation.

remember some of the folks on this very forum, who argued that tossing water, bricks and cement at cops should be perfectly acceptable action. look what liberals beliefs result in.

could it be that is the reason that other than potus, down ballot voters showed their displeasure with the dem/liberal agenda and voted conservative, law/order in.

far better we take those law enforcement dollars and pay off the student loans of spoiled children who took 6 years to go threw a 4 year program, would not work to help pay tuition, took high demand courses in 'womens' studies, latin, greek architecture, fashion design and of course, ethnic studies. we need more of these folks. my tax dollars should certainly go to their useless dreams/causes.
