Dreamcard is NOT a SMART GAME to play

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Re: Dreamcard is NOT a SMART GAME to play

Post by Vman96 »

Well, you're the one making the jokes about driving in cornfields to play video poker when in reality the casinos that Ted mostly frequents are still in significantly urban areas.

And it sounds like Ted usually skips Indiana because the Four Winds is only a few miles further away in Michigan is a much nicer casino than most, and offers dream card, unlike most casinos in the area. I also like that casino because it's classy looking, has good beer, and I have NEVER had a losing session there.

This was their welcome mat to me in March 2013. And this is also an "Indian" casino, which half of the forum doesn't trust either.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Ted,  what was the ACTUAL paytable for this machine you finished up ???And where are your pics?Please share the paytable......I want to hear from your friend and exemplar, Mr. Robert D. Dancer as to what he thinks about this, as well as my original post in and of itself......since you respect Bob's opinion, I think we ought to have it here,,,,,,

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar as I previously mentioned, the one picture I took of the hand pay jackpot was blurry and almost unrecognizable. I can post it but I might then get grief regarding the quality of the picture. I only take pictures of either hits requiring a handpay or some other significant win. Getting dealt quad sixes to me, does not make the cut. Nor do regular run of the mill royals because I have hit so many over the years I really have no clue as to how many I've had.

I do not remember the pay tables but that would be information I could easily track down.

I have never personally met Mr. Bob Dancer so I cannot classify him as a friend and for the most part I respect his opinions even though they might not be the same as mine.

I usually play TDB Dream card at Four Winds but I will play Deuces Wild occasionally to shake things up but not too often. I share billyjoe's fascination with the big hits so I consider myself to be a video poker big game hunter. This particular session in question at Hollywood in Lawrenceburg, IN I was playing DDB because TDB was not among the machine's offerings.

I believe Mr. Larry Bird was from a small farm town in Indiana, you may recognize his name?

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Post by doris13 »

ted,he didn't believe i won in vegas either so you're in good company.i won't believe 2 degrees from harvard until i see proof.

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Post by rascal »

Crossing the country multiple times via automobile over the years, I seem to have received more speeding tickets in Indiana than in other states. Therefore, I do not like that place. Sorry --- I just don't, ok?

However, being more of a positive soul than the usually gloomy and pessimistic Mr. DaBurglar, I will venture that I am sure there must be something wonderful about Indiana, and if I ever discover it I will be sure to tell you.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar as I previously mentioned, the one picture I took of the hand pay jackpot was blurry and almost unrecognizable. I can post it but I might then get grief regarding the quality of the picture. I only take pictures of either hits requiring a handpay or some other significant win. Getting dealt quad sixes to me, does not make the cut. Nor do regular run of the mill royals because I have hit so many over the years I really have no clue as to how many I've had.

I do not remember the pay tables but that would be information I could easily track down.

I have never personally met Mr. Bob Dancer so I cannot classify him as a friend and for the most part I respect his opinions even though they might not be the same as mine.

I usually play TDB Dream card at Four Winds but I will play Deuces Wild occasionally to shake things up but not too often. I share billyjoe's fascination with the big hits so I consider myself to be a video poker big game hunter. This particular session in question at Hollywood in Lawrenceburg, IN I was playing DDB because TDB was not among the machine's offerings.

I believe Mr. Larry Bird was from a small farm town in Indiana, you may recognize his name?Cannot remember the paytable....?   Blurry pics, and you dont want to catch "grief" from the site's "Picture nazis" who will apparently berate you.....?    Who are these picture nazis?   I will tell them to go pound sand myself, a blurry picture, if thats the best you can do, is still better than nothing.......but whatever.......Even though you already called me a liar when I have not done so, I am not going to do that here.....I choose to believe you.   besides, what possible difference will it make or not make whether I believe you or not   OR whether you made this up or not just to tweak my nose about my original post?    Answer:  None    so who cares?     By the way, once again you ignore all my other LEGIT sincere questions and issues,  like just wtf was the problem with my original post to begin with to prompt you to lob this latest hand grenade at me?      No one else wants to address this issue either......Larry Bird was from French Lick Indiana.......guess what else was originally from (and headquartered) in Indiana?     The "modern" Ku Klux Klan:    http://centerforhistory.org/learn-histo ... 00-1941All I said about Indiana is that some perceive it as boring......when I think of casino gaming, and spending time and taking trips centered on gambling, I certainly DO NOT immediately think of INDIANA.    THAT is it.....

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Post by DaBurglar »

ted,he didn't believe i won in vegas either so you're in good company.i won't believe 2 degrees from harvard until i see proof.well, just when I thought things cannot possibly become more unintelligent and vapid......Look lady, you were 100% wrong about me being "multi-personality" on this site, and it took webman to post that I myself WAS not your latin lover francois......so what makes you think you are any more correct in assuming I am lying about Harvard?     More to the point, DO YOU REALLY even care one way or the other?   I know Tedlark sure as sh*t  does not care......So if you want to retract this latest insult and accusation, be my guest......I am only thinking of your well being Doris, because, if and when I provide the proof of my pedigree, it will only make you look more stupid (as well as mean and petty.)      see, I do not dislike you anywhere near the degree you dislike me......And for the record, I NEVER said you were lying about your vegas trip....you read (and inferred) incorrectly what I posted.

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Post by doris13 »

your pedigree won't even get you in the westminster dog show.1 more thing,i don't think you can make me look as stupid as you.oh yeah,you got me shaking in my boots,lolololololol

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Post by doris13 »

i thought francois was french.just because you got webman to say you're not francois doesn't mean i believe him.

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Post by BillyJoe »

[QUOTE=doris13]ted,he didn't believe i won in vegas either so you're in good company.i won't believe 2 degrees from harvard until i see proof.well, just when I thought things cannot possibly become more unintelligent and vapid......[/QUOTE]
I have to admit, I had to look up "vapid".
I like that word. Gonna work it into my vocabulary..

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