7000 New VP Machines for Caesars

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Sandrina Roc
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Re: 7000 New VP Machines for Caesars

Post by Sandrina Roc »

You're both so funny. I hate the way the daily contest has changed. I hardly played it. Thanks for joking about it.

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Post by baldie »

Just received email from Caesars that they have installed 7200 machine nationwide. No info as to type or style.

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Post by BillyJoe »

Just received email from Caesars that they have installed 7200 machine nationwide. No info as to type or style.

Saw some of the new ones on my last Vegas trip. Looks like they are going server-based.

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Post by Vman96 »

Just received email from Caesars that they have installed 7200 machine nationwide. No info as to type or style.

Varies by area. Tunica is mostly crappy Game Kings...zzzz Hammond has more multigames with not terrible paytables for dollars. Joliet, I have yet to see the full transformation, but they looked like it was going to be more multigame oriented.

And obv CET doesn't care about me, I didn't get an email!     

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Post by DaBurglar »

i just deleted this very same e-mail  lol! I heard a lot of the old Harrah's machines AC have been reloacated to showboat and Bally's in AC, a few going to Caesars, to make room for the new stuff. At Caesars AC though, there are a moderaate number of new machines, same at Ballys, but not as many at harrahs AC, so clearly what they are doing is using the old machines for a little while until they can bring ALL the AC properties up to server based games......the cost savings in the long run are pretty obvious....you can maintain your entire inventory with a couple server techs versus having to have 3 shifts of techs numbering at least several people. If anyone hears politicians, either Repusilve-ican  or Dunce-ocrat, asking that ridiculous question "where are the jobs"?....or saying things like "we need to creat more jobs', just think back to this one small example.  TECHNOLOGY, in all its forms, eliminates the need for BODIES via automation.   Jobs are GONE, and they are not coming back, not until we create BRAND new industries (like SPACE mining or settlements.)    Do you all get this?   These server based games are the latest example.....its not a recession thats eliminating jobs, its actually TECHNOLOGY and so-called "progress". I saw one of those elcetronic roulette games in Resorts......it doesnt need ANYONE standing there to operate or deal chips or whatvere.....another example of people losing JOBs. I am not saying this is all bad, I am just saying, when you hear these idiot politicians of all parties carrying on about "JOBS", see just how little they understand or how little insight they offer on the situation. Our factories are mostly automated now, thus eliminating the need for PEOPLE.....its not hard folks, to understand.   It is hard to accept and not be anxious or depressed at the lack or real solutions. I am not a socialist, but in my opinion, it is either socialism or a lot of people are going to wither and die somewhere, someday.    UNLESS some new industries are created or invented!

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I agree 100%. I started to see this happen when the old slide rules were tucked away, the clumsy original hand held calculators costing a hundred bucks came out, the stock boys, baggers, and cashiers started disappearing, etc., etc., etc.,. You can even throw in self serve gas stations if you like. When is the last time an attendant ran out to clean the windshield, check the tires and oil, and offer a quick bit of conversation all before you even bought the gas? Best I can remember, that part faded away in the late 1960's. Could go on and on here from the lowest to highest industry or positions, but I'm afraid I have already changed the original tone of the thread. That said, getting back to the original post, I will put my feelers out in Ct. to see if they are going to follow suit on the new machines. My gut says yes, since there is next to no maintenance on the existing vp machines now. They just shift them around, change paytables, or remove them altogether.

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Post by BillyJoe »

I am not saying this is all bad, I am just saying, when you hear these idiot politicians of all parties carrying on about "JOBS", see just how little they understand or how little insight they offer on the situation.
Our factories are mostly automated now, thus eliminating the need for PEOPLE.....its not hard folks, to understand.   It is hard to accept and not be anxious or depressed at the lack or real solutions.
Today, whenever a parent asks me for advice for their kids as to a career, I say "Get trained in a trade". I live in FLA, and when my A/C breaks, I need it fixed pronto. The tech may have some new tools to help him, but he is still required to do the repair.
They may not ever be rich, but they will always have a job.

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Post by DaBurglar »

  Today, whenever a parent asks me for advice for their kids as to a career, I say "Get trained in a trade". I live in FLA, and when my A/C breaks, I need it fixed pronto. The tech may have some new tools to help him, but he is still required to do the repair.
They may not ever be rich, but they will always have a job.
  +1   I totally agree but I will take it even further....  I have no children but I have 5 nieces and nephews aged 12-16, right on the cusp of young adulthood.....my advice to them is, along with doing what they think will make them happy, to learn two languages while they are still young:  Language number 1:  Computer code, any and all kinds but especially Java, and SQL....the only consistent "growth" industries for the future pretty much exist in the computer/tech fields and healthcare, and even in healthcare it is almost all computer based these days.....I once had a registered nurse open up the box on that vital sign/I.V. monitor after surgery and she actually had to reprogram the damn thing because it had malfunctioned (kinda scary but still, I learned that the nurse had to learn basic programming and maintenance of these super techie gadgets that now permeate emergency rooms and hospitals)  Language number 2:   Mandarin Chinese.....for obvious reasons.    

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Post by Tedlark »

  I too, have had nurses crack open my iv monitor, no big deal to me. As for learning only Mandarin Chinese, why not the other 6 too?
  You're like a Zen riddle....for obvious reasons.

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Post by DaBurglar »

mandarin is by far and away the dominant, most common and most used of all chinese dialects, and is spoken in most asian countries, even australia and new zealand, seeing as how all these nations are so close to china and do vast amounts of business to and fro....cantonese is not nearly as common as some people suspect, but if you want to learn that too, couldnt hurt.....

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