Time to consider leaving the forum

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: Time to consider leaving the forum

Post by billryan »

For the record, I'm not glad to see anyone leave. Nor do I care if they stay or go.

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Post by kfed »

Thinking about this post, it seems to be indicative of any posted conversation on any site nowadays. People have become so intolerant of any opinion that differs from their own. If you don't agree with them, you are a lower form of life. You can't read any blog or news article where the comments don't become a hostile battle between the left/right, liberal/conservative, gay/straight, black/white, etc. It's a sad thing to see.

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Post by billryan »

Thinking about this post, it seems to be indicative of any posted conversation on any site nowadays. People have become so intolerant of any opinion that differs from their own. If you don't agree with them, you are a lower form of life. You can't read any blog or news article where the comments don't become a hostile battle between the left/right, liberal/conservative, gay/straight, black/white, etc. It's a sad thing to see.

I, for one, have no problem with people having other opinions. Its when they make up stuff to either back up their view or to put down someone else is the problem.
Phils nonsensical belief that playing a 97% game beats a 99.$ game is an example.
Come here and say " I always chase the Royal Flush, if I have one card eligible for it" and people will try to correct you, but if you insist on it no one will stop you. Arguing that such a play is superior to well proven strategy is where the problem is. Yes, you will hit more Royal Flushes doing that but the point of the game isn't to hit RFs ,is it?
Making up outright lies about stuff- Vegas is the second most violent city in the country, for example shouldn't be tolerated.
You can come here and claim to be a self made millionaire or graduate from some great school, no one will argue or care.
Talk about having a bad day and you have my sympathy, we all experience them. Talk about catching a cold machine or how the machine went in to the cold cycle and you don't. Talk about being there when the casino flipped on the cold switch and you rightfully will be ridiculed.

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Post by Carcounter »

Leff, you are spot on. I'd ask you how's Britney but....

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Post by Carcounter »

Kfed you are spot on. I'd ask you how's Britney but..

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Post by mightwin »

While I lived in Las Vegas this forum was a great source of entertainment and gave knowledge. When I was down, I could read about others who were winning, giving me hope.

It's great that they have the latest machines for you to play and learn before you spend money. For that I thank Video Poker.com

The forum has gone a little sideways over the years not because of Video Poker.com, but the people that like to see their opinions in writing. Some people have to be right all the time. And since they are safely behind a computer screen, they can bully other people. If they would actually say some of the stuff directly to someone's face in a casino, I'd bet they wouldn't a second time - if they would even get the chance.

I still enjoy stories of winning. I still enjoy playing video poker. I don't visit as often as I used to because my life is getting in the way.

Since I'm safely behind my computer screen - I'll say I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Dancer in person. I've been to his classes. I've bought his program. I have been to the classes where he belittles someone for not having his "right" answer. I've seen him several times when you say hello and his mind isn't focused on you he seems aloof or rude. His program has helped me understand a few of the games and his winning point of view. Reality for me is I had more luck playing by the seat of my pants than playing "perfect".   Perhaps part of Mr. Dancer's tightly kept secrets are winning drawings and selling programs and books. Standing right in front of Mr. Dancer one evening at the M, I said a few of these directly to him - making me feel better but not really a nice conversation for him.

Video Poker is still gambling and still involves luck. I play for entertainment. I play with high hopes and still walk out with lighter pockets some days.

May everyone reading this enjoy a royal flush the next visit to a casino.

Thank you VideoPoker.com for this site.

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Post by DAAnMAAn »

I guess I might as well throw in my two cents since all the other fine posters have...

First, this isn't the first "I'm leaving this forum" post I have read, nor the last. As billryan said, stay or go makes no difference to me.

Second, Dancer without a doubt is a highly prolific pro video poker player and has alot of influence in VP...but he is not the only one. He is just one man and one opinion, and trust me there are many other people out there doing what he is doing, not as prolific, who may give different thoughts and attitudes towards the subject. But the point of it is, whether Dancer is nice or rude has little bearing to me or video poker forum posts (which I believe he hasn't posted in a long time anyway).

Third, I do not understand the rudeness from some either and believe we can all agree to disagree on a myriad of topics. Some are more diplomatic than others, and sometimes, we just need to have thick skin and usually, the offender doesn't mean to come across rude or arrogant, just comes off that way and they don't even realize it.

Fourth, the poster has to understand that in Dancer's (and others) mind, playing any hand less than the most mathematically correct, or playing a game in any way that reduces one's expected return in that game, is wrong any way one wants to slice it. That's their right to think that way, one way to play and it's either right or wrong, no grey area. That can come across as intolerant, rude, arrogant, or whatever words one can come up with. But I, and others, think that's just one path up the vp mountain, and players can have different goals or agendas, whether it's for entertainment sake, making a small bankroll last, free drinks, looks like fun, whatever. To me, it's not wrong that these types of players play that way, just less mathematically sound.

I think that's about it. Despite Dancer's personality or off-day's, there is still alot to learn from him, but there are others like Kneeland or Pymar or Joyce or others people can learn something from too.
At any rate, whatever side of the fence people are on, keep playing because I think VP needs a wider net for sure...
OH...almost forgot, perhaps the webmaster can do something to ensure more civil discourse, although I'm not sure how... minus obvious name calling and ad-hominem attacks.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Sorry to say, I feel as many others do that the forum has gone downhill. That said and for whatever it is worth, this week at Mohegan Sun, I hit 2 Royals, dealt quad deuces on DDS, quad deuces 4 times on regular single line deuces wild. All good for several hand pays. Granted my 3 sessions were real Marathons lasting about 10 hours each, but at the end of the day, I was up nicely. Good luck and health to all.

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Post by mightwin »

Congratulations. Nice to hear a winning story. More good luck to you.

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Post by billryan »

Sorry to say, I feel as many others do that the forum has gone downhill. That said and for whatever it is worth, this week at Mohegan Sun, I hit 2 Royals, dealt quad deuces on DDS, quad deuces 4 times on regular single line deuces wild. All good for several hand pays. Granted my 3 sessions were real Marathons lasting about 10 hours each, but at the end of the day, I was up nicely. Good luck and health to all.

Congratulations on a nice solid week.
Glad "they" decided to let you keep it.
