IQ of Professional versus Recreational P

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: IQ of Professional versus Recreational P

Post by Carcounter »

The problem is the pattern with Bob. He has continuously put down people who don't measure up to his VP IQ. I personally find his VP advice to be sound, but wish he would tone it down a bit.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Ah this is typical bull from a so called professional gambler. I spent large amounts of time in Vegas from 1992 thru 2007, during the incredible boom times, both working and playing.... I lost track of how many " professional" gamblers I met along the way, but Bob is the prototype. This is his CHOICE what to do with the life God gave him....bully for him. There's not a gad dang thing exceptional or special about him, what he does, or says vis-a-vis the subject of VP. Video poker requires practice, discipline, a reasonably good memory and the desire to track and compare all the different offers/promotions/comps/ players clubs/ and give aways going on at any given time. You do not need to be Einstein to do this ( which is just one of many reasons why I won't ever do what Bob does, even though there is no doubt....none....that I could if so inclined; the challenge isn't there....VP is checkers, I prefer chess...or better yet historical, accurate wargames from battles past like austerlitz, Gettysburg, or Stalingrad.

I had a secretary for about four years who was the most disciplined, detail oriented person I ever knew ( top three anyway)...her wunderlich score when she interviewed was average, but I'm positive, without doubt she, and any other person like her, could do what Bob overtly states he does.

Caveat:. I specifically stated " what Bob overtly says he does" I have said before, there are certain " insider" moves or tricks that Bob apparently incorporates into his routine; he let that slip one time and I picked up on it...Bob doesn't share these insider special "things" he does....that makes him sneaky, not high IQ

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Mr. Dancer's post wasn't about intelligence, it was about money.  Mr. Dancer has made a career out of promoting video poker.  He sells products based on the premise that he can beat the casinos with a teachable strategy.  All you have to do is buy his products and follow his instructions.  By his own admission, he also consults for casinos.  He also teaches VP classes bringing new players into the game. This is a very effective marketing scheme earning money from both sides of the game. Nothing wrong with any of that.The problem comes when a person without Mr. Dancer's intellect, opportunities or bankroll tries to duplicate his results and fails.  This constitutes at least 99% of players.   When they complain, he tells them they aren't intelligent enough to make it work.   This is how he gets out of the problem and personally washes his hands of any responsibility.  Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem for those who bought into the dream.Yes, there are a few players who could beat the casinos.  Will you be among them? Probably not.  Is it because you are stupid or undisciplined?  No, it's because you came too late to the game or your daddy wasn't rich enough.All I have ever tried to do on this forum is point out the fact that most of today's video poker games are seriously negative and best played small.  This is not good for business or his casino clients, so he attacks me.  Right now I am sitting in my room at the Borgata in AC.   I only thought the VP odds in Biloxi were bad, these are far worse.   If you use Advantage Play strategy on $5 games in this casino, you will lose far more than if you play quarters.  It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.   Unless they have a secret VP room around here with positive games or they are going to give you a new Ferrari to play VP, I am right.The bigger problem he has is the casinos have dropped the odds in response to his strategy.   I can remember when even Biloxi had positive games.  Soon all VP will be negative.  What will he teach then?I am not angry with Mr. Dancer.  This is a problem he alone has created and he should come clean and admit most players are unable to beat VP through no fault of their own.   The days of beating the casino with Advantage Play strategy are practically gone.  For most, they never were.

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Post by OTABILL »

Since professional VP players presumably spend more time in smoky casinos than recreational VP players, I assume they have a higher percentage of COPD, and other tobacco-related lung/heart diseases all other factors being equal. Professional gamblers, whatever their specialty, in my view are not likely to have stable family lives as well. Like Dancer, I have no empirical evidence (unlike the math behind sound VP strategy and software) to support these assumptions. Personally, while I would question one's decision to choose a profession with such health and other risks, it’s an opinion. That is how I view Dancer’s post and he is entitled to express it and others to disagree with him. Peace, good health and fortune to all.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Since professional VP players presumably spend more time in smoky casinos than recreational VP players, I assume they have a higher percentage of COPD, and other tobacco-related lung/heart diseases all other factors being equal. Professional gamblers, whatever their specialty, in my view are not likely to have stable family lives as well. Like Dancer, I have no empirical evidence (unlike the math behind sound VP strategy and software) to support these assumptions. Personally, while I would question one's decision to choose a profession with such health and other risks, it’s an opinion. That is how I view Dancer’s post and he is entitled to express it and others to disagree with him. Peace, good health and fortune to all.

The only "healthy" pro full time gamblers I have known are select poker players (and by healthy I mean physically, at least outwardly... can't speak to mental health, and I don't want to..) everyone else, the table game goons and VP "experts" I was acquainted with, if I was an internist I'd give them 5 minutes to live. One guy I was friends with circa 1998 who was a craps maven, he'd get winded telling me about his day...he passed in '01. This was not an unusual example....

Next time you're in a casino, especially AC or Vegas, really observe the clientele...the unhealthy level most are at is really sad.

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Post by Vman96 »

Dentists, on average, have a higher IQ than their patients.I think this is a very obvious point. It doesn't mean all dentists are smarter than all of their patients. Obviously.But a dentist posting such a thing on a medical forum would certainly come off as extremely arrogant. I don't know what purpose it serves, but arrogance isn't against the forum rules (I think) or we'd be short a lot of folks around here. There are plenty of arrogant people in the world, and more so on the internet. You could spend your whole life getting worked up about such things, but I simply let it go and move on. It teaches you something about the person posting it, which is fine.I think the most surprising thing is that Bob D thought it was useful to post such a thing. Oh well!


The problem is the pattern with Bob. He has continuously put down people who don't measure up to his VP IQ. I personally find his VP advice to be sound, but wish he would tone it down a bit.

And this.

Bob is bringing up a bad topic whether he is correct or not. Because no matter what the true answer is, the main tone of Bob's post (at least to me) is "I'm smarter than you". And posts like these, or posts harshly criticizing others' VP playing habits, are why he is often criticized on this forum.

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Post by Tedlark »

It's way too late for this now but I think the smartest thing that could have taken place in this particular thread was that nobody responded to it. At all.

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Post by trumpforprez16 »

The IQ of all video poker players is ZERO, just like the overall expected return of video poker, which is also ZERO.

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Post by trumpforprez16 »

Mr. Dancer's post wasn't about intelligence, it was about money.  Mr. Dancer has made a career out of promoting video poker.  He sells products based on the premise that he can beat the casinos with a teachable strategy.  All you have to do is buy his products and follow his instructions.  By his own admission, he also consults for casinos.  He also teaches VP classes bringing new players into the game. This is a very effective marketing scheme earning money from both sides of the game. Nothing wrong with any of that.The problem comes when a person without Mr. Dancer's intellect, opportunities or bankroll tries to duplicate his results and fails.  This constitutes at least 99% of players.   When they complain, he tells them they aren't intelligent enough to make it work.   This is how he gets out of the problem and personally washes his hands of any responsibility.  Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem for those who bought into the dream.Yes, there are a few players who could beat the casinos.  Will you be among them? Probably not.  Is it because you are stupid or undisciplined?  No, it's because you came too late to the game or your daddy wasn't rich enough.All I have ever tried to do on this forum is point out the fact that most of today's video poker games are seriously negative and best played small.  This is not good for business or his casino clients, so he attacks me.  Right now I am sitting in my room at the Borgata in AC.   I only thought the VP odds in Biloxi were bad, these are far worse.   If you use Advantage Play strategy on $5 games in this casino, you will lose far more than if you play quarters.  It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.   Unless they have a secret VP room around here with positive games or they are going to give you a new Ferrari to play VP, I am right.The bigger problem he has is the casinos have dropped the odds in response to his strategy.   I can remember when even Biloxi had positive games.  Soon all VP will be negative.  What will he teach then?I am not angry with Mr. Dancer.  This is a problem he alone has created and he should come clean and admit most players are unable to beat VP through no fault of their own.   The days of beating the casino with Advantage Play strategy are practically gone.  For most, they never were.

Great post.

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Post by markinca »

   If you use Advantage Play strategy on $5 games in this casino, you will lose far more than if you play quarters.  It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

I see Phil saying this over and over again and I'm always confused. There isn't some sort of mystical advantage play 'strategy' that you use to magically win at games that others would lose at. If the payouts at the $5 games at Biloxi are that horrible, the Advantage Player strategy would likely be to just not play at all, unless there were some promotion or other extras that would push the payouts to healthily above 100%.

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