Why do you play VP? - Do you go solo or with your significant other or someone else.

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: Why do you play VP? - Do you go solo or with your significant other or someone else.

Post by Eduardo »

Jstark wrote:
Mon May 20, 2019 12:31 pm
Then, as I've said a bunch of times, STAY HOME! Because all of it WILL disappear in that slot. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But it WILL happen.

People with your mindset have no business being in a casino.


Man, people sure get worked up around here.

If he wants to lose money, I say go for it! It's not my money. He knows what he's getting himself into and he feels the cost is worth the entertainment value. No tortilla off my taquito.

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Post by Bobbi »

And back to the original question - We travel to the casino together - then split up to our favorite machines. One touches base with the other if it's time to eat or one of us has run out of money. My favorite machines are usually at the bar - most comfortable for me - I hate when there is a chatty bartender. Some of them will have a long loud conversation with a player at the bar and it bothers me. The person who drops a dollar in the machine and plays the game a quarter at a time while waiting for his drink is another annoyance to me. VP is sort of therapy where you can stop thinking about things that need to get done and just enjoy the moment.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Jstark wrote:
Mon May 20, 2019 12:31 pm
Then, as I've said a bunch of times, STAY HOME!
We have some members who believe they know what's best for the rest of us. They tell us how to play with our own money. Now they are telling us we should stay out of the casino entirely. I don't know who they think they are helping with this stuff, but it's not working. Maybe they should get GO HOME! signs made up and walk around the casino?

If you are going to play negative video poker in a casino, the odds say you are going to lose long term. I say don't take money into a casino unless you can afford to lose it. Play for entertainment. Don't kid yourself into thinking others have all the answers and you don't. Talk is cheap.

I challenged these folks to set up two simulations to see if playing single coin saves money over max coins when playing 96% games and none wanted any part of it. Why? Because every quarter you put in these games increases your losses. If one of them steps up, we will discover the truth for once. Don't hold your breath.

I enjoy my time at the casino. I don't enjoy walking out of the casino with an empty wallet nine out of ten times. Playing the way I do gives me the entertainment I desire without the later. If my wife and I played to beat the casino, it wouldn't take long before we lost both our bankrolls. I guess we would be forced to stay home then.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

For the majority of us "for profit" video poker is dead. There may be a few last gasps left, but it's definitely on life support. The casinos learned from their mistakes and plugged the holes. Where does that leave us now?

It's time we started transitioning our VP discussions from math and simulations to entertainment value. There is still much to discuss and learn. The experts laid the ground work, we need to apply their knowledge to the world we have today. Young people play video games on their phones for free. Is it any wonder they don't enjoy a wallet draining game with only five buttons? New video poker games are being created to make the game more interesting to these players. Is playing them going to be more profitable than 97% deuces wild?

This forum still has a Strategy Forum. That is the place where math discussions should take place. It has a resident expert who knows more about profiting from VP than anyone on the planet. Those members who are in that camp should stay there. When there isn't much left to discuss, they migrate here to "poke" the players who play for fun. All this does is start arguments. Why argue about something that few of us care about? If someone posted a sign on the door of the casino that said "None of the games inside are beatable long term", would you turn around and go home?

Players are smarter than we give them credit for. Most know the house will eventually win. The ones that don't learn the hard way. I'm not saying everyone should play like I do. I don't care how you play with your own money. All I want is a Recreational Forum where we can discuss playing VP like we like to, not the way someone else says is best. The Strategy Forum is the place for math and experts. This forum is the place for players who value entertainment over profit. Sometimes we get both.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Bobbi wrote:
Mon May 20, 2019 1:50 pm
And back to the original question - We travel to the casino together - then split up to our favorite machines. One touches base with the other if it's time to eat or one of us has run out of money. My favorite machines are usually at the bar - most comfortable for me - I hate when there is a chatty bartender. Some of them will have a long loud conversation with a player at the bar and it bothers me. The person who drops a dollar in the machine and plays the game a quarter at a time while waiting for his drink is another annoyance to me. VP is sort of therapy where you can stop thinking about things that need to get done and just enjoy the moment.
Back to the discussion. I also hate it when casino employees stand around and have loud lengthy conversations. I like to play very early in the morning when we are on vacation. That puts me in the casino around 5 AM. It's quiet and peaceful and I can hear the music. This is about the same time the employees start coming to work. Sometimes they stand around and yak about last night or whatever is on their mind. More than once I have had to ask them to move down a few rows. I am polite and they always respond in kind.

Players are another story. Some women go to the casino to talk. They might play a little, but there is more talking than gambling. This is extremely annoying to me. I don't want to listen to a 30 minute story about their daughter who is living with a guy who just got out of prison or their last pedicure. If you say anything, they get defensive or even combative. When this happens, I move.

As far as the single coin quarter player at the bar, I think he is taking advantage of an edge on the house. This guy is getting a drink for a quarter. Does it bother anyone that he isn't losing as much as you are? I always play max coins at the bar. I don't drink, my wife does. Where we play, the bar machines normally have the best odds in the casino. I tip the bartender a $1 for each Coke or water I drink. What annoys me is players who do not tip. I guess they think the employees are all Advantage Players living large off the VP? (joke)

What I like about casinos is good service. I want comped rooms whenever I want them. I want to be called by my name. I want a nice quiet room with a view. I like good food at a reasonable price. I like nice furniture, flowers and great conditioning. I want to play well maintained machines that work. I want a comp system that lets me stay and eat free. These things do not come with 100% video poker. I will play their games if they play mine.

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Post by FAA »

House has a minimum 3% advantage. No AP would go anywhere near the games I have. This is the norm across most of this country. If it isn't where you play, it most likely will be soon.
AC being the only non Nevada exception. They have enough problems.

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Post by FAA »

After all these years, is it possible Phil simply doesn't get the whole coin in concept?
He must be doing something right. He's getting free rooms. I'm getting free drinks.

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Post by Bobbi »

The guy that puts the dollar in the machine, plays a quarter and gets a drink, does not tip. He cashes out his 75 cents and goes away smiling. Then rinse and repeat. Annoying to a serious player when concentration is broken with the musical chair next to you. My game is DDB - if I ever played plain old Jacks I would kick myself when I got aces. I guess that is the same feeling I would get if I played less than max coin in.

Question for you all............. When ready to leave the casino and you have less than 5 credits left in the machine, - how do you feel playing out those last credits? I have done that and I am almost glad I didn't hit anything. (No, I wouldn't cash it out because the time it would take to go to the cash machine wouldn't be worth it to me).

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Bobbi wrote:
Tue May 21, 2019 8:39 am
Question for you all............. When ready to leave the casino and you have less than 5 credits left in the machine, - how do you feel playing out those last credits? I have done that and I am almost glad I didn't hit anything. (No, I wouldn't cash it out because the time it would take to go to the cash machine wouldn't be worth it to me).
I hardly ever play single coin anymore. I increased my bankroll to allow me to play max coins all day. It costs me more money, but my comps are better. I don't see anything wrong with playing single coin to extend your play as long as you are willing to accept a short coin royal.

To answer your question. As soon as you switch to single coin you are almost guaranteed to hit a decent hand. I have no idea why. This could make you happy or sad depending upon your mind set. If it's a royal flush, you will want to jump off the nearest bridge. Don't do it. (joke)

If I have coins left, I cash them out and give the ticket to my wife. Our change machines don't give coins. She saves up all the small tickets until the end of the day.

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Post by Eduardo »

FloridaPhil wrote:
Tue May 21, 2019 9:47 am
To answer your question. As soon as you switch to single coin you are almost guaranteed to hit a decent hand. I have no idea why.
It has happened zero times to me. Not sure I care for your "guarantee." :lol:

It's okay, I know you didn't mean that literally.

I always say I never play single coin. I was wrong... I do play out the final coins by just hitting Max Bet repeatedly and hold my breath. I've never made it out of that phase with a nice single coin win.

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