Great weekend at the Palms, Las Vegas!

Did you hit any jackpots? Did you get a great comp? We all want to know!
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Great weekend at the Palms, Las Vegas!

Post by markinca »

Spent a weekend at the Palms for some video pokering and some relaxing.

Rolled in on Friday at about 2pm, and immediately hit up my favorite 25c FPDW machines. Of the bank of 4, I took the one on the very left (I like end machines), and immediately saw myself down about $300.

I had to go to the bathroom, so I went, and when I came back, a guy who was on another machine in the bank took over my machine! Fine, I sat at the machine he was at.

A few minutes later, I got dealt TQKA of clubs. Normally when I get dealt 4 to a royal, I take a deep breath and pray and then hit the draw, but this time for some reason I just held the cards and hit the draw pretty quickly, to get it overwith. And whaddaya know:

Yowsa! This trip's off to a good start already! I don't think that dude saw that I hit the royal on his prior machine

Then, just a few hands after that, I hit quad deuces! Wheeee!

I figured I'd used up all my luck on FPDW, so I switched it up to DDB. I got 3's with a kicker, but lost most of it back. Then at some point I got dealt a garbage hand, so I threw it all away and look what came on the draw:

That was basically it for Friday. I figured even if Saturday was a losing day, I'm still pretty much guaranteed a winning weekend.

Saturday comes and I hit the FPDW again, and I again find myself down another $300-400. I go and have lunch with the gf, and I decide to switch it up and go quad-hunting at DDB.

With her standing by my side, I didn't get any quads for about an hour, and then get dealt AKJ of diamonds, and hit draw, not expecting much:

Wowowow... two royals in 2 days?? My gf was naturally pretty enthused too! She said that that called for dessert, so we went to get some frozen yogurt (my treat, of course!)

On the way back to the room, I told my gf I still wanted to get my quad-scratch itched, since even though I did get a royal, I didn't get any quads that session.

So we went back to the same bank of DDB machines, and I chose the machine next to the one I hit the royal, and I put in a $20. A few minutes later, I got dealt AAA, drew, and hit the A! No kicker though :( But still, wow!

A few minutes after that, quad 9's. And a few minutes after that, I got dealt AAA again, and I turned to my gf and said, "Haha, wouldn't it be scary if I hit quads again?" Well...

My gf and I looked at each other, and it was officially a bit scary. A few hands after that, I got a straight flush, which as most of you know, are pretty rare, so I knew I had the golden touch going.

I stopped shortly after that, had some dinner, and then decided to come back down to try my luck again.

I put in another $20, and in the span of about 10 minutes, I had quad queens twice and quad 2's no kicker. What the heck?? But from that point though, I lost about $600, and I actually wasn't bothered at all - I felt like balance had been restored to the world. Whew!

2 royals, 2 AWAK's, and 1 quad deuces on DW, all in a short weekend of playing. I don't think I'll beat that again!

But I'll be going back in June, just to be sure.    

Come Back Kid
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Post by Come Back Kid »

Wow!!! Great job Mark, congrats!!!

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Post by Tedlark »

Yep, I would say it was a pretty good weekend video pokering and relaxing.

Congrats and good luck to you in June when you go.

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Post by FAA »

Saturday comes and I hit the FPDW again, and I again find myself down another $300-400.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is when my day would end in a grief stricken daze. I would have been -$600 on the two days. Congratulations.

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Post by markinca »

Saturday comes and I hit the FPDW again, and I again find myself down another $300-400.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is when my day would end in a grief stricken daze. I would have been -$600 on the two days. Congratulations.

Normally I'd be right there with you, but hitting the royal/AWAK on Friday definitely lessened the sting, as I was still way up overall.  If I hadn't hit any of those big hands, I'd just be sulking in the hotel room probably

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Post by FloridaPhil »

You were definitely on a roll. When this stuff happens it seems like everything works.  You should have played Power Ball and the State Lottery as well.  

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  Congratulation, Nice Hits !!

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Post by Bobbi »

Congrats! Great hits!

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Post by case »

Full pay games as well. Nice trip!

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