scotus confirmed

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scotus confirmed

Post by notes1 »

want to thank those who assisted in confirming the nominee.

thanks to sneaky feinstein for pulling a last minute accusation that resulted in 'outing' a woman who wanted none of the publicity, da nang bluementhal, coons who declared one is assumed guilty until proven innocent, hirono who stated that men should shut up and sit down, spartacus booker, the soros backed mob that harassed all who disagreed with them and of course, the sneaky porn lawyer who may be the next dem presidential candidate.

their tactics and words managed to increase the enthusiasm level of many reps, that may very well carry over to the mid terms.

according to census stats, in 2016, nearly one third of young adults were living at their parents home. the usa labor dept reports the same group has a workforce participation rate well below previous years. now, i know what many of them are doing. instead of getting a job, in a 3.7% unemployment environment, contributing tax dollars to society, many are too busy playing video games and harassing law abiding/tax paying citizens with whom they disagree.

to those spoiled young folks who do not work and spend their time protesting, complaining and terrorizing others, get a job and pay some taxes for all those freebies you want.

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Post by Tedlark »

Why notes; I never took you as the type who would make long and rambling political rants.....

Yo add though: and Ford's lawyers releasing a "corroborating statement" today(?) a couple hours before the vote, trying to sway the vote? My question is simple, why did they wait until then to release it?

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Post by DaBurglar »

The post was neither long nor rambling, and although obviously partisan, it was well written and clear.

The whole spectacle was exactly why I am a follower of NEITHER party, why I believe society is hopelessly broken, and why only God through his son Jesus Christ can properly lead humanity.

The democrats indeed are the party of immorality and pettiness. Unless you wholeheartedly support LGBT rights and 100% access to ABORTION (which is indeed killing of a unborn human being) you are unviable!

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Post by DaBurglar »

However, I disagree with the whole vague, unsubstantiated rant about "Young Adults". Such a thing is far more complex and nuanced than you seem to understand. What age exactly denotes "Young Adult"? 25? 30?

For starters, The whole perception that more kids remain at home longer than past generations is due to MANY things that have nothing to do with laziness or sloth. Surely you know that....the first question is WHY do their parents (and grandparents) allow such a thing to develop in the first place? Obviously, there must be reasons that transcend simple laziness because what reasonable parent allows their kid to just loaf around because they are lazy? And if that is the case, then the Parents and Grandparents are also to blame!

I do agree of course that there are entitled people IN GENERAL, across all age brackets, today; just as there are many selfish, INTOLERANT, unreasonable and arrogant people IN GENERAL across all age brackets and parties.

These current "good times" with unnaturally high EMPLOYMENT and seemingly "positive" vibes everywhere is NOT GOING TO LAST....there's a lot of rottenness underneath society and the economy. The single biggest THREAT is the absurd, ridiculous disparity of wealth and its concentration in the hands of very very few people. This is unsustainable and is one of the many factors contributing to what you are complaining about young people today. It's happened time and again throughout history....when the RICHEST of the RICH actually become truly "too rich", things erode and/or explode until the playing field is either leveled.....or destroyed. That's what is happening and has been happening since the late 1940s.

FYI - The government is truly controlled by the elite richest 1% and the corporations (and all the LOBBYISTS that these individuals and companies employ and support). The Democrats are NOT, repeat NOT the party of the poor or downtrodden....that is a total facade. The dems only appear to be this so that they can curry favor with all the people who are NOT filthy rich....the Republicans of course, have been the party of the Rich and Powerful for the last Century and change. The ridiculous, unneeded (and soon to become disastrous) TAX CUTS the republicans RAMRODDED into reality last year are so SLANTED and unfairly benefiting the people who need it the LEAST while giving very little to the people who need it the most.

When any individual, a democrat or republican, gets elected to either the House or Senate, it's like winning a lottery ticket. Look at the average net worths of all elected officials and representatives. Compare (if you can) their worth's before and after's galling and for the life of me I do not know why more people are not up in arms over this.

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Post by Tedlark »

"The Democrats are NOT, repeat NOT the party of the poor or downtrodden....that is a total facade. The dems only appear to be this so that they can curry favor with all the people who are NOT filthy rich...."

Now if a person of right mind read the above, wouldn't they think that if a particular party did something to curry favor with the poor and downtrodden: that would then make them the party of the poor and downtrodden?

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Post by notes1 »

the accuser's lawyers were never really looking out for her, instead they are operatives of the DNC. in sworn testimony, she stated she was unaware of an offer to interview her in her home state, out of the spotlight. anyone who followed the story knew this offer had been made. either she lied or her lawyers did not make her aware of this offer. why, they wanted the issue to be national news and turn the public against the nominee. it backfired and the lawyers and the dems could care less about the accuser. just another sacrificial lamb for the greater good (according to them).

as far as 'unsubstantiated rant', i referenced census info and bureau of labor statistics (BLS). the stats are real, i do not care about the reasons/excuses. too many young people, not all, have been brought up entitled. liberals have taken over the education system and brain washed these kids. open borders, socialism, free college, free everything. they have no idea what socialism really means and who is going to pay for all the free stuff they want. you can bet some liberal invented the 'participation trophy'. get out of your parents house, get a damn job and pay some taxes. then, i will listen to you.

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Post by DaBurglar »

notes1 wrote:
Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:42 am

as far as 'unsubstantiated rant', i referenced census info and bureau of labor statistics (BLS). the stats are real, i do not care about the reasons/excuses. too many young people, not all, have been brought up entitled. liberals have taken over the education system and brain washed these kids. open borders, socialism, free college, free everything. they have no idea what socialism really means and who is going to pay for all the free stuff they want. you can bet some liberal invented the 'participation trophy'. get out of your parents house, get a damn job and pay some taxes. then, i will listen to you.

I know where the actual NUMBERs you are basing your ubsubtantiated (i.e. Opinion) statements come from, I am not disputing the fact there are more "young adults" who for whatever reason(s) are living at home. It's all your subsequent assumptions/conclusions/frustrations that I see as part of the overall problem and contribute to the never ending partisan BS gridlock.

You are not the only one obviously who thinks these things or feels this way, and there are just as many liberal partisan angry frustrated people who believe things like "We live in a police state" and that the rich white racist elite "Controls everything" etc. Blanket, prejudicial ridiculous statements drawn on both sides of the political aisle is one reason why things are the way they are.

Socialism, just to focus on that part of your statement, is one of the most misapplied, abused and nebulous terms in today's political and sociological discussion/debate. NO ONE correctly or accurately understands and applies it to their argument or political agenda. We have always had "Socialist"-like aspects and properties to our society/government. Take your average public Library, your average town's Fire Department, Social Security, Medicare....these things all are Socialist in nature. So what?

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Post by DaBurglar »

Tedlark wrote:
Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:01 am
"The Democrats are NOT, repeat NOT the party of the poor or downtrodden....that is a total facade. The dems only appear to be this so that they can curry favor with all the people who are NOT filthy rich...."

Now if a person of right mind read the above, wouldn't they think that if a particular party did something to curry favor with the poor and downtrodden: that would then make them the party of the poor and downtrodden?
No....anyone of right mind understands what I am saying.

Otherwise, using YOUR line of thought and YOUR statement above, the Republican PArty is now the party of the Racist Right WIng Neo Nazi element in our society since such people voted overwhelmingly for Trump and he has definitely curried favor with THEM.

Politicians of all stripes say (and even DO) lots of things to portray themselves as champions of specific types and groups of people, but when looked at objectively over the long term, it turns out to be something quite different. Most politicians regardless of party are only loyal and interested in the (true) wellbeing of themselves and (maybe) their immediate families Just ny opinion of course, I have no actual NUMBERS to support that statement

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Post by Carcounter »

I watched Dr. Ford's testimony and thought wow, she is credible and maybe this really happened. Then I saw Judge Kavanaugh's response and thought maybe she was just confused and it is a case of mistaken identity. I now believe that this was a set up from the start, she is lying and was coached by her attorney Deborah Katz and her friend Monica McLean, a former FBI agent. It almost worked.

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Post by Carcounter »

I don't know how to post links etc, but Victor Davis Hanson has wrote a great piece that can be seen on the Realclearpolitics website or American Greatness website. Best summary of what just happened.

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