flight from cities continues...

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Re: flight from cities continues...

Post by notes1 »

i'll give credit to dems, liberals and trump haters for at least one thing. they stick together like flies on sh!t. doesn't matter the policy in questions, the actions of one of their own, the results of any action they take(or not take) or any politician (like de blasio), they support them. they do what they are told.

they give awards to a gov who had the most chinese virus deaths, they elect a mental midget as potus, they defend the most hated mayor in america, they make excuses for dem leaders who don't follow their own mandates, they allow criminals to run free. anything goes, as long as they gain power.

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Post by notes1 »

in the meantime, black and brown people are murdered, assaulted, victims of crime.

good job dem/liberal leaders. you can count on their vote by giving them crumbs and making promises.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Only the beginning! I have to correct one part of another post I made. Murders didn’t quite double, but look at all of this!

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Post by notes1 »

olds, according to BR, anyone who presents facts such as these, is lying.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

They are besides themselves and don’t know what to do. They have let so many out of prison early who of course go right back to a life of crime. The revolving door of injustice creates criminals with rap sheets longer than a roll of toilet paper. Due to covid they can’t even find enough grand juries. The courts are backed up beyond belief. So what do they do? Fewer arrests, prosecutions , and more early releases. Police have had enough and are retiring or have already retired in droves. Many others have had or do have Covid and most of them do not trust the system to back them up when they do their duty. Can’t say as I blame them. All I can say is who in their right mind would want to live there. If I remember an average rent is close to 4,000 a month.

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Post by billryan »

No one wants to live there anymore. It's too crowded.
You have to admit claiming people are leaving while rents are increasing is a strange way to make your point.

While 462 homicides is 462 too many, it is also 75% less than what it was a generation ago.

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Post by billryan »

billryan wrote:
Sat Jan 02, 2021 2:28 pm
No one wants to live there anymore. It's too crowded.
You have to admit claiming people are leaving while rents are increasing is a strange way to make your point.

While 462 homicides is 462 too many, it is also 75% less than what it was a generation ago. It's also well below anything that happened under Rudy Gs regime.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Rents are actually down by 15-20 percent for apartments from last year Besides everything already written about, one of the biggest problems New York is facing is the people with money are leaving. I don’t think they can expect too much help from the feds either. The Fed just can’t keep printing money forever

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Post by notes1 »

BR caught in another lie. tell us where olds said RENTS were INCREASING, go ahead, quote him.

bloomberg estimates rents have dropped 30-40% in some locations.

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Post by stevel96a1 »

Covid 19 is a joke, come to nyc down town and you see out door seating much like indoor seating, go to a shopping mart like target or food bazaar, you wouldn't even know theres a global pandemic aside from the mask to comply w/ state wide mandates again the hospitals are crying their eyes out how covid is flooding the hospitals like men coming in droves for free sex despite the fact what i witness i think its a joke a sad demented joke for the working class =/

id bet my bankroll most natives of nyc don't know the meaning of social distancing, we were top contender of the virus for a period of time
