Why is everyone so excited?

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Re: Why is everyone so excited?

Post by Carcounter »

Eduardo wrote:
Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:53 am
There is certainly a place for that conversation about race and it is important. I don't believe it should figure into the conversation about mass shootings (even if the media tries to make it that way). Most of these mass shootings are not related to race. Making it so is a distraction to meaningful gun law reforms.
I agree that most of these mass shootings are not related to race. We need to keep deranged people from getting guns. Not to change the subject, but back in the 80's I believe, most states, at least those here in the northeast closed the mental institutions and patients were generally released into society. I know these institutions were hellholes, but wouldn't a better alternative have been to spend the money to make them more hospitable for both patients and staff? Too late now, you will never reopen these facilities.

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Post by advantage playe »

onemoretry wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:46 am
Bobbi wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 5:19 am
However, had there been an armed citizen in that store when things started to jump off, it might have been a very different picture.
And, if there were four or five armed citizens, there could have been a full-blown shootout, and perhaps many, many more fatalities!
OR, There COULD HAVE BEEN A PREVENT OF 10 DEATHS with A stopped LUNATIC KILLER !!!!!!! but of coarse Onemoretry KNOWS THE FUTURE !!!! IS THAT NOT CORRECT , Onemoretry ??? oh, I spelled COARSE the way I meant !!

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Post by advantage playe »

billryan wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:48 pm
What are you carrying on about?
billryan, YOU always SEEEEM to change the forum topic as soon as I post a statement that you dont want others in the forum to read !! That is a form of censorship !!!!!!!! You do this TIME and TIME and TIME again !!!!!!!

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Post by Bobbi »

Back to the original post..... What a joke the "press conference" was. He read the names of the "approved" reporters from a list and had notes pre-written on how to answer. The question that stands out in my mind was the compliment that was given to him about him being such a nice guy - is that why there is such a rush at the border?. The answer that stands out in my mind was the one about allowing the press access to the facilities when he was ready to let them in.. (after he finds a place to hide them?). I would like to know where all the resources are coming from to check on the home and family of a child with a phone number written on their hand. He said something about dna and birth certificates. "C'mon man... give me a break" :lol: :lol: :lol: I wonder why he didn't call on Peter from Fox news.. Acosta always got his 5 minutes of fame...

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Post by rockinrobin »

He answered 31 questions from most of the major media outlets. There were 25 outlets there, and he called on 10. He answered for over an hour. He didn’t call anyone nasty, terrible, a third rate reporter, or the enemy of the people. The NPR reporter did not giving him a compliment, she asked a question if the perception of him being a moral, decent man was a reason that immigrants are trying to get into the country. He said the press would be given access soon. They are trying to open up new facilities and move children to more acceptable accommodations because many facilities were closed under Trump. We’re you so concerned about all the children the Trump administration lost track of while in their custody. Thankfully, over 200 have been reunited with their parents under the Biden administration and they are trying to do the same for all of them.
Trump famously had notes at every press conference. Many photographers took pictures of his handwritten, misspelled scribbles on typed out notes.
Also, a reminder to you that Jim Acosta had his press credentials removed because they didn’t like his questions and he sued and won to get them back.

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Post by Tedlark »

I thought President Biden putting Vice-President Harris in charge of the US-Mexico border "crisis" was a bit of an interesting wrinkle. Would that be considered a bit of a toss under a bus? Not entirely under but just like an arm or a leg?

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Post by Bobbi »

Oh my rockinrobin, You must be so blinded by your TDS that you do not see reality. The press rarely asked President Trump a question without leading off with an accusation. Did you watch the same "show" I did? He lost his train of thought many times, even with his numerous cheat sheets right in front of him. He only called on those that he had written answers to. About the children being separated from their parents... Who knew if they were the actual parents? Separation was a necessity to try to stop child trafficking Has biden solved that problem? No. He also has separate cages for children. Are you okay with the billions of dollars going to illegal immigrants for housing, healthcare, clothing and pocket money when the United States cannot take care of their own homeless people living in the street? Are you okay with releasing the immigrants that have tested positive for the virus or not tested at all after keeping the country on lock down for over a year? Are you okay with the children being sent to military bases and turning our armed forces into baby sitters? I don't blame biden - he is but a shell of a man. He was kept in a basement for over a year and fed misinformation. He is still being kept in a basement and let out periodically for show. He is not running the country.

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Post by rockinrobin »

Bobbi, nothing you said is based in reality.

Ted, Biden oversaw the border issues under Obama. Why does putting Harris in the same position bother you?

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Post by advantage playe »

rockinrobin wrote:
Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:26 pm
Bobbi, nothing you said is based in reality.

Ted, Biden oversaw the border issues under Obama. Why does putting Harris in the same position bother you?
Lets stick with what Bobbi said first !!! One at a time Please . U lefty democrates r v good at trying to confuse the facts . president joe babble , YOUR president, can use a man like you ! Bobbie is correct , NOTHING YOU SAID IS BASED ON REALTY !!!

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Post by rockinrobin »

"can use a man like you "

I am not a man. Your entire comment is nonsense.

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