Does anyone else find

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Re: Does anyone else find

Post by notes1 »

that is the comment. we were told gitmo was a recruiting tool, we were told being in Iraq was a recruiting tool, we were told not being more understanding would also be a recruiting tool. now, we are being told, that getting rid of those who believe in sharia law, would also be a recruiting tool. do not come here, unless one believes our laws take precedent over laws, where one is from.

still waiting for you to answer the questions put to you.

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Post by billryan »

 As I told you, as soon as you name one place in the US that Sharia law is being practiced, I'll be happy to .

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Post by DaBurglar »

 As I told you, as soon as you name one place in the US that Sharia law is being practiced, I'll be happy to .

Hey Billy, give it up....notes1 does this all the time, and then throws the exact accusation right back at you.    You aren't going to get an answer because, like the republican party of today, he has NONE.   He is never going to admit he is wrong about anything, even if you show it to him in BRIGHT colored crayon on a white garage door.......For balance let me also say this:  The democrats have very few if any realistic, valid solutions for today's problems, but I believe their version of BS is a little less harmful and "mean" than the Repoublicans, at least for the short term.I used to be a republican, I am NOT a liberal (but I am ELITE, hahaha).......for the 48th time I am going to say it:   THERE NEEDS TO BE A THIRD ALTERNATIVE, NOW....someone with the proper credentials and vision and charisma needs to step forth and form something like a party of the proper priorities and common sense and human decency.

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Post by billryan »

Although I didn't hear Newt call for it, the implication seems to be that Newt and his ilk want to impose a religious test and begin deporting people solely on their religious beliefs. Not only is that inherently unconstitutional, it's a slippery slope to disaster.After you eliminate the followers of Mohammed, maybe we can start on the folks who killed Jesus, or those whose God's have eight arms.
My point is people are free to worship as they want and have opinions that they want.

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