Racism is the refuge of the IDIOTS and the EVIL

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Re: Racism is the refuge of the IDIOTS and the EVIL

Post by notes1 »

BLM got it's momentum from ferguson. we were told an innocent, young black child was murdered by a white cop with his arms raised. the MSM told us this almost immediately, they knew the whole story. dem congress members stood on the steps of the capital, with their hands raised. NFL players also stood with arms raised. Hollywood, celebrities and many on the left did the same. in protest, parts of ferguson were looted and burned to the ground.

but wait. it turned out that the victim was an oversize 18 year old, who was a thug, a bully and a thief, see the video. and, according to Obama's DOJ, lead by a black attorney general, the victim attacked the cop, tried to take his gun and the entire 'hands up', was made up.

the victim is dead and that is sad, but he was not murdered, he was the aggressor. the cop, who was doing his job, lost his employment and likely lives in fear of his life, for simply protecting the citizens of ferguson.

this is the roots of BLM, it was a lie. what do you the odds are that someone or some group at the dem convention, will raise their arms, in hopes of continuing the lie.

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Post by billryan »

It actually started after Trayvon Martin was killed a year before Ferguson but gained national attention when events in Ferguson and NY brought out demonstrations.

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Post by notes1 »

It actually started after Trayvon Martin was killed a year before Ferguson but gained national attention when events in Ferguson and NY brought out demonstrations.

point out where I said 'it got started' in ferguson, I said 'BLM got it's momentum'.

reading is FUNdamental.

apparently, there is no dispute, the entire ferguson event was built on a lie, and it continues.

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