It takes a special person...

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Re: It takes a special person...

Post by notes1 »

-I posted a FACT from cnn website
-you wanted a solution
-the nyc/vegas blowhard chimed in some worthless comment

I gave you a response as to one thing I would do, concentrate my efforts on any group that is responsible for the terrorist actions, no matter how politically incorrect profiling/targeting may be.

you have made multiple posts about all the fat people in this country and the cost to society. if you were to use your vast marketing skills to design a campaign to fight this problem, who would you target? all the skinny folks?

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Post by DaBurglar »

-I posted a FACT from cnn website
-you wanted a solution
-the nyc/vegas blowhard chimed in some worthless comment

I gave you a response as to one thing I would do, concentrate my efforts on any group that is responsible for the terrorist actions, no matter how politically incorrect profiling/targeting may be.

you have made multiple posts about all the fat people in this country and the cost to society. if you were to use your vast marketing skills to design a campaign to fight this problem, who would you target? all the skinny folks?Look we all have become blowhards....seriously.And to be accurate, I have made numerous posts about the out of control MEDICAL costs in this country, MUCH of which is due to the simple fact that the USA is the fattest, most obese developed country on the planet......a problem which to a VERY VERY large extent is  preventable, and also "fixable"........ and i am sure I mentioned the importance of personal responsibility in controling what a person eats....I do NOT have a problem or vendetta against "FAT PEOPLE"......This is what I am talking about and why it needs to cease, and for my part, I am going to as soon as i finish this post.......Obesity and Terrorism are hardly interchangeable, and the "target" of a marketing campaign or a public service campaign  IS NOT in anyway the same as a racial or criminal PROFILING campaign.Seriously, this whole ongoing saga is totally out of control and no longer makes any sense or serves any purpose (if it ever did to begin with.....entertainment perhaps)....this forum is not designed for such broad and diverse debates.

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Post by notes1 »

well, as long as YOU have spoken, then it is all decided.

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Post by FAA »

this forum is not designed for such broad and diverse debates.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The smartest eleven words of the thread?

Video Poker Master
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Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:11 pm

Post by DaBurglar »

well, as long as YOU have spoken, then it is all decided. nothing is stopping you from saying what you want to say so blast away if you feel inclined.....but I am no longer going to vigorously debate and re-debate these issues anymore, because as I said, in a VEHICLE like this forum, too much gets lost in translation (or not translated at all, or the opposite....things get perceived or interpreted that are wrong or do not apply, etc.)    Politics, like religion, are BELIEFS that only translate into real life when people agree to a MINIMUM level of respect, and also when all parties agree that COMPROMISE is an essential, vital part of it all (i.e. NO one gets to have "their way" in all things or all areas.)   Your notions of common sense, and personal responsibility, are actual (whether you wish to acknowledge or not) highly personal perceptions.....everyone has their own views and beliefs about what constitutes THOSE things as well.

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