Recreational Forum Reset

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: Recreational Forum Reset

Post by Tedlark »

I'm afraid that this thread will turn into just another episode of "As the Phil Turns."

Recently another forum member, OTABill to be exact,suggests that the Recreational Forum be split into 2 parts and Phil tried to hijack that thread until webman stepped in.

Now Phil starts this thread. Here he talks about playing smaller, winning smaller, playing smaller makes losing more tolerable. He talks of comps and their value when up until recently he slammed those who spoke of comps as having value. This talk also included drawings being held at midnight but now he talks of how his view of drawings has changed, especially after his name was called. Funny how that works.

Phil talks here of threads going off the rails and being picked apart and we take off on another word craft pissing match. What Phil doesn't understand (which webman so directly pointed to in the thread I previously mentioned) is that his posts are picked apart because he posts misinformation, bad information, poor suggestions and poor advice. This misinformation, bad information, poor suggestions and poor advice could then be taken as gospel by a novice player or rookie forum member who has not yet graduated from "Phil 101."

Here in this thread Phil states that he will respond to a question even though "the answer may not be the answer you want to hear."

Also now, onemoretry speaks of Phil's recent post about comps at the Beau Rivage and Phil's "knowing the secret comp formulation" but when pressed; Phil does not answer. So much for Phil answering questions even when we may not like the answer.

Phil most likely looks at just a few members who pick his posts apart and I, most likely, am in that group. I told myself several months ago that I would not reduce myself to rolling through the mud with Phil because I am better than that. But when Phil posts absolute B.S. in these forums he needs to be corrected.

Phil, again makes cloaked mentions and attacks of Bob Dancer after returning from suspension.

Phil has made it plainly clear to me that: he is obsessed and extremely jealous of Bob Dancer; he has made it his responsibility to warn others of the evils associated with gambling even though he himself makes regular trips to casinos and he just wants control of the recreational Forum.

We have all been down this road before.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I have never been able to figure rhyme or reason to any comp system. I have made some observations though. The first one I am sure everyone knows. And that is slot players get comped at a much higher rate than non slot players. One other observation has to do with a couple that last year played at roughly the same rate as my wife and I and we both play the same games. I get sporadic mid week room offers, the second rate shows, the sane lounge and parking access as them. The other couple always gets a marker when they arrive at the casino. I have never taken out a marker. They akways pay it back on time. They get 24/7 365 rooms and suites, the top shows, access to the better lounge reserved for very high rollers, and sometimes limo service back to their home about 3 hours away.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:13 pm
I have never been able to figure rhyme or reason to any comp system. I have made some observations though. The first one I am sure everyone knows. And that is slot players get comped at a much higher rate than non slot players. One other observation has to do with a couple that last year played at roughly the same rate as my wife and I and we both play the same games. I get sporadic mid week room offers, the second rate shows, the sane lounge and parking access as them. The other couple always gets a marker when they arrive at the casino. I have never taken out a marker. They akways pay it back on time. They get 24/7 365 rooms and suites, the top shows, access to the better lounge reserved for very high rollers, and sometimes limo service back to their home about 3 hours away.
Olds, maybe you should take out markers. That is what we do. If we have a losing trip we write a check before we leave. If we win we take the money home with us and deposit it in an account we have set aside for gambling only. They will even let you float for 30 days if you want but we are more comfortable paying up as we don't like to owe money.

As far as better comps in return for markers I really can't say. We get the same comps it sounds like as your friends get. More than likely we play at different casino conglomerates. We play at CET. For us the markers are more for convenience than anything.

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Post by tech58 »

FloridaPhil wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:39 am
OTABILL wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:23 am
Tech, the reason was that it was buried in another long winded thread. The answer is to start a new topic with that as the subject. I may start a new topic myself related to the value for a recreational player of time spent learning the intricacies of VP based on my post under Casinos and Inflation. That post got buried as well. :)
What causes this is we have a few members who believe it is more important to attack another member's post rather than contribute something worthwhile to the forum. The thread goes off the rails and we take off on another word craft pissing match. I will respond if I am asked a question. It may not be the answer you want to hear.

You are not going to convince me today's video poker can support anyone's great lifestyle. I don't believe there is any such thing as "long term" gambling profit, so stop trying to convert me. If that's the Litmus test to be a contributor to this forum, there will never be anything but arguing. Lets talk about the things we can all agree on.
FP, you absolutely do NOT get it! The thread was buried because YOU BURIED IT!!
AS soon as it was introduced you did WHAT YOU DO! You went somewhere else!!
There is no sense in trying to get you to understand.I would be pissing to the south into a south wind!!

I will start a new thread on the subject. Lay out what i feel is important about comps and why.
Share what i have learned, and ask for others knowledge,or their lack thereof.

You said you will "respond if i am asked a question".
I will ASSIDUOUSLY avoid asking you a question, and ask any poster on the thread to adhere to same.
If you fail to avoid the thread, i will take that as a breach of promise, and appeal to the Supreme Director Of Annoyance Avoidance, (AKA Webman) .

Failing resolution of the problem thru that avenue,i will either join the parade of detractors or fade away.

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Post by Gronbog »

Eduardo wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:30 pm
Someone keeps urging people to stop bringing up long term profits.

Then they keep bringing up long term profits.

Someone once wished there was no talk of experts or advantage play in this forum.

Then they keep bringing up experts and advantage play in this forum.
This hits the nail on the head.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Tedlark wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:07 pm
I'm afraid that this thread will turn into just another episode of "As the Phil Turns."

Recently another forum member, OTABill to be exact,suggests that the Recreational Forum be split into 2 parts and Phil tried to hijack that thread until webman stepped in.

Now Phil starts this thread. Here he talks about playing smaller, winning smaller, playing smaller makes losing more tolerable. He talks of comps and their value when up until recently he slammed those who spoke of comps as having value. This talk also included drawings being held at midnight but now he talks of how his view of drawings has changed, especially after his name was called. Funny how that works.

Phil talks here of threads going off the rails and being picked apart and we take off on another word craft pissing match. What Phil doesn't understand (which webman so directly pointed to in the thread I previously mentioned) is that his posts are picked apart because he posts misinformation, bad information, poor suggestions and poor advice. This misinformation, bad information, poor suggestions and poor advice could then be taken as gospel by a novice player or rookie forum member who has not yet graduated from "Phil 101."

Here in this thread Phil states that he will respond to a question even though "the answer may not be the answer you want to hear."

Also now, onemoretry speaks of Phil's recent post about comps at the Beau Rivage and Phil's "knowing the secret comp formulation" but when pressed; Phil does not answer. So much for Phil answering questions even when we may not like the answer.

Phil most likely looks at just a few members who pick his posts apart and I, most likely, am in that group. I told myself several months ago that I would not reduce myself to rolling through the mud with Phil because I am better than that. But when Phil posts absolute B.S. in these forums he needs to be corrected.

Phil, again makes cloaked mentions and attacks of Bob Dancer after returning from suspension.

Phil has made it plainly clear to me that: he is obsessed and extremely jealous of Bob Dancer; he has made it his responsibility to warn others of the evils associated with gambling even though he himself makes regular trips to casinos and he just wants control of the recreational Forum.

We have all been down this road before.
"What causes this is we have a few members who believe it is more important to attack another member's post rather than contribute something worthwhile to the forum."

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Post by FloridaPhil »

onemoretry wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:59 pm
And, players are not always going to share what they do find out through there own efforts. For example, in your April 16 post in the casinos and inflation thread, you stated, regarding comped rooms at the Beau RIvage: "All they ask is that we play max quarters long enough to give them a chance to recoup their investment. Through experience, we have learned what that number is". But when you were asked to share that number, you wouldn't. Why is that?
There is no exact number of hands because Comps are a moving target. What works at one casino may not work at another and it may change depending on a number of factors. All I can tell you is what works for us now.

My wife and I have been playing at the Beau Rivage since 2003. This was before Katrina. We hardly ever play anything but video poker. In the beginning, I was a dollar player. I played mostly single line Jacks or Better. I played that game because Bob Dancer played it in his book. I never thought a casino like the Beau Rivage would comp our rooms. It's a nine hour drive from our home to the Beau. For this reason, we stayed three nights. I would get up at 5:00 AM and play solid until about 9 AM when my wife came down for breakfast. That's at least 3,000 hands. My wife and I would casino hop all day playing VP as we went. My wife only plays max coin quarters. We would return to the Beau about 3:00 PM and play until 8:00. Together, that's at least another 5,000 hands. Some days we would play at the Beau all day long. This went on for two whole days and a few half days. Our coin-in per day was at least $5,000 a day, often much more.

In 2008, I hit four single line royals in one day, three of them were $4,000 each. I also hit a nice pot shot jackpot messing around in the high limit room. Our net profit for that trip was over $12,000. After than, we started receiving offers on a regular basis. These offers always include airfare, rooms, free play, food credit and an occasionally show tickets. At that point, we started going on these trips every 2-3 months. We eventually gave all our profit back. This was no surprise. Making money has never been our motivation for playing video poker.

After a while, these trips started to get expensive. I moved to playing max coin quarters. This did not change our offers. We started to receive room offers from other casinos. I assume this occurred because casinos exchange name lists. We decided to combine vacations with VP about this time. We have driven all over the country casino hoping. We sometimes spend a week in Vegas or Reno. We always play video poker.

I am not an expert on comps. There is an expert here. He chooses not to answer my questions. That's his choice. My guess is this. If you want to receive offers like we do you must establish yourself as a player who plays a lot of hands. Once you get on one of these lists, you will receive other offers. You should go on as many as you can. The more you do, the more offers you will receive. I believe the magic number at the Beau Rivage is at least 5,000 hands of max coin VP a day. An MLife casino will allow a husband and wife to play on the same account, making this easier.

I don't play advantage games exclusively. I have communicated with people who do. They tell me our comps are far greater than theirs. If you continue to beat up the casino by playing only games when you have an advantage today, your comps will be cut. The fantasy that you can only play VP when you have an advantage and earn enough money to live a great lifestyle is just that.

There is no "free lunch" when it comes to comps. You either want good games or good comps. It's up to you to decide which one is more valuable.

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Post by Carcounter »

tech58 wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:46 am
FP,regarding your point about comps, i have tried more than once to stir up some interest in this very important subject, most recently in the Something To Think About thread.
Generated very minimal interest. No idea why.
Anybody have any idea of if comps are generous at the Ocean in AC? Thinking of taking a run at the 99.92% two pair Joker Wild in the high limit room. Beautiful property. A very hard game to master though.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I have only played in AC three times in my life. We got deathly sick each time we did. The last time, my wife nearly died. The Northeast is a gigantic petri dish of disease. Too many people in too small of a space. There isn't enough Clorox in the world to disinfect that place. Even their cats are getting the virus. The only way I would go back would be in a hazmat suit.

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Post by Carcounter »

Phil, I think you infected us. Just kidding. I don't think you made it to Ocean on your trip, I know you weren't to pleased with Borgata. Ocean is very spread out, lots of room between machines etc. I agree with your take if you look at the boardwalk casinos. With the exception of Ocean, I haven't played in them for years. They have always been a mess. If you think Borgata was bad, try one of the NYC casinos or Philly casinos.
