Site Suggestion

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Frank Kneeland
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Re: Site Suggestion

Post by Frank Kneeland »

Yes good job on the Hamlet butchery Bob.  Shakespeare is always a good target.My favorite bake&shacke was a Sporting Goods Store that ran the following ad.NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE DISCOUNT ON OUR WINTER TENTS!Richard III Act 1 Scene 1--Well not exactly, but it's really close.~FK

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Post by jim18 »

Ohio Bob, thanks for your posting.  I think that I agree with you that this website should have a mission and stick with it.  For example, this website might have as its mission the promotion of VP playing, and education.There is a forum topic currently going on where the postings have nothing to do with the category.  Why are people allowed to post off topic, unless the promotion of disagreement is the mission statement of this website?  Why does the webmaster allow this to continue?I don’t know anything about the background of people that post on this site.  And I doubt that I will take the time to read anyone’s profile to learn more about them.  As a result, I am in no position to have any bias against anyone poster.  I just want the postings to be interesting, and relative to the category.  Otherwise, why do we have categories.I joined this website as a gold member for one purpose.  And that purpose is to improve my VP gaming experience.  I do not care who I get my information from.  From reading some postings dealing with Bob Dancer, and from several emails between him and myself years ago, I would say that if I met Bob Dancer that I might dislike this person’s personality.  Regardless, if this person can help me to become a better VP player, then I will consider him a valuable source of information.  Likewise, I will continue to read the postings on this site in hopes of gaining more knowledge of a subject that interests me more than women and sex do.  Therefore, I truly must be crazy, old and an idealist.While I am at it.............have anyone else compared the hold strategy of this site to that of Bob Dancers “Win Poker” strategy?  I found several examples where the two were in disagreement.  Or at least, that is what I thought I saw.And, does anyone know why there are some games on this site, that have no training mode?Then, there is the question of pay back percentages for various games.  Where would I find the payback percentages for the games on this site, based on the default pay back tables that come with the games?Of course, this site allows me to compete with other players by showing me the top scores for the day.  What I do not understand is why is it that I can not be in training mode at the same time I am competing.  After all, the high scores for the day are not usually based on fine VP skills.  Rather, they are the result of unusual luck over a short period of time.

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Post by Webman »

All good feedback.If there are holds on this site that are different than Win Poker, there could be a good reason, but we'd need some examples with exact cards and pay tables to make any determination.Training mode is separate from the Top Scores for a number of reasons, one of which is that in training mode you can choose the cards you want dealt in order to learn about specific hands. Additionally, even though the cards you get are based on luck, I'm sure most people prefer some level of skill in earning a spot on the board.As for a forum topic that has strayed way off topic, please send me an email (forum @ if there is a real problem and I'll give it more immediate attention. Sometimes topics can drift a bit, and that's allowed as long as it's in good spirits. But if there's a real problem, it may have just been overlooked. We play it a little loose on staying on topic at times just for the sake of discussion. It's preferred that people stay on a topic since things are categorized for a reason.Education is certainly a goal around here, but so is entertainment. I believe both can happen without compromising the other.

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Post by EDC1977 »

Welcome to forum Jim. I think you'll find the information and users here quite helpful and entertaining. I learned from using winpoker 6.0. There are several books, software pkgs and online tutorials available. All claim to be top notch. You can judge for yourself as I cannot recommend one over another. As far as holds etc, you can visit other sites as well.   More than once, I've seen the posts stray off topic, myself included in that mix. It's a given so you shouldn't get upset if it happens.  Again, welcome to forum and enjoy!

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Post by jim18 »

Thanks for the welcome EDC1977.As to postings being off topic, I have no problem with it, as long as there is a point to it.  But, when the topic deteriorates into name calling or finger pointing of specific people, then I think the postings should be deleted.I read a magazine article not that long ago in which the writer of the article said that 19 times out of 20, a player would go broke, and lose his $3,000 bankroll.  Given, in the article were the facts that the player was playing correctly, at the 25 cent denomination, and was playing on a machine with a pay back schedule of at least 99 %.I found this article disturbing and depressing.  I wrote to a VP expert by the name of Basil Nestor.  He was not able to add anything to encourage me that the article was incorrect.What confuses me is that experts claim that if you are smart you are playing a high pay back machine, and you are doing so with near perfection.  The claim is that you will lose just a little bit of money each hour.  And over the long haul, you will come close to break even.  However, how does a person come close to break even, when they lose their bankroll 19 out of 20 times?

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Post by Eduardo »

I don't know what the statistics say, but 19 out of 20 with that bankroll seems far excessive. I play with much less money on quarter machines and bring money home much, much more often than 1 in 20. Closer to 1 in 2.
If it is talking about infinite play with no cashback, etc, then of course anything below 100% is going to go broke eventually.
I ran a simulation in VPW just now analyzing a $3,000 bankroll on quarters 9/7 Double Bonus. In any reasonable amount of play, it gave almost a ZERO chance of going broke and losing all $3,000.
But I find it funny that you are bringing this up in a topic about a mute button.

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Post by edog743 »

Lets stay on topic Eduardo 

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Post by BillyJoe »

I lose ALL the time lately on VP in casinos, regardless of the pay table.   Somebody must be winning..

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