The Blind Men and the Elephant

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Re: The Blind Men and the Elephant

Post by Vman96 »

I'm sure they picked up a couple in Ct. along the way too. . I should shoot a pic of a bank of 99% machines that stay empty at peak times and a line of people waiting to play another bank of 95% games.

Do those 99% machines earn points at the normal rate? If they don't that will turn a lot of gamblers off even if 99% machines with no comps should be a better long-term play.

From everything I read, Foxwoods and Mohegan should all be Class III.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I know Ct machines are class 3, I was just curious about the ones at the Peppermill. As to the points, at 500 bucks cycled through to earn just 1 point, I don't it matters too much to vp players. The no points machines still pay status points though. Neither will matter to me at all the way I am playing now. Just another flea on the dog's back.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I'm not into conspiracies, but it sure does get you thinking.  All the machines in Reno seem to be this way.  Sure you can lose, but the hands are just better.  It's like the East Coast machines are on a different program.   This is the first time we have ever had a chance to play near 100% games for very long.  Once you play them, you never want to go back.
Firstly, I am very glad Phil that you and your spouse had an enjoyable time.Secondly, The above statement/quoted post  from YOU essentially sums up exactly what I have been saying since I arrived here at this forum......-- I have said numerous times that Nevada (and specifically RENO) is, in my own personal experience and estimation, on a different level when it comes to its Video Poker....the games, machines, return %, actual performance, comps....EVERYTHING!-  I reported when I first arrived here that "back in the day" (i.e 1993 or so  all the way thru 2007-ish), I played almost exclusively in Nevada in either Reno or Vegas  and I reported consistently "NORMAL" results during this entire time, even having several (at least two that I recall, most likely three) YEARS where I turned a modest profit playing Video Poker, and this was with a healthy frequency of at least 3-4 fays per month (sometimes as many as 10 days) playing and staying in Vegas/Reno  throughout the period 1993 - 2007!-  I have maintained, and still do, that despite there being a handful of 99%+ games in AC at the various casinos, it is EXACTLY as you state in your post: (quoting PHIL)   "It's like the EAST COAST MACHINES are on a different program"!BAsically, in the case of AC and many of its machines at most of its 8 remaining casinos, this is entirely true in my experience and estimation.Again, glad you have found happiness......please try and maintain this good mindset and "ONLY"  do your serious playing in Nevada

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Post by FAA »

Beau Rivage in Biloxi is a good example.  The VP odds are the lowest in
the country, but that's only the tip of the iceberg.  It's like the quad
deuces and royals are intentionally programmed out.  I know people will say we're imagining things, but our results over the last
few years were so bad we gave up trying. Maybe they got their machines
from AC? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Way to kick us while we're down! Seriously, that is a great description of what has transpired at a former favorite. The damn progressive is usually a mere $10-$40 above the $1,000 JOB floor. Quads and sometimes full houses were like pulling teeth. I took my leave accordingly. It will be culture shock for you to leave Tampa behind too. But sentimentality doesn't fill a gas tank or wallet. Glad you set yourself straight!

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Post by FAA »

I have maintained, and still do, that despite there being a handful of
99%+ games in AC at the various casinos, it is EXACTLY as you state in
your post: (quoting PHIL)   "It's like the EAST COAST MACHINES are on a
different program"! Basically, in the case of AC and many of its
machines at most of its 8 remaining casinos, this is entirely true in my
experience and estimation.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ditto. 99% red ink for me on the rare occasion when I relent and think things will be improved this time, like last month's beat down. Options do exist and we can vote with our feet or wheels.

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Post by DAAnMAAn »

Video poker is a fickle mistress. Some days seems like you can't miss and other days can't hit a quad to save a life. So have to be careful about short term results and making conclusions about them. Having said that, obviously if you play a $1 9/6 JOB over a 8/5 JOB, you will have a better result over a period of time as you make an extra $5 on each full house and flush. Hitting, say., 20 full houses and 30 flushes in a session would be an extra $250 won, which makes a difference.
As far as more frequent royals, it shouldn't make a difference...but I do keep hearing from players that it does. It's a difficult thing to prove, but assuming it's the same class machine,... it's difficult thing to prove.
I think that casinos make money of over 100% payback machines...just not as much. Variance, mistakes, under bankrolled, all play a part. As vp players, if we started voting with our dollars due to tighter and tighter payttables, operators are forced to do two things: either take out vp, or improve the tables. I think they will do the later and make a$1000 a day instead of $1500 a day on the tighter tables, sort of speaking.
Ps at the casino I play at in Vegas, most of the players play the tighter games for the points and just don't lknow better.I play the looser payttables for more consistent wins. To each their own.

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Post by Vman96 »

I know Ct machines are class 3, I was just curious about the ones at the Peppermill. As to the points, at 500 bucks cycled through to earn just 1 point, I don't it matters too much to vp players. The no points machines still pay status points though. Neither will matter to me at all the way I am playing now. Just another flea on the dog's back.

All Nevada machines are supposed to behave like Class III (aka "strategy/paytables matter") video poker.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

The difference in pay tables is striking and you feel it immediately.  The Peppermill even has these odds in nickels if you are so inclined.  Also, the Peppermill offers multi-points days on  video poker.  There no such thing in Biloxi.  Wild Royal  -  Peppermill-125 coins vs. Beau Rivage-100 coins5-of-a-kind  -  Peppermill-80 coins vs. Beau Rivage-50 coinsStraight Flush - Peppermill-50 coins vs. Beau Rivage-40 coinsGet this, the Peppermill has a whole bank of machines labeled "tax free progressive" that pay $1199 for a royal.It takes all day to get to each casino from our home in Central Florida.  It's a no brainer as far as we're concerned. 

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Post by Mr.Dawes »

  This is the first time we have ever had a chance to play near 100% games for very long.  Once you play them, you never want to go back.
Glad you had a nice trip. Your post reminded me of my trip to Vegas last year. It was my first trip to Vegas in a decade and my only trip since I started playing VP seriously. I found 10/6 quarter DDB at the Palms. I hit 36 quads in two days and hit a Royal on the final hand  I played. Like you stated, "you never want to go back" to lower paytables.

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Post by FAA »

Like you stated, "you never want to go back" to lower pay tables. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I foolishly went back for the novelty of a chic new VP lounge in AC. That was a $40 mistake. Maybe I should have just observed some play beforehand.

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