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Post by olds442jetaway »

Just to expand my answer a little bit, I still say jealous bastards, but also a clear lack of conscience mostly brought about by the brainwashing done in their culture at a very early age.

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Post by billryan »

Just to expand my answer a little bit, I still say jealous bastards, but also a clear lack of conscience mostly brought about by the brainwashing done in their culture at a very early age.

Do you think our culture isn't brain washed?
How many here are ready and willing to die for their beliefs?

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Post by jetermacaw »

How many already have you twit.

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Post by notes1 »

according to the british newspaper, THE TIMES, april 11, 2016, citing a survey poll, 'more than 100,000 british muslims sympathise with suicide bombers and people who commit other terror acts'.

according to a poll conducted by the polling company for WOMANTREND, june 1010, 2015. 100% of those polled were muslim and 100% lived in the usa. among the results;

-33% said if there was a conflict, shariah law should be considered supreme, instead of the us constitution/bill of rights
-51% agree muslims in America should have the choice of being governed by shariah law
-25% agree 'violence against americans here in the usa can be justified as part of a global jihad'.

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Post by billryan »

Frank Gaffney lies, Bill O Reilly publishes it and keyboard commandos push their bull**** on websites where the remainder fall for it.     

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Post by billryan »

For those who don't know Gaffney is, just Google him.
He blames Soviet agents in the State Department for his failure to advance in it. Thinks Grover Norquist is the secret leader of the Moslem Brotherhood, thinks certain military badges have hidden Crescents in them- showing submission to Islam, thinks Saddam Hussein blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma, as well as the Towers and believes Bama is a foreign born Muslim.
Even the American Conservative Movement has banned him from their meetings, proof he claims of Muslim infiltration of American politics.

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Post by notes1 »

Frank Gaffney lies, Bill O Reilly publishes it and keyboard commandos push their bull**** on websites where the remainder fall for it.     

not one item on my post below came from Gaffney, o reilly or anyone else. simple research.

the islamic terrorist/soldier of isis in NICE, aimed his truck for a candy store, to kill as many children as possible. keep defending these barbarians.

reading/research is FUNdamental.

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Post by billryan »

Frank Gaffney and his company conducted the poll you quote. I guess your extensive research didn't turn that up.

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Post by billryan »

Media Explain That Frank Gaffney, Whose Poll Inspired Trump's Proposed Ban On Muslim Immigration, Is A "Notorious Islamophobe"

Research ›››

December 8, 2015 3:32 PM EST


Multiple media outlets documented the Islamophobic
and conspiratorial views of Frank Gaffney, the president and founder of
the right-wing Center for Security Policy (CSP), after Republican
presidential frontrunner Donald Trump cited a CSP poll to justify his
proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

Citing Frank Gaffney's Center For Security Policy, Trump Calls For A "Shutdown Of Muslims Entering The United States"
Trump Campaign Press Release Cites Poll From Center For Security
Policy In His Call For "Total And Complete Shutdown Of Muslims Entering
The United States." On December 7, Republican presidential
frontrunner Donald Trump's campaign issued a press release demanding an
end to Muslims entering America, citing a poll from Frank Gaffney's
Center for Security Policy:
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete
shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's
representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew
Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large
segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the
Center for Security Policy released data showing "25% of those polled
agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is
justified as a part of the global jihad" and 51% of those polled,
"agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed
according to Shariah." [The Daily Caller, 12/7/15]

Media Explain Gaffney Is An "Anti-Muslim Extremist" And A "Notorious Islamophobe"
CNN Host Alisyn Camerota: Frank Gaffney Is "A Conspiracy Theorist" And "A Known Islamophobe." On the December 8 edition of CNN's New Day,
co-host Alisyn Camerota criticized Donald Trump for citing a "wildly
flawed" poll by Frank Gaffney, who she noted "has been rejected from
conservative circles because he was a conspiracy theorist. He's a known
ALISYN CAMEROTA: What Donald Trump does so effectively,
Michael, is he takes a germ of an idea or a fact and turns it and makes
it his own. Such as with this -- he's basing all of this on this poll.
And the poll that he's talking about is wildly flawed. As Chris told
him, we would never use this poll in journalism. It's an online poll.
It's not a representative sample --
CHRIS CUOMO: It's who did the poll also.
CAMEROTA: And it's who did the poll, a guy named Frank Gaffney, who
has been rejected from conservative circles because he was a conspiracy
theorist. He's a known Islamophobe. [CNN, New Day, 12/8/15]

CNN's Jeff Zeleny: SPLC Lists Frank Gaffney As "One Of The Top Hate Members Of The Islam Faith." On the December 7 edition of CNN Tonight with Don Lemon,
CNN senior Washington correspondent Jeff Zeleny noted that Gaffney has
been listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as "one of the top
hate members of the Islam faith." Zeleny reported that the SPLC said
Gaffney's research is "not credible at all, actually. It's hate speech":
DON LEMON (HOST): He is citing stats in this, Jeff, so
what do you know about this Center for Security Policy, the group that
he's citing about these poll numbers with Muslims?
JEFF ZELENY: Well, first, the group. The group of itself, you know,
has such an innocuous-sounding name, the Center for Security Policy.
It's actually run by a former official from the Reagan Defense
Department, Frank Gaffney. And he is on the list of the Southern Poverty
Law Center, which tracks hate groups in America. He is one of the top
hate members of the Islam faith. They say that they are going to add his
group on to their list in 2016 of top hate groups. So they denounce all
of this. They denounce his research. They say that he simply has been
pushing this agenda here. And Donald Trump said that he knows him, he's a
friend of his. But using these numbers specifically in this speech,
they sound good, but at least the Southern Poverty Law Center, which all
we trust is a credible organization, says that it's not credible at
all, actually. It's hate speech. [CNN, CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, 12/7/15]

Washington Post: Frank Gaffney "Is Identified As An Anti-Muslim Extremist By The Southern Poverty Law Center." The Washington Post's
Philip Bump explained the flawed methodology of Gaffney's "very shoddy
poll" and pointed out that the Center for Security Policy, which paid
for the results, "likely sought poll numbers showing that a significant
number of Muslims were supportive of violence against the United
States." Bump also noted that Gaffney has been "identified as an
anti-Muslim extremist by the Southern Poverty Law Center":
The Center for Security Policy is an organization run by
Frank Gaffney, who is identified as an anti-Muslim extremist by the
Southern Poverty Law Center. The survey Trump cites was conducted
earlier this year on behalf of the organization.
The organization conducting the survey matters. There is no question
that the results of the survey -- which would certainly bear retesting
if accurate -- were influenced by the organization that paid for it. The
Center for Security Policy likely sought poll numbers showing that a
significant number of Muslims were supportive of violence against the
United States, and the center got what it paid for. [The Washington Post, 12/7/15]

BuzzFeed: Frank Gaffney Has Testified "That Islam Was Not A Religion" In Order To Prevent The Construction Of Mosques.
BuzzFeed News reported that Frank Gaffney "has testified in court on
behalf of those seeking to prevent the construction of mosques by
arguing that Islam was not a religion" and once presented a report to
Congress "implying that the Obama administration was 'promoting the same
totalitarian ideology and seditious agenda as al Qaeda'":
The Center for Security Policy is a conservative
think-tank that has long alleged that American Muslims are a threat to
U.S. security. Frank Gaffney, its founder and a former Reagan
era-assistant secretary of defense, has testified in court on behalf of
those seeking to prevent the construction of mosques by arguing that
Islam was not a religion. He's also written that President Barack Obama
"may still be" a Muslim, and was banned from the Conservative Political
Action Conference for alleging that its founder, activist Grover
Norquist, was an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Southern Poverty
Law Center describes Gaffney as "gripped by paranoid fantasies about
Muslims destroying the West from within."
Nevertheless, Gaffney has maintained some influence on Capitol Hill,
particularly among some House Republicans who share his views on Islam.
In 2010, Gaffney presented a report to several members of Congress
arguing that "radical Muslims are using Islamic law to subvert the
United States" and implying that the Obama administration was "promoting
the same totalitarian ideology and seditious agenda as al Qaeda[.]"
[BuzzFeed News, 12/7/15]

The Daily Beast: According To The SPLC Gaffney Is "Gripped By Paranoid Fantasies About Muslims Destroying The West From Within" The
Daily Beast's Gideon Resnick described the CSP poll as a "bunk poll"
and wrote that according to the SPLC, Gaffney is "'gripped by paranoid
fantasies about Muslims destroying the West from within,' including the
belief they want to institute Sharia law":
To back up his new outlandish claims, Trump cited vague
or outright false polling data he claims demonstrates "there is great
hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."
Among the bunk polls he cites is one from a group called the Center for
Security Policy, which is led by Frank Gaffney Jr., who has been
referred to as a "notorious Islamaphobe" by the Southern Poverty Law
Center. Gaffney Jr. is "gripped by paranoid fantasies about Muslims
destroying the West from within," including the belief they want to
institute Sharia law, SPLC reports.
Gaffney Jr. is perhaps best known for his public crusade against the
supposedly creeping influence of sharia Muslim law in American politics.
He and his cohorts peddle the conspiracy theory that leading
conservative anti-tax warrior Grover Norquist and Hillary Clinton aide
Huma Abedin are agents of the Muslim Brotherhood; and that President
Obama himself is being advised by radical Islamists.
Trump echoes Gaffney almost word for word.
"Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers
who won't convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great
harm to Americans, especially women," his campaign said in Monday's
statement. [The Daily Beast, 12/7/15]

MSNBC: Gaffney Is Known "For His Leading Role In The Anti-Sharia
Movement, Which Warns Of A Muslim Plot To Impose Radical Fundamentalist
Law." MSNBC reported that Gaffney's Center for Security Policy has
"been labeled extremist" by the SPLC and that Gaffney is "known for his
leading role in the anti-Sharia movement, which warns of a Muslim plot
to impose radical fundamentalist law along the lines of Saudi Arabia."
MSNBC further reported that "Gaffney was banned in 2011 from the
Conservative Political Action Conference" for "accusing its organizers
of secretly plotting with the Muslim Brotherhood":
In this case, Trump made the connection clear as day. His
proposal to ban Muslim entry into the U.S. cited research from the
Center for Security Policy, an organization led by conservative gadfly
Frank Gaffney that's been labeled extremist by the Southern Poverty Law
Center and has repeatedly clashed with other conservatives over its
Gaffney is a longtime conservative activist, more recently known for
his leading role in the anti-Sharia movement, which warns of a Muslim
plot to impose radical fundamentalist law along the lines of Saudi
Arabia. The movement is notorious for seeing Islamic conspirators behind
every tree, and Gaffney was banned in 2011 from the Conservative
Political Action Conference, the right's biggest activist showcase,
after accusing its organizers of secretly plotting with the Muslim
While Gaffney has been too hot for many Republicans to touch, Dr. Ben
Carson and Trump both attended a summit with him this year along with
Sen. Ted Cruz, former Sen. Rick Santorum, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby
Jindal. [MSNBC.com, 12/8/15]

New York Times: Gaffney "Has Claimed That President Obama Is Aligned With The Muslim Brotherhood," Which Has "Infiltrated" Various U.S. Political Institutions. The New York Times
reported that Gaffney "has claimed that President Obama is aligned with
the Muslim Brotherhood" and that Gaffney believes that "agents of the
Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the U.S. government, the Republican
Party and conservative political organizations." [The New York Times, 12/7/15]
BBC News: Gaffney Has "Called For Muslims To Be Investigated By A 'New And Improved' House Un-American Activities Committee." In
a December 8 article, BBC News reported that the Center for Security
Policy is "not very highly respected" and that Gaffney has been called
"one of America's most notorious Islamophobes" by the SPLC." BBC News
also noted that Gaffney has called for a "'new and improved' House
Un-American Activities Committee" to investigate Muslims:
Mr Gaffney Jr served in the Reagan administration during
the 1980s but left in 1988 to form the CSP, after his nomination as
assistant secretary of defence was rejected by the Senate.
"Once a respectable Washington insider," according to the Southern
Poverty Law Centre, which monitors US hate groups and extremists, Mr
Gaffney Jr became "one of America's most notorious Islamophobes", the
SPLC said.
Mr Gaffney Jr has repeatedly accused parts of America's Muslim
population of what he calls "civilisational jihad". He has also called
for Muslims to be investigated by a "new and improved" House Un-American
Activities Committee - a highly controversial Cold War-era body which
questioned and blacklisted US citizens accused of being communists. [BBC
News, 12/8/15]

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Post by notes1 »

you quote from MSNBC, DAILY BEAST, CNN, and other progressive media.

in a PEW RESEARCH CENTER survey of muslims in 39 countries, asking whether sharia law, should be he the law of that country, 25 of those countries polled 50% or higher in favor.

why do progressives support this group, same survey found nearly 70% of American muslims favor the dems and bigger government.

how do European countries view, the same group, 19% of brits, 24% both germans and French, 52% Spanish and 61% of Italians have an unfavorable view.

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