the speech

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Re: the speech

Post by olds442jetaway »

I have seen the dems send buses to the housing projects to give people rides to the polls and not only give out sandwiches and snacks, but cigarettes as well. I also talked to some of the people who took the buses. This was some years ago, but I got a kick out of my friend who not only rode the bus, but pulled the lever for Reagan, collected a few packs of cigarettes from non smokers on the bus, and sold them to the bait store later in the day to pay for his worms and a little fishing tackle for a fine day of fishing.

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Post by Carcounter »

Why don't you do it for me? Educate me.

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Post by billryan » ... ntry.aspxI apologize for not knowing how to link it directly.You'll notr that four times as many people think we are headed in the right direction as did in 2007, and that the highest percentages tha tought things wer egoing well was under the Clinton Administration.

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Post by DaBurglar »

[QUOTE=billryan] I'm glad I don't live in trumps America. That sounds like a horrible place to live.

really glad life is treating you so well. but, if you are coal worker, who has lost their job because the industry has been regulated out of business, one might feel different. or, if you lost your job to an illegal immigrant, or lost a family member/friend to a terrorist attack, or lost a cop friend who was murdered, or maybe one had a loved one who was harmed by an illegal criminal who took refuge in a sanctuary city, or were an unemployed black youth, you might feel different. these people are also part of trumps America. [/QUOTE]I will never understand how someone who claims to be as informed and intelligent as you do (and it is obvious you do have intelligence) can put forth such frivolous and weak arguments to justify something that DOES NOT require justification to begin with, namely YOUR own personal choice for president and your vote!      Dude, YOU do not need to make such weak arguments to justify voting for Trump......JUST DO IT!      Just go and DO what you really want to in your heart anyway.......I can, or could, present you with the most crystal clear, logical reasons why voting for Trump is an idiotic move, but it would not are going to vote republican no matter what;  you've rationalized yourself down to nothing.1)  Coal....seriously??   You choose Coal Workers as examples of people who will see improvement if Trump is elected?   On what basis?    Your bemoaning the "over regulation" of the coal industry is typical for the "base" of republican dogma, namely the die hard deniers of climate change who choose not to acknowledge or accept what the vast majority of scientists (as well as people of intelligence in general) KNOW to be true, that Coal is a dirty DIRTY form of energy whose day is DONE.   To continue to burn it en masse is fool hardy for the environment's well being......Even so, lets leave the environmental "elitist point of view" alone for a me where, ANYWHERE, that Mr Trump has indicated he gives one rats arse for the poor laid off (and mostly WHITE) Coal Workers in West Virginia, many  who now choose to spend their time abusing and becoming addicted to Opiates? (fact:  West Virginia and parts of Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina and several other nearby states and counties are Ground Zero for the so called "Opioid Epidemic", which has DRASTICALLY and DISPROPORTIONATELY affected middle, lower middle and upper middle class WHITE People far more than any other segment, to the extent that the leading cause of death NOW for white men aged 25 to 49 is Opiate Overdose!   Chew on that in your paradigm of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.....) 2)  "People who have LOST THEIR JOB to an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT".......I really have to ask exactly, and NO BS either please, just who or what it is you are referring to here?   Seriously, WHAT jobs exactly are being "Stolen" by illegals from hardworking "legit" americans???     Landscaping?    Dish washing?    Housekeeping (as in all those senorita's we see in our casino / hotels every morning when we get up to go lose at VP?)       This scenario you attempt to paint is pure baloney.....first off, if....IF a person truly is "ILLEGAL"  as to their Status in the USA, then it is extremely difficult and problematic for them to get a LEGITIMATE and Fair Job in the mainstream labor & employment just is.    That said, if a employer CHOOSES to hire someone they know or suspect is Illegal, or if a EMPLOYER chooses to FOREGO or skip the normal required checking to see if a applicant is Legal and in so doing ends up hiring an Illegal, then in THAT specific and limited scenario your issue or beef is with Employers and Hiring practices....we all know Employers who might hire Illegals do so primarily for the Cost benefits (lower salary, NO benefits to speak of required!)     That is why the PERCEPTION exists out there that it is SO EASY for illegal immigrants to acquire certain, SPECIFIC types of jobs, namely jobs that are NOT in great demand by "LEGAL" workers, i.e. Jobs that many Americans want NOTHING to do with so they get taken by Illegals, who will work for just about anything and anyone, anywhere.    Most "WHITE" moms and dads in suburbia do not want their young adult children flipping burgers at McDonalds or doing lawns around town......Seriously, this alarmist scenario you try to utilize is weak, very weak.   And again, other than the RIDICULOUS WALL (that huuuuge, so Huuuuge wall that MEXICO is going to pay for, GUARANTEED!) what has Mr Trump really proposed to do about THIS so called  issue?3)   People who have died or know someone killed by a "terrorist" in the USA......ah man.........seriously?        WHat is the President of the USA, either Obama or a prospective Trump as Prez. going to further do that is NOT already being done, to stop the TYPE of violence and attacks that you put forth as being terrorist in nature in the last 6-7 years???    Seriously, how does the President of the USA, whoever he or she is, stop lone wolf attacks perpetrated by individuals with axes to grind, psychological/criminal/emotional and substance abuse issues at work within their minds,  who are hell bent on SHARING their own personal misery with the rest of the world???     This is beyond ignorant to think that Mr Trump is really going to have anymore positive impact on this issue (as much as it actually IS an issue in the USA) than Obama or anyone else.Bombing some nut jobs in the middle of Iraq/syria, and then (ONCE AGIN) sending in a bunch of American Troops,  is NOT going to stop what we are now seeing  Taking place around the world......and YOU know this to be true.    Anyone with access to the internet and with the personal issues at work to make them vulnerable to these negative influences and feelings is a potential perpetrator of "terrorism" the WEST GERMAN authorities said of the 17 year old Afghan Immigrant who went nuts on a train with an AX, there is absolutely NO DEFENSE against this type of thing.

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Post by notes1 »

first article that came up after search was editorial, NY TIMES, 12/03/13. 1.2 billion people around the world do not have access to electricity. cut off cheap energy and many will suffer. if a country is too poor to have electricity, they probably cannot afford solar panels.

I believe black youth unemployment is about 50%. yes, those low wage jobs that are being taken by illegals are an important job source for people just staring out. doesn't mater the color of one's skin, these lawn mowing, dishwasher, yardwork, fast food are how many of us got started. and, it is the source of a second job for many others in need of income. painters, house building, blue collar jobs are being given to those who take a lower wage and send the money to mexico. and, these are not jobs that could be out sourced to a different country.

how many terror attacks have occurred in Europe, the very model the left wants us to be? we need to regulate those coming here, get rid of those who over stay their visas and secure our borders. we cannot allow illegal criminals safe harbor in sanctuary cities.

I never claimed to be informed or intelligent, there is only one poster here who does that with regularity. I live in the real world, there are only two choices and both stink. you have not even voted in the last three elections.

you have stated your disdain for war/conflict, who do you think is more likely to want to prove that wearing a pant suit will not stop her from being as tough as a man.

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Post by ko king »

first article that came up after search was editorial, NY TIMES, 12/03/13. 1.2 billion people around the world do not have access to electricity. cut off cheap energy and many will suffer. if a country is too poor to have electricity, they probably cannot afford solar panels.

I believe black youth unemployment is about 50%. yes, those low wage jobs that are being taken by illegals are an important job source for people just staring out. doesn't mater the color of one's skin, these lawn mowing, dishwasher, yardwork, fast food are how many of us got started. and, it is the source of a second job for many others in need of income. painters, house building, blue collar jobs are being given to those who take a lower wage and send the money to mexico. and, these are not jobs that could be out sourced to a different country.

how many terror attacks have occurred in Europe, the very model the left wants us to be? we need to regulate those coming here, get rid of those who over stay their visas and secure our borders. we cannot allow illegal criminals safe harbor in sanctuary cities.

I never claimed to be informed or intelligent, there is only one poster here who does that with regularity. I live in the real world, there are only two choices and both stink. you have not even voted in the last three elections.

you have stated your disdain for war/conflict, who do you think is more likely to want to prove that wearing a pant suit will not stop her from being as tough as a man.

Fishing and playing golf for a few days but it seems like something went down in Germany today.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I never claimed to be informed or intelligent, there is only one poster here who does that with regularity. I live in the real world, there are only two choices and both stink. you have not even voted in the last three elections.

.Your disdain for people of "intelligence" is absolutely ridiculous....I am not even going to ask you to expound or explain this ......a typical response of people who are "Comfortable" or "set" with their beliefs is to mock and disparage people who CHOOSE to be informed and make intelligent, logical NON-hypocritical decisions.    One thing I have NEVER EVER said, which you seemingly equate with what I HAVE in fact said, is this:   I do NOT even begin to possess all the right answers or solutions to what ails society or the world;   I never said I was, nor claim to be ALWAYS right......but what I am is intent on being as INFORMED as I can possibly be, and I intend to avoid making obviously stupid or irrational or harmful decisions about ANYTHING.    And this is neither difficult nor "Special"......more often than not the WRONG thing to do is far more obvious than the Right thing......Final question:  DO you or do you NOT believe that there are people out there more intelligent, more intellectually capable, than others?   Simple question.......

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Post by notes1 »

your simple questions rarely have a simple answer.

many on the left believe the person with the most letters after their name is the smartest. they believe society should follow the recommendations of the smartest, after all, they are the smartest. yet, we have all witnessed the smartest make some of the dumbest blunders.

there are a variety of smarts, including street smarts. criminals who know how to take advantage of human tendencies, are likely pretty smart. I personally witnessed some of the most intelligent people make poor decisions, that contributed to the financial crisis, and their own financial demise.

while society needs folks who possess all the different kinds of smarts, i am more impressed by those who are smart enough to know their own limitations and when to call for assistance.

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Post by Tedlark »

Yeah notes, how do ya like DEM apples???

Said of course in my best Haavaadd drawl.....

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Post by notes1 »

I consider being clever just another form of smarts.

living in a town that is among the most liberal in America, along with having one of the highest percentage per residents, of college educated folks in the country, I have had the unfortunate pleasure of attending countless social engagements. many of these very intelligent people have the absolute worst social skills I have ever encountered.

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